COVID-19’s Biological Politics

Dysfunction of sodium channels seems to be linked to sudden death:

PEDV Sudden Death
'....followed by dehydration as the potential cause of death.'
Daszak's paper on AAV-6 virus links to sudden death in pigs:

AAV-6-Vectored microRNA / Sudden Death in Pigs

Uniprot AAV-6 VP1 Protein
'....Publications: Daszak, et al,
So, it was the Uniprot page for AAV-6 (adeno-associated virus 6) VP1 protein that yielded the Daszak, et al paper. This is a direct link to a virus that causes sudden death in the host, though PEDV seems to be the only (coronavirus [italics]) proven to link to sudden death in the host.
Maybe part of a biological warfare program that went array. This is why the world still looking to see which Country to place the blame on.

Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.
Maybe part of a biological warfare program that went array. This is why the world still looking to see which Country to place the blame on.

Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.
Yes indeed, RFK Jr. (The Real Anthony Fauci) and other authors (Markson, What Really Happened in Wuhan; Chan and Ridley, Viral) have noted Chinese military connections to Wuhan Institute of Virology. This thread and other USMB threads have shown connections to U.S. military (chloroquine and Chinese krait snake venom experiments, Ft. Detrick, 1988), etc.

Gain-of-function experiments coupled with accidental lab escape or deliberate release.
Maybe part of a biological warfare program that went array. This is why the world still looking to see which Country to place the blame on.

Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.
Recommended is Kennedy's The Real Anthony Fauci, Ch. 12 Germ Games. War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State. Kennedy mentions Fort Detrick right away. The Chinese krait venom sports an RGD motif. Ft. Detrick was experimenting with this venom influenced by chloroquine. RGD motif is a 3-amino-acid motif. What is this RGD motif also doing on the SARS2 spike protein at position 403-5?
Jikky's Twitter thread links miR-21 to this thread. This Pubmed miR-21 study links to post #1,695 of this thread for the RGD motif linked to Parkinson's disease:

2014 Japan / MiR-21/ PTEN Pathway

Post #1,695 RGD / Parkinson's Disease
Before investigating the name of the nearest village to the bat cave, there is this:

Pfizer Busted
'....No one on earth can argue against @JesuslovesMJK on this point and win. Pfizer and all its allies are complicit in the biggest scam in human history....Now we need criminal investigations, #blotgate, #humpgate, #pfizertaggate are not going away.'
A 2017 paper by Dr. Ben Hu, one of Zheng-li Shi's doctoral students at WIV....

'....summed up the achievements of the scientists' visits to the Shitou cave near Kunming, Yunnan, yielding fifteen full-length genomes of SARS-like coronaviruses found in bats....Based on the SARS-like viruses that had been found in the cave over the course of five years, 2011 to 2015, the authors hypothesized that the direct progenitor of the 2002-3 SARS virus may have arisen from recombination among the viruses found in that region of Yunnan.

The scientists pointed out that the closest village to the cave was just over a kilometer away and, in 2003, there was a civet farm in Kunming that sold civets to Guangdong for consumption. The scientists did not know whether bats had transmitted the SARS to civets in Yunnan that were transported to Guangdong, ot whether it was bats in GUangdong that had carried the virus and passed it to civets in the same province.'
(Chan and Ridley, Viral p. 188-9, Gain of Function)
Chan and Ridley (above) references for the above excerpt:

All Genes of SARS Virus Were Found in a Bat Cave in Kunming

The cave in question (post #1,715) is located in Jinning District at the southern end of Dian Lake (Dianchi). A Google Earth search 'Dianchi lake' will retrieve the location.

The virus Baric manipulated in the North Carolina lab, RsSHC014, came from this Jinning cave. Another way to view the map is to note the original collection paper by Daszak/EcoHealthAlliance, in April of 2011. Click on lat-lon 24.67 N 102.60 E to view the map:


To locate Kunming proper, zoom out on the map. The "wet market" to note is this one:

10 Feb 2020 Post #370 Awful Kunming Flower and Animal Market

The Kunming market is a major source of wild animal trade, even orchids ripped from jungle trees. Rossana should be interested due to having studied orchids:
'....@15 Dec 2022: Dr. Tonie Rocke....Baric as first, should be interviewed, too.'

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