COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Biden appears to be over COVID protocols.
Co-morbiditycomplications bring up the question as to the viral spike or the mRNA spike, which are identical:
'....anti-RBD* antibody in the co-morbidity cohort was significantly lower than that in the healthy cohort.'

*receptor binding domain

So whether infected with the virus or "vaccinated" with the mRNA, the risk seems to be the same precisely at the RBD. The article lists the co-morbid conditions that are suspect.
In the following excerpt, Australia's Sharri Markson mentions UTMB Galveston (USMB search UTMB Galveston).

'Dr. Ebright says there are two other risky scientific experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that are possible gain-of-function research and are of concern. One is a project called, "Two Mutations were Critical for Bat-to-Human Transmission of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus," published in June 205. It was done by Shi Zhengli, Baric and two scientists, Lanyiang Du and Shibo Jang from the Lindsley Kimball Research Institute's New York Blood Centre. The University of Minnesota Medical School's Fang Li, Chang Liu and Yang Yang were also co-authors.

The second is a research paper published in Aug 2020 titled, " A Zika Virus Envelope Mutation Preceding the 2015 Epidemic Enhances Virulence and Fitness for Transmission." This was done by the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, in conjunction with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Because of the type of risky research underway at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, when SARS-CoV-2 virus broke out, Dr. Ebright instantly suspected it may have originated from the Institute....As Ebright has been at pains to point out, the type of gain-of-function research that has been undertaken worldwide in the last half-decade, including at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, does not leave signatures. You cannot tell from studying the virus if it has been subjected to genetic manipulation.'
(Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan, p. 208)

The first mentioned article is here, and we will note the retroviruses that were pseudotyped as well as the arginines in the mutation 'RSVR':

'....To confirm that S746R mutation restored the hPPC motif, we produced retroviral pseudotyped with HKU4 spike in human cells....the hPPC and hEPC motifs being well documented as cleavage sites for human protease.'

Readers can scroll down to Fig. 1 to see the "critical arginine" represented in the MERS spike. Thus, the RRYR motifs in 1.) bcl-2 breast/lung cancer protein, 2.) the phage that infects Streptomyces avermitilis (producer of ivermectin) and 3.) the Coelacanth retrovirus, all link to this MERS example mentioned in Markson's book.
Musk's Wax Museum of Anti-COVID Personae, Part I

Musk is a Deep State nazi. Telltale is the CIA-like modus to "put them back into the Stone Age." Where are their recent posts?

So to analyze and compare two conflicting reports on SARS2.

1. Flutrackers, 12 Sep 2023 4:32 AM

The Yan Report
1. above is a zoonati report. The Yan Report is not. 1. promotes the idea that RaTG13 is natural. The Yan Report says that it is synthetic. Yan Report title is "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of its Probable Synthetic Route"

We have already shown Dr. Quay's Twitter page link to the RGD motif of the ZC45 virus 24 August 2023 (USMB search). Yan also shows the RGD motif (integrin binding) @ Yan's researchgate page:

The Yan Report states, 'The overall genomic amino acid-level resemblance between SARS-CoV-2 and ZC45/ZXC21 are highly unusual. Such evidence, when considered together, is consistent with a hypothesis that the SARS-CoV-2 genome has an origin based on the use of ZC45/ZXC21 as a backbone and/or template for genetic gain-of-function modifications.'
Hunter Biden introduced Metabiota to Burisma. That is this trajectory, because Metabiota's collection of PEDV coronavirus strains (Nanaimo, British Columbia) link to gain-of-function experiments at the Chinese lab in Huazhong. A USMB member first warned about Huazhong in 2017 (USMB search 'Huazhong')

Hunter Biden Helped Secure Funds for US Biolab Contractor in Ukraine
'....Metabiota vice president Mary Guttieri also wrote to Hunter about geopolitical issues two months after after Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea region.'
This Huazhong link has been scrubbed. Because of the Huazhong-Metabiota assemblage for coronavirus gain-of-function experiments, it will go into the Biden file:

There are 25 variants in circulation as of today.

16 Sep 2023 CDC Nowcast
We now know that Biden was kept in the dark, and likewise was Trump at the pandemic's beginning.

Rixey-Huff: The Sword of D'Omicron
(Click to enlarge)

'The FCS, HIV-like inserts, immune dysregulation, chimeric viral construction, were four key features that were described as project goals within the DEFUSE proposal that Eco Health Alliance submitted to DARPA in March 2018.

Neither Dr. Fauci nor the intelligence community disclosed this proposal in testimony or in the "Biden Report" on the origins of SARS2.'
Medical information-disinformation is included in this report, and it's political:

'....after Musk removed labels calling them government-affiliated. Advances in artificial intelligence have opened the door to potential voter manipulation.'

Musk's fascist manipulations against non-members of Twitter are already a vote of no confidence.
Further additions to the Musk's Fascist Pathologies file are here:

24 Sep 2023 Return to the Office? These Workers Quit Instead.
'....Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk was among the first of the tech leaders to implement strict office return policies starting in 2022, but since then, others have followed. In June, Google....'

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