Covid-19 will re-elect Trump


The amount of delusion required to think that COVID is going to be a net positive for Trump is totally nuts. It will be the number one reason Trump losses if he fails to win the upcoming election. Barring COVID, the economy alone was going to see Trump back in office. Now COVID is all that matters and it looks worse for him by the day.

How you can call the US response good or even adequate is nuts. It was clearly a failure.

So, two questions.

1. Before Covid, you were ok with Trump?

2. Do you expect anyone to believe that ANYTHING Trump did on this issue, would have been enough for you to admit he did well?


I have my doubt that anyone would have handled this well - most of the world has done a rather poor job handling the situation. I do think that most any other admin would have handled it better than Trump did however. The reality is that Trump runs a very adversarial and loud administration that is not well equipped to get things done in a quick manner. Works rather well when things are going well and my main goal for the government is for it to get the hell out of the way. Works rather poorly when the government is tasked with handling any real crisis though. What I believe or think however is not material to how this has effected Trump in any sense of the word. I am one of 330 million people. By any rational and objective measure, COVID has been extremely bad for Trump's administration.

How exactly do you think COVID has befitted Trump's re-election prospects? Economy went from doing quite well to shitting the bed. Unemployment went from record lows to depression levels. The nation in general is not pleased with his handling of the situation - every metric shows this. Even if his handling was perfect, it is perception that matters for an election. Trade deals went from the front page to not even mentioned. Nothing supports the silly ass assertion in the OP.

I asked you if anyone would believe that anything Trump might have done, would have been enough for you to admit he did well,

You did not even address the question. Instead, you bashed Trump a good deal and declared that the issue has hurt him.

Do you realize how little credibility you have?
Cant address anything, can you?

The topic is quite simple. That you want to make it something else is not really my problem. Trump could have done enough for me to say he did well. Only your partisanship gets in the way of you thinking otherwise. I really did not expect him to do well though and not because he is Trump but because the entire planet is working through this virtually blind.

And no, I did not bash 'Trump a good deal.' I didn't really bash him at all.
...Trump's handling of the plague will decide if he gets to stay and so far that handling is good...
You appear to be suffering from a bad case of seriously impaired judgment.

Your Orange Baboon-God is a train wreck when it comes to leadership, as the last two crises (pandemic, rioting) have illustrated all too clearly.

He is unfit for high office and will be dismissed by the American Voter on November 3, 2020, and we'll see the last of him on January 20, 2021.

...Trump is rising in the polls and it looks good for his re-election.
You also appear to be suffering from a bad case of seriously impaired directional reference (up vs. down).


Oh, and, by the way, your Master - your Personality Cult Leader - isn't fit to shine Lincoln's shoes, never mind compare to him.

Funny stuff, though... thanks for the laugh.

Don' worry they have to blame it on the :
  • Clintons
  • Obamas
  • China
  • WHO
  • Europe
  • Weather
  • Deep State
  • Soros
  • Media
  • RINOs
  • Immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Mexicans
  • Canadian
  • Weather
  • Moderates
  • Ex White House Staff
  • Blacks
  • Puerto Rico
  • Polls
  • Solar Panels
  • Congress
  • Supreme Court
  • FBI
  • CIA
  • Women
  • Liberals
Well almost anyone but themselves... If you feel left out just add yourself to the list...

Dang, you're almost sounding like Obama.

Now you want to blame Obama for something..

Lets get something straight...

Because Obama does something doesn't automatically mean it is right, actually Trump basically ran on everything Obama did was wrong...

Also Trump is the one whining almost everyday about someone...


That boy is a crack pot with a camera... Professor in a community college... The guy shills for the Oil industry... Obama was saying c hange had to come because of Climate Change, that's not really blame..

Lets get something straight...

Because Obama does something doesn't automatically mean it is right, actually Trump basically ran on everything Obama did was wrong...

Its interesting that you say that, as the D party is nominating Biden under the premise that everything was hunky-dory under the Obama-Biden regime.

If these fellows don't have any answers, why elect these frauds?

