COVID deaths exaggerated

CNN Dr. Sees the Light About COVID Deaths, CNN Hosts Are Not Pleased | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report​

It couldn't be any clearer. A Dr being interviewed on CNN explains how the exaggerations of covid deaths occur(ed)
As the title states, the CNN hosts are a little salty (😢) over the transparency.

I can't believe no one is talking about this.

U.S. Department of Energy assessed with “low confidence” the Covid pandemic originated from a lab leak

Huh? With low confidence?

So where did it start? A wet market or in a lab?

In 2017, the National Intelligence Community said the term “low-confidence” means the “reliability of the sources is questionable,” or the information’s “credibility and/or plausibility is uncertain.”

Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation agrees with the DOE on a lab leak being the likely cause of the pandemic, they are in the minority—CNN reports most intelligence services either believe the the origins of Covid occurred naturally, or there’s not enough evidence to make a decision.

A “lab leak” origin of the Covid pandemic has long been a pet theory of politicians like then-President Donald Trump, who said in 2021 a lab leak theory “seems to make sense,” even as scientists continue to find more evidence supporting the disease’s natural origins.

The theory Covid spread from a lab leak has been continuously disputed by scientific experts, like the authors of an analysispublished in Nature Medicine, who said they “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."
The first known cases of Covid were reported in Wuhan in December 2019, and the disease has since claimed the lives of over 6.8 million people, with the U.S. making up around one million of those deaths.
I can't believe no one is talking about this.

U.S. Department of Energy assessed with “low confidence” the Covid pandemic originated from a lab leak

Huh? With low confidence?

So where did it start? A wet market or in a lab?

In 2017, the National Intelligence Community said the term “low-confidence” means the “reliability of the sources is questionable,” or the information’s “credibility and/or plausibility is uncertain.”

Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation agrees with the DOE on a lab leak being the likely cause of the pandemic, they are in the minority—CNN reports most intelligence services either believe the the origins of Covid occurred naturally, or there’s not enough evidence to make a decision.

A “lab leak” origin of the Covid pandemic has long been a pet theory of politicians like then-President Donald Trump, who said in 2021 a lab leak theory “seems to make sense,” even as scientists continue to find more evidence supporting the disease’s natural origins.

The theory Covid spread from a lab leak has been continuously disputed by scientific experts, like the authors of an analysispublished in Nature Medicine, who said they “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."
The first known cases of Covid were reported in Wuhan in December 2019, and the disease has since claimed the lives of over 6.8 million people, with the U.S. making up around one million of those deaths.
Well, that's the big question isn't it, where did it originate?

There have been stories that it actually was released in the US.
From what I have been piecing together, the research was done in China and it was brought over to the US and both had outbreaks. Because of the severity of each had.
Then the rest of the world had to play along with the plandemic so as not to arouse suspicion the US and China were the targets.
As a nurse who worked in various nursing homes all through the pandemic I’ll agree that it was exaggerated. At least from what I saw, I know that’s not a scientific sample, but still….

The vast majority of residents I saw die were in their 80s or older and on death’s door already. Many (most) of them didn’t die “from” COVID so much as they died “with” it.
Well, that's the big question isn't it, where did it originate?

There have been stories that it actually was released in the US.
From what I have been piecing together, the research was done in China and it was brought over to the US and both had outbreaks. Because of the severity of each had.
Then the rest of the world had to play along with the plandemic so as not to arouse suspicion the US and China were the targets.
I've also never believed the government's story on who mailed out the anthrax. It was Chaney.
I can't believe no one is talking about this.

U.S. Department of Energy assessed with “low confidence” the Covid pandemic originated from a lab leak

Huh? With low confidence?

So where did it start? A wet market or in a lab?

In 2017, the National Intelligence Community said the term “low-confidence” means the “reliability of the sources is questionable,” or the information’s “credibility and/or plausibility is uncertain.”

Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation agrees with the DOE on a lab leak being the likely cause of the pandemic, they are in the minority—CNN reports most intelligence services either believe the the origins of Covid occurred naturally, or there’s not enough evidence to make a decision.

