COVID-19: Facts vs. Panic

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - Ben Franklin. Sound advice:
The US is testing everyday.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “
Is the US going to mandate everyone get tested?
That would be the only way to get true numbers.
Otherwise only hypochondriacs and the really sick will get tested. People that have no symptoms or mild cases will not get tested.
The US is testing everyday.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “
Is the US going to mandate everyone get tested?
That would be the only way to get true numbers.
Otherwise only hypochondriacs and the really sick will get tested. People that have no symptoms or mild cases will not get tested.
He doesn't want to know....His politics demand that he choose panic over facts.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - Ben Franklin. Sound advice:

If you told him what you consider a reasonable tax rate, he would have shoved a blade into your stomach.

And twisted it back and forth.
The US is testing everyday.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “
Is the US going to mandate everyone get tested?
That would be the only way to get true numbers.
Otherwise only hypochondriacs and the really sick will get tested. People that have no symptoms or mild cases will not get tested.
He doesn't want to know....His politics demand that he choose panic over facts.

These idiots who watch CNN/MSNBC etc. are the most misinformed people on the planet.
What they repeatedly leave out in this "testing crises" :rolleyes: is that the tests those nations were performing were not perfected, and gave both false positives and false negatives. It is MORE dangerous to perform those tests than not at all. That's a fact.
Hospitals are testing, but they are not testing every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes in the ER convinced they have CV-19 despite their symptoms are nothing like it. That is a waste of time and resources.
CNN/MSNBC just wants to make Trump look bad. That is their ONLY mission.
Do you have a point?

I apologize, but the OP was intended for people with basic reading and comprehension skills. Although most people might be amazed at your failure to grasp the obvious point, I will not pile on by questioning your intelligence. Perhaps a comic book forum would be a better place for you to browse.
The point's moronic to use the spread of the virus in a totalitarian state like China as a metric. Two, given the enormity of the economic impact being made around the world in order to minimize the spread does the % of people in China who got infected matter? Absolutely fucking not.

Why must we see Trumpleton's continue to drone on about this being a hoax when we are so far past that? If we adopted their, and Trump's, "what, me worry, nothing to see here" approach we'd end up with 10% of the world's population getting it, 20% of those requiring hospitalization, and somewhere around 1.5% dying. Please, Trumpette's, take your heads out of your asses. You're depriving your brains of oxygen.
Oh STFU! YOU MORON.... While this is a rare moment in time where neighbors can come together and look out for each other...Morons like you just have to denigrate, and name call like a child. You are a shit stain on this planet.

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You must have missed the poll released yesterday showing more people correctly trust the media than they do the Liar-in-Chief when it comes to info about the virus. When are you going to accept that Trump lies all the time.......about everything.........all the time? Here's an example.

Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.
You stupid fuck! I can't believe that three plus years into the era of Trump, and you don't understand his thought processes....say, tell me do you have an R, and L on the toe of your shoes so you know what feet they go on? You fucking imbecile...

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This is our 911 ppl gawd dam wake uup it's to take our RIGHTS ANDN FREEDOMS!!

If this crisis doesn't convince you there's a media bias, NOTHING will !

This is the biggest mass hysteria media scare since the War of the Worlds.

There is far more to be feared in government response than in the bug itself.

thankfully some of you get this.....

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out.
China was able to contain the coronavirus because they quarantined 30 million people and began massive testing.

The US has not been testing at all, so we have no idea how far and wide the virus is. It has been spreading completely unabated.

Trump did not take this pandemic seriously until he was told he could no longer hold his campaign rallies.
China sure cares about their citizens and so much better off than Americans.


Oh, right. You could move, but curiously won't.

Have you ever tried to look at the difference between people trying to float to America from Cuba as opposed to the other way around?

Of course not.

I think there was that BLACK woman that escaped to Cuba after murdering a cop. I am guessing she is big hero to you and probably have a t shirt with her name next to a che guevara shirt, don't you? Assata Olugbala Shakur, isn't that her name? Loser?

So, you think China (just so we are clear) was really honest from the get go and you are claiming NOW that Trump should have sealed the borders all along?

Were you saying all of this while you losers fixed on the two fake collusion charges? Show us your posts or any democrat calling for sealing the borders back in December.

You must have lots of examples.


Hey g5000, you are a loser.
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The US is testing everyday.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us
The US lags just about every developed country on testing for Covid-19 disease.
America’s shamefully slow coronavirus testing threatens all of us

Accurate testing is critical to stopping an outbreak: When one person gets a confirmed diagnosis, they can be put in isolation where they won’t spread the disease further. Then their contacts can be identified and put into quarantine so they don’t spread the virus if they’ve become infected, too. That’s particularly important for a virus like this one, which seems able to spread before people show symptoms, or when their symptoms are mild.

Ever since the first case of Covid-19 was detected in the US on January 20, the government’s blunders in creating and distributing diagnostic testing have greatly handicapped our response to the growing pandemic. Eaker’s story is not unique: Reports suggest providers everywhere are struggling to help their patients, while receiving frustrating guidance from authorities.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease scientist, called the testing situation a “failing” at a congressional hearing on Thursday.

“The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it — we’re not set up for that,” he said. “Do I think we should be? Yes. But we’re not. “
Do you have a point?

I apologize, but the OP was intended for people with basic reading and comprehension skills. Although most people might be amazed at your failure to grasp the obvious point, I will not pile on by questioning your intelligence. Perhaps a comic book forum would be a better place for you to browse.

So, you had no point.

Think of all the typing you could have said by just admitting the obvious.
I understand President Trump doing what he is doing now, but his instincts are 99% correct and he called it a hoax from the start. And it is a hoax. Devastating economic damage as a result of the overpaid state and local politicians!

It's that easy, huh.

Outstanding. Let's do it again next month. How's the 15th?
Do you have a point?

Imagine that. Three different posters responded to the question, zero of them answered it.

the point of the OP is obvious. that you dims can't get it is understandable.

Aaaaaand yet another post fails to figure out what the point was. I'm thinking the OP was hoping somebody else could find a point in it, as he never came back, except once to demonstrate:

Pogo's First Law of Pointability: If you can't articulate your point --- you never had one.
Still waiting for the TONS of examples of democrats and their stupid sheep calling for Trump to seal the borders back in December.

Show us where you called for Trump to shut down all travel from China and other Asian countries.

You obviously have lots of examples of claims from democrats and the left wing media.

For some reason I seem to recall the media focused on the fake useless court costs for their 3 year long coup attempt over fake collusion.

Could have been money spent other places, like paying workers who will now need relief from the quarantines.

So, any of you demented losers going to post the massice claims from you, the democrat losers you vote for or the mass media calling for Trump to ban all travel immediately from Asia?

You are all losers and since pogo is a white left wing woman, someone needs to tell her what hypocrisy means.

Just Imagine if The Democrats had taken all the money they wasted on their COUP x 3, and put that in to Border Security. We are talking $100s of Millions of Dollars they wasted over the past 4 years.
This is a basic math problem. Gov't trying to gauge what all the variables are.

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