We never said that we totally agree with Obama or that he didn't make mistakes... Total to devotion to a leader without question is for another party.

Obama did a good job. He took a very bad economy and steadied the ship... Solid job... Biden would be a fine President.

Obama is like a B+ student and Trump is more like an E or F grade student...

I will tell you that if Biden was President and he did something wrong he won't be allowed to say but Trump did the same thing.

Obama wasn't allowed to invade a country costing trillions of dollars and many lives on false pretence...

The biggest complaint from the right about Obama is that he didn't clean up Bush's mistakes quick enough..
Brilliant! Highest numbers of deaths in the world and it's considered a triumph!

I'd say you couldn't make it up, but here we are. Trump is a dullard and his handling of the situation has resulted in tens of thousands - if not more - of American deaths, and his fans are so dull witted that they think it's a win.

I don't know what news you consume or where you consume it, but you need to broaden your horizons if you believe that demonstrable nonsense.

ETA: Oh, and the rest of the world considers Trump an embarrassment. He's spoken of in the same manner as one speaks of one's dog when it does something amusing.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

If COVID-19 happened under Obama, Hillary, or Biden, they would be blaming Bush and Climate Change as the cause and not for US to expect a vaccine anytime soon. Hell, Obama would blame ATM machines and might suggest we keep air in our tires as a means to soften the impact of COVID-19.And the Media would tolerate all the excuses!

If you want a return to an era of non-accountability and blame as a strategy, Vote Biden.
"I take no responsibility"

Who was it said that a couple of months ago, I wonder?

Oh, I know! The same half-wit whose followers think his wearing a mask after months of refusal is some kind of tactical genius.
...Trump's handling of the plague will decide if he gets to stay and so far that handling is good...
You appear to be suffering from a bad case of seriously impaired judgment.

Your Orange Baboon-God is a train wreck when it comes to leadership, as the last two crises (pandemic, rioting) have illustrated all too clearly.

He is unfit for high office and will be dismissed by the American Voter on November 3, 2020, and we'll see the last of him on January 20, 2021.

...Trump is rising in the polls and it looks good for his re-election.
You also appear to be suffering from a bad case of seriously impaired directional reference (up vs. down).


Oh, and, by the way, your Master - your Personality Cult Leader - isn't fit to shine Lincoln's shoes, never mind compare to him.

Funny stuff, though... thanks for the laugh.

Don' worry they have to blame it on the :
  • Clintons
  • Obamas
  • China
  • WHO
  • Europe
  • Weather
  • Deep State
  • Soros
  • Media
  • RINOs
  • Immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Mexicans
  • Canadian
  • Weather
  • Moderates
  • Ex White House Staff
  • Blacks
  • Puerto Rico
  • Polls
  • Solar Panels
  • Congress
  • Supreme Court
  • FBI
  • CIA
  • Women
  • Liberals
Well almost anyone but themselves... If you feel left out just add yourself to the list...

Dang, you're almost sounding like Obama.

Now you want to blame Obama for something..

Lets get something straight...

Because Obama does something doesn't automatically mean it is right, actually Trump basically ran on everything Obama did was wrong...

Also Trump is the one whining almost everyday about someone...


That boy is a crack pot with a camera... Professor in a community college... The guy shills for the Oil industry... Obama was saying c hange had to come because of Climate Change, that's not really blame..

New York has more COVID deaths than all of the states of the Old Confederacy combined.
WRONG!!!! Please check your facts... Everyone is a little bit stupider for reading that.

The South is in terrible trouble and has doesn't have control of this virus...

Florida has a case of 6%... Many hospitals are over run...
Only an idiot would think South is doing the right thing... They shut too late & opened way too early before they were ready... There are more cases being added daily and it seems to be increasing...

The biggest problem at the moment is positivity rates...
Give you example EU countries is generally having tests coming back between 0.1% - 2% (Sweden is the big outlier 7.9%)... This takes into account amount of tests and positive results... US is on 8.8*% across the country but there are some bad states

Florida 18.6%
Arizona 26.6%
Georgia 16%
Texas 17.7%
South Carolina 19.8%
Mississippi 21.5%

By the way New York is 1.0% & California is 8.3%...