A “lab leak” origin of the Covid pandemic has long been a pet theory of politicians like then-President Donald Trump, who said in 2021 a lab leak theory “seems to make sense,” even as scientists continue to find more evidence supporting the disease’s natural origins.

The theory Covid spread from a lab leak has been continuously disputed by scientific experts, like the authors of an analysispublished in Nature Medicine, who said they “do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."
The first known cases of Covid were reported in Wuhan in December 2019, and the disease has since claimed the lives of over 6.8 million people, with the U.S. making up around one million of those deaths.
What does any of that have to do with the exaggeration of COVID death numbers? It's almost as if you didn't like the way the discussion was going so decided to insert an unrelated set of statements, hoping to deflect attention onto something else.
What does any of that have to do with the exaggeration of COVID death numbers? It's almost as if you didn't like the way the discussion was going so decided to insert an unrelated set of statements, hoping to deflect attention onto something else.
Sounds like I'm agreeing with you something shady going on here.
What does any of that have to do with the exaggeration of COVID death numbers? It's almost as if you didn't like the way the discussion was going so decided to insert an unrelated set of statements, hoping to deflect attention onto something else.

I heard this story on the Daily Show last night

They were making fun of this comment from the government

U.S. Department of Energy assessed with “low confidence” the Covid pandemic originated from a lab leak

With LOW confidence? That doesn't give me HIGH confidence in what they are saying.

Oh, maybe does this make Trump look bad? I remember him pushing the story that it was created in a lab not in a wet market. Originally it was a wet market. Who changed it to in a lab?
Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul released the following statement in response to the Department of Energy (DOE) assessment that concludes the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely caused by a lab leak in China. Their report reiterates the same finding in Chairman McCaul’s reportfrom August 2021, which found a preponderance of the evidence proved the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Michael Thomas McCaul Sr. is an American attorney and politician serving as the U.S. representative for Texas's 10th congressional district since 2005. A member of the Republican Party, he chaired the House Committee on Homeland Security

So did this guy lie about it starting in a lab? The government has LOW CONFIDENCE in that position.
What does any of that have to do with the exaggeration of COVID death numbers? It's almost as if you didn't like the way the discussion was going so decided to insert an unrelated set of statements, hoping to deflect attention onto something else.
I've changed the subject based on new information.

Michael Thomas McCaul Sr. is an American attorney and politician serving as the U.S. representative for Texas's 10th congressional district since 2005. A member of the Republican Party, he chaired the House Committee on Homeland Security

Is he the guy who said covid was started in a lab when it really started in a wet market? Why are Republicans always making shit up?
I wrote a lot here during that time with both my kids, especially my daughter, being neck deep in Covid patients as both are respiratory caretakers. My daughter is a charge RT at a major hospital in a large city, my son is a respiratory specialist at one of the most respected childrens hospitals in the country.
My daughter, primarily serving adults, was on the front lines all the way.
She began talking about how she personally saw, on a regular basis, patients being listed as "Covid patients" when they were there being treated for something else, but tested positive.
This incentivized hospitals to list patients as Covid because the only stipulation required to claim the funds was a patent tested positive. There was no requirement that the patient had to be there primarily or even secondarily being treated for Covid.
Same goes for patient deaths. She personally saw Covid written on patients final papers where the patient did NOT die from covid.
This is a well known thing among particularly among RTs who were the front line staff treating patients with Covid. Keep in mind most hospitals didn't even allow treating doctors to enter the patient rooms, only if there was a direct need for treatment. RT staff did everything.
I heard this story on the Daily Show last night

They were making fun of this comment from the government

U.S. Department of Energy assessed with “low confidence” the Covid pandemic originated from a lab leak

With LOW confidence? That doesn't give me HIGH confidence in what they are saying.

Oh, maybe does this make Trump look bad? I remember him pushing the story that it was created in a lab not in a wet market. Originally it was a wet market. Who changed it to in a lab?
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