COVID-19: Facts vs. Panic

The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.
The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.

I understand what your wife is dealing with and tell her to be careful because the Coronavirus 19 is contagious as can be which the two of you know...

Right now we lack the true leadership to calm the fears and in a Election year this has become political when it should be about saving the lives of the elderly and sick.

In the end the death toll will be low but what I fear is when a real Pandemic come our society will just say " just like 2020 Pandemic " and we will be caught with our pants down...

As for your wife, well please keep her safe and tell her those like me are proud of her and thank her for her service.

I give nurses hell but they have to put up with so much and the threat of dying from a Pandemic or disease daily is hard on them.

So I truly thank her and your daughter for all they are doing and when it is over the World should thank them for being brave and I mean all the medical community...
I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Okay, that's a much more mature and intelligent response than your first juvenile response, which feigned cluelessness about the obvious (and entirely valid) point.

Now, to your point: The WHO has repeatedly noted that about 80% of the corona cases have been mild, and this is among people who have experienced any symptoms at all. This is not counting the untold numbers--probably very large numbers--of people who have experienced no symptoms and did not even know they had it.

If the media and Democratic politicians would stop scaring the daylights out of people with misleadingly incomplete information, people would not rush to the hospital at the first sign of sniffles or a sore throat or headaches, which is what is happening in many areas.

The media and Democratic politicians have succeeded in starting a panic stampede, and it is hard to resist joining a stampede. No one wants to appear careless, unconcerned, or casual. No one wants to seem insensitive and irresponsible. So right now governments and politicians are trying to outdo each other in over-reacting to the virus, and this needless panic is causing great damage to our economy.
The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.

Italy has their version of medicare for all. does that help you understand why they are having a hospital shortage?
The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.

Italy has their version of medicare for all. does that help you understand why they are having a hospital shortage?

If we had the percentage of cases that Italy does we we have the same if not worse shortages. We are already pretty much at capacity with just the normal day to day reasons to be in the hospital.
The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.

Italy has their version of medicare for all. does that help you understand why they are having a hospital shortage?

If we had the percentage of cases that Italy does we we have the same if not worse shortages. We are already pretty much at capacity with just the normal day to day reasons to be in the hospital.

that is only true in a few places. NY and Los Angeles in particular, thats why Trump sent the two Navy hospital ships to those places.

My point about Italy is valid and we would be in the same situation today if we were under any of the dem medicare for all plans.

Why do you think Italy has such a high percentage of cases? Could it be because they did not stop travel from China when we did? Or because they did not limit social gatherings when we did?

The USA is doing the right things to manage this. Stop the partisan bullshit and become part of the solution, not an asshole making things worse.
that is only true in a few places. NY and Los Angeles in particular, thats why Trump sent the two Navy hospital ships to those places.

It would be true everywhere. Do you think the little country hospitals could handle and extra 10 patients needing isolation?

you have no idea what you are talking about.

My point about Italy is valid and we would be in the same situation today if we were under any of the dem medicare for all plans.

Why do you think Italy has such a high percentage of cases? Could it be because they did not stop travel from China when we did? Or because they did not limit social gatherings when we did?

The USA is doing the right things to manage this. Stop the partisan bullshit and become part of the solution, not an asshole making things worse.

you are the one bring up the Dems and then you tell me to stop the partisan bullshit when I have not even mentioned one fucking word about politics.

How do you live with such a lack of integrity?
that is only true in a few places. NY and Los Angeles in particular, thats why Trump sent the two Navy hospital ships to those places.

It would be true everywhere. Do you think the little country hospitals could handle and extra 10 patients needing isolation?

you have no idea what you are talking about.

My point about Italy is valid and we would be in the same situation today if we were under any of the dem medicare for all plans.

Why do you think Italy has such a high percentage of cases? Could it be because they did not stop travel from China when we did? Or because they did not limit social gatherings when we did?

The USA is doing the right things to manage this. Stop the partisan bullshit and become part of the solution, not an asshole making things worse.

you are the one bring up the Dems and then you tell me to stop the partisan bullshit when I have not even mentioned one fucking word about politics.

How do you live with such a lack of integrity?

Does your anti-Trump position not make you someone aligned with the dems? I think pretending to be neutral when you are a raving lib/dem is a sign of zero integrity.

I think you seem to be fairly intelligent, so it is interesting that you are taken in by the left wing media lies and misleading comments.

you said "it would be true everywhere" but its not. the USA is controlling this better than any other country, its amazing how so many americans are pulling for our country to fail. I do not understand that. Is politics the only thing that matters any more?
Does your anti-Trump position not make you someone aligned with the dems? I think pretending to be neutral when you are a raving lib/dem is a sign of zero integrity.

No, it does not. What "Dem/Lib" positions do I put forth?

I think you seem to be fairly intelligent, so it is interesting that you are taken in by the left wing media lies and misleading comments.

What points have I gotten wrong?

you said "it would be true everywhere" but its not. the USA is controlling this better than any other country, its amazing how so many americans are pulling for our country to fail. I do not understand that. Is politics the only thing that matters any more?

How is explaining why we are doing what we are doing as a country pulling for the country to fail? I did my best to explain why we are tying to "flatten the curve". How is that a bad thing? Where did I go wrong? Where did I once say something political other than to bash ObamaCare?
Does your anti-Trump position not make you someone aligned with the dems? I think pretending to be neutral when you are a raving lib/dem is a sign of zero integrity.

No, it does not. What "Dem/Lib" positions do I put forth?

I think you seem to be fairly intelligent, so it is interesting that you are taken in by the left wing media lies and misleading comments.

