Covid Baby Boom in Red States, Bust in Blue Lockdown States - and What the Future will Bring

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
This report does not surprise me. First, it is well documented that male fertility is on the decline amongst the young ones. Reasons for worldwide decline in male fertility - PubMed

Some blame this on environmental toxins and the food we eat. The former is most likely leftist drivel. The latter is curious since people are supposedly eating more healthy than we did in the past.

Perhaps it has something to do with social factors, such as young men subordinating themselves to young, woke white women. They definitely curdle my cream.

Whatever the cause, we know that our young wokesters are more apt to be shooting blanks that the older generations. Perhaps that is a good thing resulting from social Darwinism.

We also should not overlook the obvious. With the western trend toward sexual deviancy (homo/trans acceptance, it is inevitable that birth numbers will decline. You simply cannot grow a baby by fertilizing a prostate.

As mentioned in the article, population control is a distinctly leftist authoritarian component. Instead of embracing capitalism, where economic growth is infinite, they seek to manage resources by reducing the number of people that need to be taken care of. Personally, I am not ok living like a rat in a cage waiting to be fed. That is not the American way. But today’s young people seem to be perfectly fine with it.

Why do youngsters denigrate their individualism by embracing destructive leftist ideology. Yes, they are being force-fed this garbage in government schools, which are full-fledged leftist indoctrination machines.

But I also blame the parents. When I was 16-17 years old, for example, my parents told me that I needed to figure shit out because I was about to turn 18 and they expected to shift their resources away from taking care of me to retiring and moving away. When I was 18 I was on my own, and I figured shit out.

But kids today are not subjected to this kind of parenting anymore. Instead, parents are crippling their children by making them dependent. This makes them particularly susceptible to leftist indoctrination.

In a Darwinist way, lowered fertility is appropriate because we do not want people who cannot take care of themselves. These people seem to believe that the NEED to be taken care of. Thus, what would once have been considered a shameful and needy existence has now become acceptable. They want to be told what to do. They are, thus, fine with the slippery slope of totalitarianism.

They think it will be fine. But it won’t. Democratic Socialism is completely unworkable in practice. It is also morally wrong (I.e., living off the sweat of others, like a parasite).

Therefore, nature is trying to correct this malignancy by getting rid of the helpless by vacuuming out the shallow end of the gene pool. This is, in itself, proof of the detrimental consequence of authoritarianism; it maintains the weak and weakens the strong. This is distinctly anti-natural.

To be blunt, the world cannot, and will not, be ruled by woke white women and skinny-leg blue jean wearing hipsters. It is simply not a possibility. It will be ruled either by strong individualism or obscene authoritarianism. A third option is a mix of the 2 states, most likely resulting in a Cold War scenario similar to what we had in the last century following the end of WWII.

But I also blame the parents. When I was 16-17 years old, for example, my parents told me that I needed to figure shit out because I was about to turn 18 and they expected to shift their resources away from taking care of me to retiring and moving away. When I was 18 I was on my own, and I figured shit out.

You figured out by eighteen that shit belonged in the terlit, good boy.
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I had a kid graduate in 2020 and there was no "leftist" ideology in his schools.
Bullshit. My kid graduated in 2022 and our public schools are infested with it, even here in the south. Unless your kid was in a private school, or you live in Afghanistan, then I doubt what you say.
I raised four kids and taught them what I know and they still did their own thing. That's about all yous can dood. I hated living at home and left early but I had no problems with my kids leaving when they were ready no matter their age.
SW Mizzouri and nothing of the like was in the school.
Well, then you got lucky. I have had several run-ins over the past few years with white woke teachers. The best thing I can say is that most of the kids make fun of them for having brains for shit. However, I know more than 1 person who sent their kid off to university only to have them come home at Thanksgiving break as a little Marxist.
As mentioned in the article, population control is a distinctly leftist authoritarian component. Instead of embracing capitalism, where economic growth is infinite, they seek to manage resources by reducing the number of people that need to be taken care of. Personally, I am not ok living like a rat in a cage waiting to be fed. That is not the American way. But today’s young people seem to be perfectly fine with it
This is an interesting comment. What are your thoughts on immigration? Should we “open the gates” as they say?
This is an interesting comment. What are your thoughts on immigration? Should we “open the gates” as they say?
I think we ought to close the borders and disallow all immigration for 10 years unless some special need of America arises (e.g., tech labor). The continued infusion of different cultures into our society without sufficient time for assimilation will erode national unity.

Population control is an entirely different issue altogether.
Yeah right. blame republicans for the primary biological function natural to every animal species on the planet.
I think we ought to close the borders and disallow all immigration for 10 years unless some special need of America arises (e.g., tech labor). The continued infusion of different cultures into our society without sufficient time for assimilation will erode national unity.

Population control is an entirely different issue altogether.
So you want more babies because increasing the population is good for the economy yet you want to close the border for 10 years because of national unity? What about the economy?
Those that will rule this nation will be the wealthy just like it has always been
… and just as it always should be. Remember the Golden Rule: the guy with the Gold majes the Rules.

Blue state birth rate decline durin COVID was largely because most of the folks in Blue States were refraining from physical contact with other people. I know at least a half dozen (young) couples who began sleeping in separate bedrooms due to the COVID warnings.

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