
May 29, 2020
I'm in disbelief regarding the number of sheep in the world. COVID-19 goes down as the biggest hoax in world history. This is all about a hidden agenda and the powers in charge leading the sheep into believing there is a COVID-19 outbreak and getting the sheep to wear masks which are TOTALLY uneccessary. This is unbelievable. Masks do more harm than good and COVID-19 has completely destroyed sports as I listen to the Golic and Wingo show on ESPN this morning and hear Mike Golic totally buying into this farce with statements like all athletes need to have their temperature taken every time they show up at facilities.

The sheep are a complete embarrassment to the humans who are awake. WAKE UP WORLD!
I'm in disbelief regarding the number of sheep in the world. COVID-19 goes down as the biggest hoax in world history. This is all about a hidden agenda and the powers in charge leading the sheep into believing there is a COVID-19 outbreak and getting the sheep to wear masks which are TOTALLY uneccessary. This is unbelievable. Masks do more harm than good and COVID-19 has completely destroyed sports as I listen to the Golic and Wingo show on ESPN this morning and hear Mike Golic totally buying into this farce with statements like all athletes need to have their temperature taken every time they show up at facilities.

The sheep are a complete embarrassment to the humans who are awake. WAKE UP WORLD!

I'm in disbelief regarding the number of sheep in the world. COVID-19 goes down as the biggest hoax in world history. This is all about a hidden agenda and the powers in charge leading the sheep into believing there is a COVID-19 outbreak and getting the sheep to wear masks which are TOTALLY uneccessary. This is unbelievable. Masks do more harm than good and COVID-19 has completely destroyed sports as I listen to the Golic and Wingo show on ESPN this morning and hear Mike Golic totally buying into this farce with statements like all athletes need to have their temperature taken every time they show up at facilities.

The sheep are a complete embarrassment to the humans who are awake. WAKE UP WORLD!
You are the very definition of a "sheep", a person(s) herded into propagandized beliefs and brainwashed by a partisan leadership. You are delusional and in denial and must blame "the other side". You are doing what is called "projection" whereby you accuse others of what you yourself are doing.
One and done? Well, if this is a hoax. It's the best one I've ever seen perpetrated...on the entire globe.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 5,944,465 Cases and 362,901 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Exaggeration is probably the better word vs. hoax.

Yeah, I was trying to be polite. My guess is the death toll and infection rate is probably under reported. We'll have to wait until enough of the dust settles before the real numbers can be assessed.
One and done? Well, if this is a hoax. It's the best one I've ever seen perpetrated...on the entire globe.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 5,944,465 Cases and 362,901 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Exaggeration is probably the better word vs. hoax.

Yeah, I was trying to be polite. My guess is the death toll and infection rate is probably under reported. We'll have to wait until enough of the dust settles before the real numbers can be assessed.
We will not know the true math of lockdowns vs. lives lost to COVID-19 directly for years. Suicides, drug overdoses, delayed cancer treatments/diagnosis not not mention lost incomes and businesses.

There is no right answer but we will play the blame game for a while
How many of you ACTUALLY know anyone who got COVID-19? I have yet to hear of anyone I know that did. How many of you are actually wearing a mask? NOT I! I travel around town and see those with masks and just shake my head... :rolleyes: I'm as healthy as ever without the use of a mask!
How many of you ACTUALLY know anyone who got COVID-19? I have yet to hear of anyone I know that did. How many of you are actually wearing a mask? NOT I! I travel around town and see those with masks and just shake my head... :rolleyes: I'm as healthy as ever without the use of a mask!
Zero of people that I know, and two were tested. I have an elderly relative in a large retirement home, there was one case there. The resident was already on lockdown as no one can visit the facility anymore, but the person got it from a physical therapist.

The only other stories I hear are “I know someone that knows someone with it”.
I had it. Basically an annoying type of cold. Never had a fever though. Dropped around 15 pounds in 10 days. No appetite. Recovered just fine. Didn't miss one day of work (granted it was on a laptop). Working from home. Hope that helps.
How many of you ACTUALLY know anyone who got COVID-19? I have yet to hear of anyone I know that did. How many of you are actually wearing a mask? NOT I! I travel around town and see those with masks and just shake my head... :rolleyes: I'm as healthy as ever without the use of a mask!
I am and my husband is in stores, and he is a republican. You are a danger to other people. you REALLY believe there have been 103,418 people who have died? Think about that for a moment logically...that would be 103,418 autopsies and funerals...additionally, have you seen any film of anyone that has passed away from COVID-19 other than the manakins they used to look like real people. Check out Twitter #Film Your Hospital for some real truths. Remember, do your homework for the real numbers because that 103,418 IS NOT accurate.
I had it. Basically an annoying type of cold. Never had a fever though. Dropped around 15 pounds in 10 days. No appetite. Recovered just fine. Didn't miss one day of work (granted it was on a laptop). Working from home. Hope that helps.
Did you get tested?? you REALLY believe there have been 103,418 people who have died? Think about that for a moment logically...that would be 103,418 autopsies and funerals...additionally, have you seen any film of anyone that has passed away from COVID-19 other than the manakins they used to look like real people. Check out Twitter #Film Your Hospital for some real truths. Remember, do your homework for the real numbers because that 103,418 IS NOT accurate.

No I think more than 103,418 died from covid.
I'm in disbelief regarding the number of sheep in the world. COVID-19 goes down as the biggest hoax in world history. This is all about a hidden agenda and the powers in charge leading the sheep into believing there is a COVID-19 outbreak and getting the sheep to wear masks which are TOTALLY uneccessary. This is unbelievable. Masks do more harm than good and COVID-19 has completely destroyed sports as I listen to the Golic and Wingo show on ESPN this morning and hear Mike Golic totally buying into this farce with statements like all athletes need to have their temperature taken every time they show up at facilities.

The sheep are a complete embarrassment to the humans who are awake. WAKE UP WORLD!

The 2017–2018 influenza season had 74,400 deaths total for the whole year. That's with everyone acting normal.

COVID-19 has over 100,000 deaths in just 4 months with everyone on lock down and social distancing.

Do you really think this is a hoax?
I'm done folks...there is no convincing the unconvinceable. Believe what you want and don't do any research. Follow mainstream news and media and keep on following. I for one will not follow by example and will remain as healthy as ever because I make my own decisions...not to allow any government to tell me how to live my life. That's not democracy that's socialism.

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