If you add up the number of deaths in the 11 confederate states, it totals to less than 23,000. New York alone is at over 33,000.

Brilliant! Highest numbers of deaths in the world and it's considered a triumph!

I'd say you couldn't make it up, but here we are. Trump is a dullard and his handling of the situation has resulted in tens of thousands - if not more - of American deaths, and his fans are so dull witted that they think it's a win.

I don't know what news you consume or where you consume it, but you need to broaden your horizons if you believe that demonstrable nonsense.

ETA: Oh, and the rest of the world considers Trump an embarrassment. He's spoken of in the same manner as one speaks of one's dog when it does something amusing.

Boris must wake up every morning and say Thank God there is a Trump because he would be the most incompetent leader in the world if it wasn't for him...

Truth is Trump isn't the problem... It is his supporters, they are highly suggestible and gullible... They don't seem to not be able to grasp when they have been lied to and when it is very important...

Remember the inauguration crowd, I think this was the worst lie of them all... It is not because anyone got hurt or it was serious, it was how brazen it was, even with clear picture evidence he lied. The important thing was his supporters backed him, this meant he could say anything and they would back him, no matter how obvious a lie it was.

His administration used that and then went for bigger issues... Ukraine, COVID, Trade War... So of his administration left and spoke out but at that stage it was too late.. The GOP was caught in the vortex... The whole thing has become tribal... Disloyalty to the tribe is more important than the truth.

We see this on this forum everyday... This is not about honour or integrity. This is about America First, it is about Red Team first... There is not positive Democrat stories, just like the was no good NAZI Germany stories....

I think US is rejecting this divise politics and Biden is actually the right candidate. He has been a man to stick the hand across the aisle. He is not the enemy of the US people and a vast majority of US people know that. Graham said it as so... The US deserves a better political system, one that isn't broken and easily hijacked by lobbyists and special interests.
New York has more COVID deaths than all of the states of the Old Confederacy combined.
WRONG!!!! Please check your facts... Everyone is a little bit stupider for reading that.

The South is in terrible trouble and has doesn't have control of this virus...

Florida has a case of 6%... Many hospitals are over run...
Only an idiot would think South is doing the right thing... They shut too late & opened way too early before they were ready... There are more cases being added daily and it seems to be increasing...

The biggest problem at the moment is positivity rates...
Give you example EU countries is generally having tests coming back between 0.1% - 2% (Sweden is the big outlier 7.9%)... This takes into account amount of tests and positive results... US is on 8.8*% across the country but there are some bad states

Florida 18.6%
Arizona 26.6%
Georgia 16%
Texas 17.7%
South Carolina 19.8%
Mississippi 21.5%

By the way New York is 1.0% & California is 8.3%...

If you add up the number of deaths in the 11 confederate states, it totals to less than 23,000. New York alone is at over 33,000.

Ignoring the present cases out there and rate of increase... This is the same problem ye have all along...

Mortality rate ate the moment in US is 4.1%

Do the numbers and New York won't be close...
"I take no responsibility"

Who was it said that a couple of months ago, I wonder?

Oh, I know! The same half-wit whose followers think his wearing a mask after months of refusal is some kind of tactical genius.

Trump didn't wear a mask because he thought it would make him look weak.

The world knew Trump didn't wear a mask because he is weak.
Brilliant! Highest numbers of deaths in the world and it's considered a triumph!

I'd say you couldn't make it up, but here we are. Trump is a dullard and his handling of the situation has resulted in tens of thousands - if not more - of American deaths, and his fans are so dull witted that they think it's a win.

I don't know what news you consume or where you consume it, but you need to broaden your horizons if you believe that demonstrable nonsense.

ETA: Oh, and the rest of the world considers Trump an embarrassment. He's spoken of in the same manner as one speaks of one's dog when it does something amusing.

Boris must wake up every morning and say Thank God there is a Trump because he would be the most incompetent leader in the world if it wasn't for him...

