COVID-19 panic buying: Toilet paper, essentials fly off shelves again

Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.

LOL. Change the narrative..OK..sure.
Well, Biden won. Trump lost.
Biden is President elect..are you with me so far?
At noon on 1/20/2021 Biden is El Prez...until then, he has the power to do..well, not much.
But so far, he's showing more leadership than the current golfing powerhouse...well, you know. :)
No, this is all on Biden. Why hasn’t he fixed it?

Biden isn't fixing shite. He is a Cabal puppet.
I know that. I’m just throwing back the shit that was thrown at actual Americans for the past four years.
Jack-off no trades will just tizzy on.

Yes it wasn't specifically aimed at you but agreeing with you brother. Letting these horses asses know how idiotic they are. :D I am fed up with their sht and time to move into fight mode!
Think its bad now, and will wait for the next shipment to come in? Wrong. On the 29th, Truckers are going on strike. They are refusing to deliver anything, anywhere, no matter what it is.

Meanwhile, those who hoard TP are just stupid people. If yer gonna hoard, get non perishable foods and bottled water. Don't forget your pets food either.
I was just going to bring the trucker strike up. Should get interesting next week. I personally think they are doing it too soon, but that is just me...

Where y'all getting this "trucker strike" malarkey?
Striking against who? JB Hunt?
With COVID-19 cases surging across the US, panic buying is back in vogue — as evidenced by a sea of empty shelves in supermarkets across the nation in scenes reminiscent of earlier this year, according to reports.

The rush on food, toilet paper, sanitizing products and other essentials comes amid a series of new lockdown measures after states reported record daily spikes in cases this month, the Daily Mail reported.

Twenty states have reported all-time highs in deaths as the nation grapples with an average of more than 148,000 new cases a day and 1,120 daily deaths in the past week, according to the outlet.
I went early this morning and bought toilet paper, paper towels, etc. because I was low. I didn't think anything of it. I bought it. It was there.

I go up to Walmart to some grocery shopping and they are out. So, people are back to panic buying.

Oh shit, not again... people just stop!!
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)
Who brainwashed your feeble mind into believing that?
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

So if Trump is to blame for the fall spikes in the United States. Who do you blame for the fall spikes in almost every country in the northern hemisphere?

This spike the health officials because they know science and it appears you know nothing. Blame less sun in the fall, blame the increase in indoor activities and less outdoor activities. Again, science.
With COVID-19 cases surging across the US, panic buying is back in vogue — as evidenced by a sea of empty shelves in supermarkets across the nation in scenes reminiscent of earlier this year, according to reports.

The rush on food, toilet paper, sanitizing products and other essentials comes amid a series of new lockdown measures after states reported record daily spikes in cases this month, the Daily Mail reported.

Twenty states have reported all-time highs in deaths as the nation grapples with an average of more than 148,000 new cases a day and 1,120 daily deaths in the past week, according to the outlet.
I went early this morning and bought toilet paper, paper towels, etc. because I was low. I didn't think anything of it. I bought it. It was there.

I go up to Walmart to some grocery shopping and they are out. So, people are back to panic buying.
The store shelves around here are not empty.
The toilet paper shortage is directly related to the amount of fake ballots that were printed up.
I still have 48,732 rolls left over from the last shortage.

I'm good.

I use leaves if I have to.:D

I use bunny rabbits

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