Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

If anyone is actually in panic mode at this stage of the game, they truly are shallow individuals. Simply take the precautions every time you go out in public, do your thing and carry on. If infected or exposed self quarantine as much as practical. Definitely do not go mixing at work or in closed in groups. Keep surfaces clean, including car interiors. When viable vaccine becomes available, take it. If flue vaccines are an indicator, it should increase chances of avoidance or make case lighter.

As for you people still in denial of the seriousness or existence of viable Covid-19 threat, you deserve what you get. Hope to see you still posting a year from now, but do not really care if you and yours make it or not. I have little sympathy for people who do not possess a survival instinct. You can live with it more safely and with less chance of being infected by realizing it is real. A good conservative dealing with known hazards hedges his bet, not going all in unless backed into a corner. You can still post snarky denials and attacks on the panic bunnies, if they exist, but still should watch yourself. No matter your choice, good luck to you, but know luck is enhanced with a degree of caution.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

The Acquitted President is pushing for the known good results from following the Science, yet clown boi here thinks he has a point.....................
HE has a point... The top of his head...
As for you people still in denial of the seriousness or existence of viable Covid-19 threat, you deserve what you get.
As of Today the CDC has noted that 99.985% of people recover from this infection... about equal to that of the common flu...

Feel free to panic if you want..... It will be entertaining...
Herd immunity? At the rate of infections it will only take us 25+ years.
We're already immuned. I'm 59 and have not been to see a doctor
since 2009, and that was just a minor out-patient hernia repair surgery.
(that's when I quit smoking cigarettes too)

My wife and I are out in public daily, come home and have contact with her 95 year old father who lives with us, and who is also in good health.
As for you people still in denial of the seriousness or existence of viable Covid-19 threat, you deserve what you get.
As of Today the CDC has noted that 99.985% of people recover from this infection... about equal to that of the common flu...

Feel free to panic if you want..... It will be entertaining...
Not panicking here. You ignoring there. Good luck. You need it.
Herd immunity? At the rate of infections it will only take us 25+ years.
We're already immuned. I'm 59 and have not been to see a doctor
since 2009, and that was just a minor out-patient hernia repair surgery.
(that's when I quit smoking cigarettes too) to

My wife and I are out in public daily, come home and have contact with her 95 year old father who lives with us, and who is also in good health.
I never go to the doctor, at 70 years old I have aches and pains but merely self-medicate. I'm living on borrowed time.
Last edited:
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.

In Trump's defense, Bertram clearly doesn't. Nowhere in his incoherent screed does he explain what the alternative is, or acknowledge the fact that herd immunity is exactly what vaccines are designed to create.

If you want to help him out, and think you're at all capable of saying something intelligent rather than just pretending that you have, feel free to jump in.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

Realistically, herd immunity is the only solution until a vaccine is developed. I am in the epicenter of the Chinese virus, and nothing else seems to work. On the bright side, if there is one, the virus seems to be less fatal even to the infirm.

Actually, herd immunity is what vaccines create. I'm not sure what Bertram thinks the alternative solution is.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.
you don't
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

Realistically, herd immunity is the only solution until a vaccine is developed. I am in the epicenter of the Chinese virus, and nothing else seems to work. On the bright side, if there is one, the virus seems to be less fatal even to the infirm.

Actually, herd immunity is what vaccines create. I'm not sure what Bertram thinks the alternative solution is.
it is the only solution.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.

In Trump's defense, Bertram clearly doesn't. Nowhere in his incoherent screed does he explain what the alternative is, or acknowledge the fact that herd immunity is exactly what vaccines are designed to create.

If you want to help him out, and think you're at all capable of saying something intelligent rather than just pretending that you have, feel free to jump in.
Herd Immunity is the key phrase. In the least Anthrax is not on the menu.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

Realistically, herd immunity is the only solution until a vaccine is developed. I am in the epicenter of the Chinese virus, and nothing else seems to work. On the bright side, if there is one, the virus seems to be less fatal even to the infirm.

Actually, herd immunity is what vaccines create. I'm not sure what Bertram thinks the alternative solution is.
it is the only solution.
it is the only solution.

And that is what these idiots fail to understand....
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.

Mac slams Trump, humps the leg of a Democrat. Hmmm ... that's the template.

Do you ever add content?
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.


Herd immunity is the only real way we're getting past this. Europe is shutting down again
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.

Mac slams Trump, humps the leg of a Democrat. Hmmm ... that's the template.

Do you ever add content?
If anyone is actually in panic mode at this stage of the game, they truly are shallow individuals. Simply take the precautions every time you go out in public, do your thing and carry on. If infected or exposed self quarantine as much as practical. Definitely do not go mixing at work or in closed in groups. Keep surfaces clean, including car interiors. When viable vaccine becomes available, take it. If flue vaccines are an indicator, it should increase chances of avoidance or make case lighter.

As for you people still in denial of the seriousness or existence of viable Covid-19 threat, you deserve what you get. Hope to see you still posting a year from now, but do not really care if you and yours make it or not. I have little sympathy for people who do not possess a survival instinct. You can live with it more safely and with less chance of being infected by realizing it is real. A good conservative dealing with known hazards hedges his bet, not going all in unless backed into a corner. You can still post snarky denials and attacks on the panic bunnies, if they exist, but still should watch yourself. No matter your choice, good luck to you, but know luck is enhanced with a degree of caution.

You mean because getting covid is certain death, huh?
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.


Herd immunity is the only real way we're getting past this. Europe is shutting down again
True. Usually you're a bit of a wander, but here you're right.
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

In Trump's defense, he may not actually know what "herd immunity" even MEANS.

In Trump's defense, Bertram clearly doesn't. Nowhere in his incoherent screed does he explain what the alternative is, or acknowledge the fact that herd immunity is exactly what vaccines are designed to create.