Truth is Trump isn't the problem... It is his supporters, they are highly suggestible and gullible... They don't seem to not be able to grasp when they have been lied to and when it is very important...

Remember the inauguration crowd, I think this was the worst lie of them all... It is not because anyone got hurt or it was serious, it was how brazen it was, even with clear picture evidence he lied. The important thing was his supporters backed him, this meant he could say anything and they would back him, no matter how obvious a lie it was.

His administration used that and then went for bigger issues... Ukraine, COVID, Trade War... So of his administration left and spoke out but at that stage it was too late.. The GOP was caught in the vortex... The whole thing has become tribal... Disloyalty to the tribe is more important than the truth.

We see this on this forum everyday... This is not about honour or integrity. This is about America First, it is about Red Team first... There is not positive Democrat stories, just like the was no good NAZI Germany stories....

I think US is rejecting this divise politics and Biden is actually the right candidate. He has been a man to stick the hand across the aisle. He is not the enemy of the US people and a vast majority of US people know that. Graham said it as so... The US deserves a better political system, one that isn't broken and easily hijacked by lobbyists and special interests.

Boris is a wannabe Trump, and it's frightening how the same shabby playbook is being laid out. Lies, more lies, and because his Brexit voting followers have the same uninformed and uneducated profile as Trumps base, they don't seek verification. He said it, therefore it's true. It plays to my bias, therefore it's true.

Everyone deserves better than these charlatans, but this is what happens when generations of Tories/Republicans and their ilk reduce education and health funding. You wind up with people who think Covid-19 is being profligated through Windows 10 and 5g and that an Orange half-wit is the second coming because he says what they want to hear.
"I take no responsibility"

Who was it said that a couple of months ago, I wonder?

Oh, I know! The same half-wit whose followers think his wearing a mask after months of refusal is some kind of tactical genius.

Trump didn't wear a mask because he thought it would make him look weak.

The world knew Trump didn't wear a mask because he is weak.

He's the weak mans idea of a strong man, and the stupid mans idea of an intelligent man. Can't remember where I read that but I laughed at the aptness.
New York has more COVID deaths than all of the states of the Old Confederacy combined.
WRONG!!!! Please check your facts... Everyone is a little bit stupider for reading that.

The South is in terrible trouble and has doesn't have control of this virus...

Florida has a case of 6%... Many hospitals are over run...
Only an idiot would think South is doing the right thing... They shut too late & opened way too early before they were ready... There are more cases being added daily and it seems to be increasing...

The biggest problem at the moment is positivity rates...
Give you example EU countries is generally having tests coming back between 0.1% - 2% (Sweden is the big outlier 7.9%)... This takes into account amount of tests and positive results... US is on 8.8*% across the country but there are some bad states

Florida 18.6%
Arizona 26.6%
Georgia 16%
Texas 17.7%
South Carolina 19.8%
Mississippi 21.5%

By the way New York is 1.0% & California is 8.3%...

If you add up the number of deaths in the 11 confederate states, it totals to less than 23,000. New York alone is at over 33,000.

Ignoring the present cases out there and rate of increase... This is the same problem ye have all along...

Mortality rate ate the moment in US is 4.1%

Do the numbers and New York won't be close...

The mortality rate is no where near 4.1%. No one knows how many people have come down with the COVIDs, but its a lot more than the 3 million or so "confirmed" cases.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is it really even a tree? If I don't test for the virus, does it even exist?

Philosophy, bigly Trump style.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

The fact is, the opposition has been insane with this virus, and I see more and more reasons to vote Trump in the coming election.

Could have that anything to do with 130k+ people dead...

US is pitied around world for the incompetent handling of the virus especially in the South... New York just got hit bad and they fought back, the south listened to the President.

Death rates are all over the place but NY, NJ and CT and MS are not only the top 4 but the top 4 by a large margin. The media sure wants to trump up places like TX and GA because it plays to the narrative even though each of those 4 have over 10 times the death rate as TX and 5 times that in GA.

