COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Tis a tad over my pay grade Badger......~S~
The report in post #1,721, the study presented in 2000 Philadelphia at the symposium, states that chloroquine had to be present in the cells within 8-12 hours to stop the 229E coronavirus.

Less toxic than chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine used as prophylaxis would have prevented many deaths across the world. RINOS closest to Trump did not tell him about this time-window.
You're welcome. Basically after 8-12 hours, it's increasingly more difficult to rely on CQ, HCQ or (ivermectin?).
So the efficacy of these prophylaxis remedies were specific to their introduction ?

Where we were informed that their effectiveness was less than stellar despite said specifics?

So the efficacy of these prophylaxis remedies were specific to their introduction ?

Where we were informed that their effectiveness was less than stellar despite said specifics?

Yes, specifically. If the remedies are already in the cells (prophylaxis), they have maximum efficacy. They are still potent (ivermectin too?) when present in the cells even if added up to 8-12 hours after the virus arrives. Astonishingly, no one told Trump. Kennedy (The Real Anthony Fauci) explains very well how these cheaper remedies with expired patents were a direct threat to Big Pharma, Gates, Fau Chi, etc.
Badger, i don't understand what they're on about here..... :( ~S~
They are exposing the fraud in Pfizer's reporting for the mRNA vaccines. "Blotgate" is the trajectory that examines what is known as Western blots, calling them "comedy Westerns" because they are unbelievable to those who know what blots should look like.
'so we can see exactly why our accounts are being shadow banned....perhaps someone can explain why that #blotgate tweet was suppressed and why followers are complaining that my tweets are not showing up in search....'
DeSantis "Vaccine" Investigation, continued

'@ 1h DeSantis: "Today, I announced an initiative to make protections against coercive biomedical policies permanent...." '

Scrolling further down on Rixey's Twitter, we see an amyloid trajectory. This will link to what we've posted for the RGD motif.
American and Chinese bat labs were experimenting with immortalized cells.


'....immortalized kidney cell line of Myotis davidii....'

'....immortalized Rhinolophus sinicus kidney cell line....'

The cave map for the RsSHC014 virus is in post 1,716. RsSHC014 came from Rhinolophus sinicus, eventually ending up in Baric's UNC lab.

23 Nov 2022 Post #13
'....North American tricolored bat, Perimyotis subflavus....mouse-adapted SARS-CoV (MA15)....immortalized lung cells from this bat....'

Baric's UNC lab is aware that the spike of the Appalachian Ridge coronavirus has not been published.

UNC Chapel Hill / U. Maryland
This author focuses on pH and lung cells to establish an anti-hydroxychloroquine argument. There are three other antiviral mechanisms of CQ/HCQ that are left out.

23 Jul 2020 Why HCQ and CQ Don't Block Coronavirus Infection of Human Lung Cells
'....But because this enzyme is not controlled by acidity, neither HCQ nor CQ can block SARS-CoV-2 from infecting the lungs or stop the virus from replicating.'

Pro-Vax Twitter
Decades of failures yet we're told to believe that they have found the magical elixir with mRNA? No thanks.


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