If you want to help him out, and think you're at all capable of saying something intelligent rather than just pretending that you have, feel free to jump in.
Herd Immunity is the key phrase. In the least Anthrax is not on the menu.

Sorry, what?
Despite His Repeated Public Denials,‭ ‬the Impeached President trump Is Pushing For A‭ “‬Herd Immunity‭” ‬Strategy For COVID-19

Three senior health officials working with the impeached president trump’s comically named‭ “‬coronavirus task force‭” ‬have reported the silly members of this‭ “‬task force‭” ‬believe that herd immunity will help control the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak.‭ ‬Even worse,‭ “‬they have begun taking steps to turn the concept into policy.‭”

The same three senior health officials explained the impeached president trump’s continued incompetence with his “herd immunity” idiocy could kill thousands of Americans unnecessarily. But, when the lives are those of insignificant U.S. citizens, the impeached president trump has decided, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Sweden has been using this strategy since the COVID-19‭ ‬coronavirus first appeared.‭ ‬At this point,‭ ‬whether herd immunity was the‭ “‬goal‭” ‬or a‭ “‬byproduct‭” ‬of the Swedish plan is irrelevant,‭ ‬because it simply hasn’t worked.‭ ‬In April,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency predicted that‭ ‬40%‭ ‬of the Stockholm population would have the disease and acquire protective antibodies by May.‭ ‬According to the agency’s own antibody studies published Sept.‭ ‬3‭ ‬for samples collected up until late June,‭ ‬the actual figure for random testing of antibodies is only‭ ‬11.4%‭ ‬for Stockholm,‭ ‬6.3%‭ ‬for Gothenburg and‭ ‬7.1%‭ ‬across Sweden.‭ ‬As of mid-August,‭ ‬herd immunity was still‭ “‬nowhere in sight,‭” ‬according to a Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine study.‭ “‬That shouldn’t have been a surprise.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬herd immunity to an infectious disease has never been achieved without a vaccine.‭”

New Zealand’s government officials,‭ ‬who quickly initiated early preventative measures,‭ ‬coupled with testing and tracking,‭ ‬limited the number of COVID-19‭ ‬cases to‭ ‬1950‭ ‬to date,‭ ‬with‭ ‬1857‭ ‬recoveries,‭ ‬and only‭ ‬25‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬public cooperation,‭ ‬which included listening to and following the recommendations of health professionals made the lock down implemented in New Zealand remarkable for its stringency and its brevity.‭

Obviously,‭ ‬New Zealand’s population hadn’t heard that COVID-19‭ ‬was a liberal hoax to make the impeached president trump‭ “‬look bad‭”‬.‭ ‬Had New Zealand’s political conservatives heard that bit of news,‭ ‬it’s certain their island nation could be a world leader in COVID-19‭ ‬cases and deaths along with the United States,‭ ‬Sweden,‭ ‬etc.

On April‭ ‬3rd,‭ ‬Swedish‭ ‬Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the newspaper Dagens Nyheter‭ ‬,‭ “‬We will have to count the dead in thousands.‭ ‬It is just as well that we prepare for it.‭” ‬In July,‭ ‬as the death count reached‭ ‬5,500,‭ ‬Löfven said that the‭ “‬strategy is right,‭ ‬I am completely convinced of that.‭” ‬In September,‭ ‬Dr.‭ ‬Anders Tegnell,‭ ‬the Public Health Agency epidemiologist in charge of the country’s COVID-19‭ ‬response reiterated the party line that a growing death count did‭ “‬not mean that the strategy itself has gone wrong.‭” ‬Regardless of the final death toll,‭ ‬if COVID-19‭ ‬doesn’t kill Löfven,‭ ‬he and Dr.‭ ‬Tegnell will declare their plan a great success.‭ (‬Unless the disease also kills Tegnell,‭ ‬then it will just be Löfven bragging about the great success of‭ ‬his plan.‭)

After learning how truly deadly the novel coronavirus could be,‭ ‬governors in blue states established protocols in attempts to slow the spread of the disease.‭ ‬Unfortunately,‭ ‬the obtuse nature of conservatives would not permit them the freedom of thought to disregard their cheeto-in-chief’s ludicrous claims that the coronavirus posed no threat.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they thumbed their noses at state and local leaders and set to work,‭ ‬like the Swedes,‭ ‬to spread the disease to every corner of their respective countries.

It’s apparent given the increasing volumes of data available,‭ ‬nations‭’ ‬leaders quick to respond effectively to the COVID-19‭ ‬outbreak kept case numbers extremely low,‭ ‬New Zealand’s,‭ ‬mentioned above,‭ ‬and Vietnam‭ (‬Where,‭ ‬as of Oct.‭ ‬9,‭ ‬had counted‭ ‬1,100‭ ‬COVID-19‭ ‬cases and‭ ‬35‭ ‬deaths‭) ‬are two of the too few success stories in controlling COVID-19.

But,‭ ‬here in the U.S.‭ ‬the‭ “‬second wave‭” ‬has begun in some states,‭ ‬which will be spread far and wide by the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics.‭ ‬Because,‭ ‬like their cheeto-in-chief,‭ ‬Sweden’s Löfven,‭ ‬and red state governors nationwide,‭ ‬they refuse to listen to all educated,‭ ‬professional health experts. So, no one is going to force any of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics to wear a mask,‭ or ‬practice social distancing,‭ ‬or believe the liberals aren’t behind the COVID Hoax.‭ ‬And they’re willing to die to prove it.‭ ‬Well,‭ do your best proving it‬.

Not bright enough to figure out even STILL that HERD IMMUNITY is the only real answer and is how this actually will wind up ending the Covid manipulation for everyone? GEEBUS.....Here is your sign.

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