New York got hit first and got the brunt of it.. It easily spread to NJ and MS...

The thing is deaths is actually a poor refection... First how do you say it was COVID that killed or was a part of there death... IT also lags quite away back.

Cases is the best way at the moment and look at excess deaths when all is finished.

The problem is Yew York got it bad but look how they reacted... Back then there was minimal testing and they locked down fairly early and relatively hard (about EU standard)... Florida especially.... doesn't work.

The 9th of April is the last time NY had a 6% growth, they had 180k cases at the time and they were heading down after a lockdown...

Florida had 6% growth yesterday, they have 270k cases and are heading up. They have not shutting down so this will keep growing... Ring Sweden they will say herd immunity.

Texas is copping on but they have a fair task to turn it around... I don't think you get how hard this it is get this virus under control. Florida is also heading into Hurricane season.
New York has more COVID deaths than all of the states of the Old Confederacy combined.
WRONG!!!! Please check your facts... Everyone is a little bit stupider for reading that.

The South is in terrible trouble and has doesn't have control of this virus...

Florida has a case of 6%... Many hospitals are over run...
Only an idiot would think South is doing the right thing... They shut too late & opened way too early before they were ready... There are more cases being added daily and it seems to be increasing...

The biggest problem at the moment is positivity rates...
Give you example EU countries is generally having tests coming back between 0.1% - 2% (Sweden is the big outlier 7.9%)... This takes into account amount of tests and positive results... US is on 8.8*% across the country but there are some bad states

Florida 18.6%
Arizona 26.6%
Georgia 16%
Texas 17.7%
South Carolina 19.8%
Mississippi 21.5%

By the way New York is 1.0% & California is 8.3%...

If you add up the number of deaths in the 11 confederate states, it totals to less than 23,000. New York alone is at over 33,000.

Ignoring the present cases out there and rate of increase... This is the same problem ye have all along...

Mortality rate ate the moment in US is 4.1%

Do the numbers and New York won't be close...

The mortality rate is no where near 4.1%. No one knows how many people have come down with the COVIDs, but its a lot more than the 3 million or so "confirmed" cases.

Argue with John Hopkins, you know the people who do actual research...

Have you got evidence you would like to present to argue against this... Evidence, not something you were told by you first cousin once removed...
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

There was little chance of Trump winning even before the spread of this virus. Donald Trump is an impeached President. He should have stopped international Travel back in early February when it was clear this was probably going to happen and the United States already had its first cases. But his administration was asleep at the wheel and now the country is on lockdown. The Presidents own advisors predict unemployment will rise to over 20%. This won't be a recession, it will be an economic depression that will rival the one from the 1930s. Trump is way behind when it comes to testing, travel restrictions, social distancing, and stay in place orders. A month to two months behind. That's why we have 20,000 cases now and 276 deaths. Russia, a country that borders china only has 250 cases and one death. Russia closed its borders back in January/February. That's a big part of the reason for the vastly different figures. Trump will be easily defeated in November. His failures have led to the shut down of the largest economy in the world for months and maybe even years. His inaction and downplaying of the problem has unnecessarily risked the lives of millions of Americans.

A pandemic was going to spark an economic downturn. If it looks like America did well, compared to other first world nations, the voters should not, and may not hold the President responsible.
As of now we look to be the embarrassment of the world when it comes to the handling of the Coronavirus. Right there with Brazil. Can you name any other country that’s doing worse?

As of now, I have no faith in any of the numbers reported. The politics of it all, have tainted the information gathering and I don't trust any of the data, and have not for quite some time.

I will point out that you people have been hysterical about Trump since he was elected, and to pretend that you are upset about him BECAUSE of his supposedly so bad handling of this issue, is utter bullshit.
Hysterical is hyperbole. I don’t think Trump is a good leader and I’m very critical of him. If my criticism is unwarranted then it should be able to be beaten through debate yet most people here don’t engage in debate they just dismiss my critiques by say TDS. That’s weak.

Regarding COVID. All you need to do is look at the hospitals, and body counts that are piling up. Go talk to doctors and nurses in Florida and Texas. Check out the morgues and see the refrigeration trucks being brought in to handle the bodies.

