Court Rules Gay Employees Not Protected Under Civil Rights Law

Please stop. We have a topic here.

Not really, there's never been a serious societal discussion of whether or not there will be some form of oppression in america once euros made land fall. All we've ever had is bickering over who can and will be included in the ledger of the oppressed.
Okay, so what's next? How does the gay lobby advance this part of the agenda?
Okay, so what's next? How does the gay lobby advance this part of the agenda?

EXACTLY what agenda do they have that is different or special compared to what the rest of the population has, enjoys and is entitled to?

Please be exact, with links.
Glad to see the courts are upholding the LAW, instead of pandering to special interests.
I wouldn't hire or fire based on homosexuality unless the person was flamboyant. That personality type does not fit my line of work. But transgenders have ZERO chance of being considered by me. I would never hire someone with those kind of mental problems.
I wouldn't hire or fire based on homosexuality unless the person was flamboyant. That personality type does not fit my line of work. But transgenders have ZERO chance of being considered by me. I would never hire someone with those kind of mental problems.
And flamboyant heteros?
Yes and it is the correct ruling as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't include sexuality as a protected class at the federal level.

Yeah, I'm not seeing where this is any kind of setback or "breaking news".
In a setback for gay rights
How come it is never presented as "In a big win for normal people".
The entire apparatus is geared toward ANYTHING anti-White or anti-straight errrrgo...Normal!
This is great news.
So....blacks or women aren't "normal people"?

Blacks and women have positively identifiable characteristics. Visual, genetic and blood tests allow us to positively ID them as such. This ability to positively ID a group permits us (society) to establish firm a delineation between groups. Now, I have my own arguments against this but that is another argument.
However, with regard to the gay community. Until we have something that can positively ID this group. A marker, a physical characteristic (Brain structure, hormone, hormone precursor)...something. Then the precedent would be set which would open the gate for ANY number of abuses. What would be the limit? Postive, afirmative, delineation...the sodomites do not have this.
Why do gays need a physical characteristic? BTW, ever heard of black people "passing"?

Not only that, but a whole lot of things not distinguishable by appearance are covered by Title II of the CRA.
In a setback for gay rights
How come it is never presented as "In a big win for normal people".
The entire apparatus is geared toward ANYTHING anti-White or anti-straight errrrgo...Normal!
This is great news.

If you were "normal" you wouldn't have had to leverage violence, force, and "the law" to shove your perceptual reality upon humankind in the Americas and beyond. Yours is merely another authoritarian system.
Please take the time to separate 'me', Heil Hitler, from whatever perceived power group which you are referring to. Your phrasing is a bit muddied.

Have you noticed your screen name?

There's the proof that you are anything BUT normal.
I wouldn't hire or fire based on homosexuality unless the person was flamboyant. That personality type does not fit my line of work. But transgenders have ZERO chance of being considered by me. I would never hire someone with those kind of mental problems.

Says the alcoholic ex con...

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