Covid-19 vaccines are causing excess deaths.

Climate change or gas stove?:confused:

BREAKING: The wife of Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford has died suddenly.

It was Greta talking too much about climate change that the poor dear shoved her head in the oven with the gas on.
Why is this?

I want to know the reason why! why are some exempt and the rest are not???????????


All the ones from the top down will be still alive and kicking after Klaus Schwabs 'Great Reset' As they are the chosen ones. The illegal aliens will be their bitches.

There has to be Justice....if not in this life, in the next, for these Globlalist Murderers Demons :mad-61:

Tragic: Fully Vaccinated and Boosted 6-Year-Old Child Dies Suddenly​

January 31, 2023 at 7:20pm

It's so sad, really sad that the parents think they're doing the right thing and they kill their child by giving them up to the globalists as a sacrifice.
It's so sad, really sad that the parents think they're doing the right thing and they kill their child by giving them up to the globalists as a sacrifice.

Yes, it's truly horrible.

They trust their government and their government wants to kill them.

Are they understanding now what's happening?

I hope so.
And another one :confused:

Thai king's daughter remains unconscious weeks after collapsing


This report mentions mycoplasma though does not name the species of mycoplasma. Since the princess was working with military dogs, the suspicion is that it came from the dogs. Then too, mycoplasma may synergize with the toxic spike of the vaccine, or cause increased susceptibility to mycoplasma infection.

How soon after "vaccination" did the infection occur? RFK Jr. links immune deficiency to mycoplasma:

'At the June 1990 San Francisco AIDS conference, Luc Montagnier made his tectonic announcement....He added that he had discovered that HIV only becomes dangerous in the presence of a second organism. He described a tiny, bacteria-like bug called a culture with his new mycoplasma, M. infertans, HIV becomes a vicious killer.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 235)

This Thai report says nothing about mycoplasma:

Post #15
We've linked Metabiota to DoorlessCarp's substack. The immunodeficiency is coming through as it relates to the toxic spike. Notice that Hunter Biden's Metabiota is not just based in San Francisco. It is also in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Is any reader really surprised that Metabiota would be interested in BRCA1?

From Jikkyleaks:
'....Spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 & 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.'

We posted on Metabiota's BRCA1 from African Malacomys on 3 Aug 2022:

Post #54 Malacomys BRCA1 Metabiota
Malacomys BRCA1 was sequenced in 2007. It would be naive to think that Metabiota would not sequence their Malacomys BRCA1 whilst the Florida State University Malacomys BRCA1 stood published. Therefore, both the Malacomys coronavirus spike and the Metabiota Malacomys BRCA1 remain unpublished.

18-Year-Old Athlete on Life Support After Suffering from Cardiac Arrest During Basketball Game​

February 1, 2023
Otherwise, a fit young athlete about to enter their prime is cut short because of the junk they put into their body aka covid injection.
Otherwise, a fit young athlete about to enter their prime is cut short because of the junk they put into their body aka covid injection.

They are dying like's a very sad thing to behold.

Not only athletes, but so many...who were otherwise healthy, and then had this poison Covid jab...:(
We tried our measured best two years ago...warned these people they'd be pwning themselves.

Willfully ignorance is a pathology in the thinking.

All I know is, this is me daily now watching people falling like flies...shoulder surgery in the cards for me pretty soon....

My damn shoulder has been sore as fuck for well over a year now....

In post #210, RFK Jr. comes through for us by mentioning Montagnier and the Princess's mycoplasma. Montagnier just dropped an international journal article on "vaccination":

Post-"Vax" 26 Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob
'@ 17 h: 'Luc Montagnier 26 Cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Days After COVID-19 Injections'

We have already linked Parkinson's to the RGD amino acid motif of the SARS2 spike protein (USMB).
It's unknown whether Montagnier, discoverer of HIV-1, knows about the peptide sequences taken from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of prion patients linking to the branched-chain amino habit of coronaviruses. We list these main peptides so that others can investigate, and this is from a Harvard/MIT study:
Six of six human PrP peptides we quantified from the N to the C terminus were lowered in prion disease patients compared with nonprion disease patients.

CSF PrP may therefore be difficult to interpret as a pharmacodynamic biomarker in symptomatic prion disease patients, because the direct effect of a PrP-lowering drug and the effect of disease process alleviation would be expected to push CSF Prp in opposing directions.
The coronavirus modus operandi is shown by the variation of branched-chain amino acids, whereby in 5. the (I) isoleucine, a branched-chain amino, is replaced in 6. by (V) valine, again a branched-chain amino acid. That the mirror image of an RGD motif appears in 9. may or may not have relevance.

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