COVID-19 / Vaccines / Inconsistency


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Frank Reich is vaccinated. He tests positive? Like I said before the only way to avoid serious symptoms from COVID is to catch it and develop natural antibodies? I think. Not sure what is happening here? Reich had no symptoms. Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message

Frank Reich is vaccinated. He tests positive? Like I said before the only way to avoid serious symptoms from COVID is to catch it and develop natural antibodies? I think. Not sure what is happening here? Reich had no symptoms. Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message
Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message

They're not interested in a consistent message....They're interested in keeping morons in fear so that they can be controlled.

Frank Reich is vaccinated. He tests positive? Like I said before the only way to avoid serious symptoms from COVID is to catch it and develop natural antibodies? I think. Not sure what is happening here? Reich had no symptoms. Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message

I have mad respect for anybody that has the guts to be a lab rat for that unapproved stuff.

I could never do it.

To much common sense.

Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message

They're not interested in a consistent message....They're interested in keeping morons in fear so that they can be controlled.

Frank Reich is vaccinated. He tests positive? Like I said before the only way to avoid serious symptoms from COVID is to catch it and develop natural antibodies? I think. Not sure what is happening here? Reich had no symptoms. Why can't the CDC and the media report a consistent message

To be expected actually.

Imagine the most ideal vaccine scenario.
Lets say a vaccine has caused T-cells to recognize a virus and what antibodies kills it best.
Then later the vaccinated person get that type of virus in its bloodstream.
The immune system still can't know its there.
The immune system does not even have a hint until AFTER the virus has entered a cell and started killing it, so it sends out exosomes as a warning.
But that only means the immune system detects these exosomes.
It still has to manufacture antibodies and they have to search all over, looking for the infected cells.
So any immune person can still test positive from an infection that the immune system has no yet found or wiped out.

Then consider how much harder it is with covid, since it hides in airways instead of the blood.
Then imagine the additional risks from the fact with covid, the immune system over reacts and does far more harm than the virus.
To be expected actually.

Imagine the most ideal vaccine scenario.
Lets say a vaccine has caused T-cells to recognize a virus and what antibodies kills it best.
Then later the vaccinated person get that type of virus in its bloodstream.
The immune system still can't know its there.
The immune system does not even have a hint until AFTER the virus has entered a cell and started killing it, so it sends out exosomes as a warning.
But that only means the immune system detects these exosomes.
It still has to manufacture antibodies and they have to search all over, looking for the infected cells.
So any immune person can still test positive from an infection that the immune system has no yet found or wiped out.

Then consider how much harder it is with covid, since it hides in airways instead of the blood.
Then imagine the additional risks from the fact with covid, the immune system over reacts and does far more harm than the virus.
So perhaps we should not be so alarmed by it if the person is vaccinated?
So perhaps we should not be so alarmed by it if the person is vaccinated?

Yes, it does not bother me that the vaccine does not prevent infection.
I never expected it would.
The vaccine does reduce symptoms and death, which is all I would expect.

But the reason I am still unhappy with the vaccine, even though I took it, is that it could cause additional immune system sensitivities.
The reason covid infections result in death some times is that the immune system can over react, in what is essentially an allergic reaction, and then your own immune system can kill you.
If these experimental vaccines cause similar over reactions to other even more harmless corona viruses, then those vaccinated could all have a time bomb waiting to go off and kill us.
We won't know until it is too late, whether or not the vaccine was a fatal mistake.

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