COVID-19 panic buying: Toilet paper, essentials fly off shelves again

Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

There is something wrong with all of us. But not to worry, we just voted it out.

The weird thing about toilet paper (of all things, REALLY? TOILET PAPER???) is that it all derives from a hoax newspaper clipping from the 1980s. Has no basis in logic. Never did.

Well, blaming COVID on Trump indicates that there is something wrong with you.

Tornado season, ice storm coming? Toilet paper, beer, chocolate.

Might try actually reading the post.
On my screen it says, quote,
"maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020 "

That's a cut-and-paste. It's about negligence. Negligence the rest of us all know about.
You were going to suggest he DID take it seriously? He didn't even claim that, he told Woodward the opposite.

Again. It's handled by the states. Further, it's going to come back again and again.

Going full Rumpbot now? :wtf:
It's handled by governors and local ordinances but the country's leadership comes from the top.
That is, when we have something akin to normal people leading.

When you've got a fascist prick exhorting ProudBoy types to kidnap and execute the governor, that's not leadership. That's sabotage.

I got you. What you needed was someone to stand there and look "presidential". Can't do a damn thing but just that presence why................that would have made you warm and fuzzy.

No. It's not just "handled" by governors--it's directed by the states. At best, the federal government can provide funding.................and some supplies.

Which it failed to do. Among other failures.

As I recall the USS Mercy and USS Comfort were sent to major cities to offer assistance, breathalyzers were sent where needed, hospitals were funded, and many other things.

The only failure was governors who sent COVID positive patients to nursing homes and refusing to utilize the help sent to them.


The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.

National lockdown was never on the table. That was right wingers parroting that.
Again, leadership comes from the top down...
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.
Think its bad now, and will wait for the next shipment to come in? Wrong. On the 29th, Truckers are going on strike. They are refusing to deliver anything, anywhere, no matter what it is.

Meanwhile, those who hoard TP are just stupid people. If yer gonna hoard, get non perishable foods and bottled water. Don't forget your pets food either.
I was just going to bring the trucker strike up. Should get interesting next week. I personally think they are doing it too soon, but that is just me...

Where y'all getting this "trucker strike" malarkey?
Striking against who? JB Hunt?
Saw it somewhere..can't remember where though. Saw it quite a few times. Reminders that the 29th is the day they park their trucks and not budge. I THINK they said it was to show their support of counting every vote? Or it could be the lockdowns. Not sure which. Just remembered the date cuz I wanted to get some TP myself. Last time, I had to tear paper towels into quarters. Got napkins too. It was over a month before our stores here had TP.
The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.
Cuz a parrot has a teeny tiny brain and can only echo what little teeny tiny bit it can retain.
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.

LOL. Change the narrative..OK..sure.
Well, Biden won. Trump lost.
Biden is President elect..are you with me so far?
At noon on 1/20/2021 Biden is El Prez...until then, he has the power to do..well, not much.
But so far, he's showing more leadership than the current golfing powerhouse...well, you know. :)
The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.

Coward. Seriously. Put someone on ignore on an Internet message board?
You born after 1995? LOL.

Say something of value...besides your full of shit worship of the cult of 45.
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)
Really? and I guess the virus also spreading back across Europe and everywhere else is also his fault?

the disease is going to spread---------until and if we develop herd immunity.
With COVID-19 cases surging across the US, panic buying is back in vogue — as evidenced by a sea of empty shelves in supermarkets across the nation in scenes reminiscent of earlier this year, according to reports.

The rush on food, toilet paper, sanitizing products and other essentials comes amid a series of new lockdown measures after states reported record daily spikes in cases this month, the Daily Mail reported.

Twenty states have reported all-time highs in deaths as the nation grapples with an average of more than 148,000 new cases a day and 1,120 daily deaths in the past week, according to the outlet.
I went early this morning and bought toilet paper, paper towels, etc. because I was low. I didn't think anything of it. I bought it. It was there.