What points have I gotten wrong?

you said "it would be true everywhere" but its not. the USA is controlling this better than any other country, its amazing how so many americans are pulling for our country to fail. I do not understand that. Is politics the only thing that matters any more?

How is explaining why we are doing what we are doing as a country pulling for the country to fail? I did my best to explain why we are tying to "flatten the curve". How is that a bad thing? Where did I go wrong? Where did I once say something political other than to bash ObamaCare?

spin all you wish, gator, you always take the left position on every topic. Maybe its just to stir debate and if that, at least be honest about it.

I am not the first to out you on this. your bias is obvious.
spin all you wish, gator, you always take the left position on every topic. Maybe its just to stir debate and if that, at least be honest about it.

I am not the first to out you on this. your bias is obvious.

and yet no a single one of you fucks can give even one fucking example...weird.

Lets stick to just this thread, what lefty position did I take in it?

was it me blaming ObamaCare for the shity shape our hospitals are in?
spin all you wish, gator, you always take the left position on every topic. Maybe its just to stir debate and if that, at least be honest about it.

I am not the first to out you on this. your bias is obvious.

and yet no a single one of you fucks can give even one fucking example...weird.

Lets stick to just this thread, what lefty position did I take in it?

was it me blaming ObamaCare for the shity shape our hospitals are in?

you are clearly anti-Trump. is that not a lefty position? You are correct about obozocare, it was the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, and was passed in the most corrupt fashion by dems only. Funny, but Harry Reid's rule changes are now biting the dems in the ass.
you are clearly anti-Trump. is that not a lefty position?

It is a position that the left holds, but it is not a lefty position. Most of my complaints about Trump have to do with him being too far left.
Do you have a point?
Can you read?

Yep, very well in fact.

Why do you ask?

The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

The hysteria is driven by the democrat controlled media who view this as an opportunity to take out Trump.

MSNBCNN - an army of smarmy..
The point was the actual percentage ( if China number are accurate ) of people dying from this Virus will be low and the hysteria over this is head scratching to say the least.

Why, thanks. I am glad someone understood it.

I do not think it is just about the number of people that die, but more the number of people that get sick enough to require hospitalization. We are trying to avoid what happened in Italy and have our healthcare system overwhelmed.

Most people do not realize how precarious our healthcare system really is. Most hospitals are already close to their max load based upon personnel levels. They literally do not have the staffing to manage an explosion in high risk patients.

Thanks to the damage done by ObamaCare most hospitals have already came close to doubling their nurse to patient ratio over the last decade, they truly do not have the nurses to handle much more.

As we are finding out they do not have the equipment to handle such things either. Two days ago my wife had two patients on isolation with "suspected positive" for COVID waiting for the official results of the test. She also had a 3rd "normal" patient. These are high acuity patients in a PCU. One of the patients in isolation needed a rapid response team and one of the team members refused to enter the room because she did not have what she felt was the proper mask.

I am personally against the government making businesses close even though I understand the logic behind it. While I do think that those on the left go to far with this, those on the right are trying too hard to hard to go the other is almost always the case the right answer falls between the two extremes.

Italy has their version of medicare for all. does that help you understand why they are having a hospital shortage?

If we had the percentage of cases that Italy does we we have the same if not worse shortages. We are already pretty much at capacity with just the normal day to day reasons to be in the hospital.

We do things differently with a lot more out patient and urgent care focus. When everything is "free" there is no need to conserve. So in countries with "Medicare for All", everyone goes to the hospital for everything.
We do things differently with a lot more out patient and urgent care focus. When everything is "free" there is no need to conserve. So in countries with "Medicare for All", everyone goes to the hospital for everything.

This is true, it is one of the reasons we have reduced capacity in the hospitals themselves.
We do things differently with a lot more out patient and urgent care focus. When everything is "free" there is no need to conserve. So in countries with "Medicare for All", everyone goes to the hospital for everything.

This is true, it is one of the reasons we have reduced capacity in the hospitals themselves.

And rightly so. The runs we do have on hospitals are due mostly to "free services" to illegal aliens and the disconnect between cost and copay. Kaiser does video appointments, which work quite well. By people NOT going to the hospital, less spread of contagions.
We do things differently with a lot more out patient and urgent care focus. When everything is "free" there is no need to conserve. So in countries with "Medicare for All", everyone goes to the hospital for everything.

This is true, it is one of the reasons we have reduced capacity in the hospitals themselves.

And rightly so. The runs we do have on hospitals are due mostly to "free services" to illegal aliens and the disconnect between cost and copay. Kaiser does video appointments, which work quite well. By people NOT going to the hospital, less spread of contagions.

Some people need the hospital. A local COVID patient went from 3 liters of O2 via nasal cannula to a Vent in less than 24 hours.
We do things differently with a lot more out patient and urgent care focus. When everything is "free" there is no need to conserve. So in countries with "Medicare for All", everyone goes to the hospital for everything.

This is true, it is one of the reasons we have reduced capacity in the hospitals themselves.

And rightly so. The runs we do have on hospitals are due mostly to "free services" to illegal aliens and the disconnect between cost and copay. Kaiser does video appointments, which work quite well. By people NOT going to the hospital, less spread of contagions.

Some people need the hospital. A local COVID patient went from 3 liters of O2 via nasal cannula to a Vent in less than 24 hours.

That's right. 1 out of 10,000 indeed do. The rest can be treated through other means. The attacks on our health system are inaccurate and unjustified. We have a superb delivery system. Hospitals simply are not the heart of it.

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