Then you tell me how throwing doubt, downplaying, and ignoring safety protocol is a good thing. Cause from my eyes I’d rather take the numbers seriously and be safe instead of being that idiot not taking it seriously and spreading a deadly virus that is killing Americans. It’s a no brainer to me. If EVERYBODY just swallowed their ego and locked down by following the CDC guidelines we Could knock this thing out in a few weeks. It’s a national embarrassment that we are in the position we are in and covering your eyes is not going to make things better.
The only people that are totally convinced that Trump did a good job are the easily manipulated Little Trumpsters.
Not only do a huge majority of Americans think Trump’s response was incompetent, most of the world basically thinks Trump failed. And facts back up their belief. What’s as Little Trumpsters use Trump’s continuous BS or hyper-Trump worshippers talking points of alternative facts.
Here's what I m seeing. Trump's handling of the virus crisis has been quick and decisive. His political-outsider status has positioned him well to tackle the plague head on. He is leading the world in how to stop the pathogen in its tracks. It isn't just the US that is watching Trump, it is the world and he has taken charge in a way that make his detractors look like deranged, salivating schizophrenics on street corners.

As always, Trump has accepted the challenge at hand by pulling the sword from the stone. No one else could have done this. Lesser leadership would have already retreated into excuses and failed outright. There are no world-renowned health experts leaking criticisms of Trump but instead they are supportive of his policies.

2020 belongs to Trump.

There was little chance of Trump winning even before the spread of this virus. Donald Trump is an impeached President. He should have stopped international Travel back in early February when it was clear this was probably going to happen and the United States already had its first cases. But his administration was asleep at the wheel and now the country is on lockdown. The Presidents own advisors predict unemployment will rise to over 20%. This won't be a recession, it will be an economic depression that will rival the one from the 1930s. Trump is way behind when it comes to testing, travel restrictions, social distancing, and stay in place orders. A month to two months behind. That's why we have 20,000 cases now and 276 deaths. Russia, a country that borders china only has 250 cases and one death. Russia closed its borders back in January/February. That's a big part of the reason for the vastly different figures. Trump will be easily defeated in November. His failures have led to the shut down of the largest economy in the world for months and maybe even years. His inaction and downplaying of the problem has unnecessarily risked the lives of millions of Americans.

A pandemic was going to spark an economic downturn. If it looks like America did well, compared to other first world nations, the voters should not, and may not hold the President responsible.
As of now we look to be the embarrassment of the world when it comes to the handling of the Coronavirus. Right there with Brazil. Can you name any other country that’s doing worse?

As of now, I have no faith in any of the numbers reported. The politics of it all, have tainted the information gathering and I don't trust any of the data, and have not for quite some time.

I will point out that you people have been hysterical about Trump since he was elected, and to pretend that you are upset about him BECAUSE of his supposedly so bad handling of this issue, is utter bullshit.
Hysterical is hyperbole. I don’t think Trump is a good leader and I’m very critical of him. If my criticism is unwarranted then it should be able to be beaten through debate yet most people here don’t engage in debate they just dismiss my critiques by say TDS. That’s weak.

Regarding COVID. All you need to do is look at the hospitals, and body counts that are piling up. Go talk to doctors and nurses in Florida and Texas. Check out the morgues and see the refrigeration trucks being brought in to handle the bodies.

Then you tell me how throwing doubt, downplaying, and ignoring safety protocol is a good thing. Cause from my eyes I’d rather take the numbers seriously and be safe instead of being that idiot not taking it seriously and spreading a deadly virus that is killing Americans. It’s a no brainer to me. If EVERYBODY just swallowed their ego and locked down by following the CDC guidelines we Could knock this thing out in a few weeks. It’s a national embarrassment that we are in the position we are in and covering your eyes is not going to make things better.

The guidelines encourage guessing as to what is a Covid Death. AND then on top of they offer extra money if the death is "covid".

The numbers are inflated.

Can you admit that?

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