I go up to Walmart to some grocery shopping and they are out. So, people are back to panic buying.

Isn't it geat how the Media and the Left propagandists can put fear into Americans.....
The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.

Coward. Seriously. Put someone on ignore on an Internet message board?
You born after 1995? LOL.

Say something of value...besides your full of shit worship of the cult of 45.
The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.
He is a sock.
The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.
He is a sock.
I figured.
Great job truckers!

Truckers declare strike against Biden policy threats: We STOP ALL TIRES on Veterans Day, and more to come

“You close down the restaurants that we eat at … then you close down our rest stops. Now in Wyoming they’re talking about not even plowing the highways this winter because they can’t afford it,” the guy in the video above says.

“And to top it all off, 70 million of you guys voted against the trucking industry, against first responders, against oil and gas – we ain’t gonna forget this shit. You already have, but we won’t.”

The amusing thing here is when Biden is asked how he would have delt with covid his response is pretty much the same as what Trump did.

Sure. You run with that. Biden showed more leadership and direction in one week than Trump did in 11 months. Mitch??..Mitch?? that you??

Sure..campaign website..but better than anything we've seen out of Trumpyland...
The biden plan has been the following talk in generalities purpose a national lockdown which he as already backed off on when the negative economic impact it would cause and the fact he would have to take responsibilty for hit him and a national mask mandate which he would have state Governors and local officals enforce which we have been doing for months now. You should really take those partisan blinders off so you can enjoy the scenery on your trip down the river denial.
This guy JackoffTrades is an idiot and is really REALLY close to being on my iggie list.
He is a sock.

Biden is a dooche bag and don' t deserve to be pres the rotten cheater.
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.

LOL. Change the narrative..OK..sure.
Well, Biden won. Trump lost.
Biden is President elect..are you with me so far?
At noon on 1/20/2021 Biden is El Prez...until then, he has the power to do..well, not much.
But so far, he's showing more leadership than the current golfing powerhouse...well, you know. :)
No, this is all on Biden. Why hasn’t he fixed it?
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.

LOL. Change the narrative..OK..sure.
Well, Biden won. Trump lost.
Biden is President elect..are you with me so far?
At noon on 1/20/2021 Biden is El Prez...until then, he has the power to do..well, not much.
But so far, he's showing more leadership than the current golfing powerhouse...well, you know. :)
No, this is all on Biden. Why hasn’t he fixed it?

Biden isn't fixing shite. He is a Cabal puppet.
Shit....maybe if the Orange Savior just took this "hoax" seriously in January of 2020..maybe..we wouldn't have to resort to raking up leaves in our yards...and....
You know this is all his fault??...right? :)

There is something wrong with you. I don't think you have a firm grasp of how this all works.

Yes. I do know exactly how this works. Supply result of???...nobody at the rudder!

No. It's the states.'s the supply chain. And the fact that our "government" as it were under the spray-tanned Jesus was asleep at the wheel.
Or maybe we're taking bets on how many of our assembly line workers (who run the machines that make and assemble the TP and paper towels)
come down with the virus???

No. It's the states. Panic buying comes in with the fear of a shut down and that threat of a civil war. Your fucking government with the spray tanned Jesus and your fucking senile messiah is limited.

Whelp. That's a failure of leadership. That comes from the top. Remind me again, who is that?
Oh yeah, El Prez...
You keep insisting that Biden was elected and is president elect so this is all on him right now.
According to you.

LOL. Change the narrative..OK..sure.
Well, Biden won. Trump lost.
Biden is President elect..are you with me so far?
At noon on 1/20/2021 Biden is El Prez...until then, he has the power to do..well, not much.
But so far, he's showing more leadership than the current golfing powerhouse...well, you know. :)
No, this is all on Biden. Why hasn’t he fixed it?

Biden isn't fixing shite. He is a Cabal puppet.
I know that. I’m just throwing back the shit that was thrown at actual Americans for the past four years.
Jack-off no trades will just tizzy on.

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