Covid 'hate crimes' against Asian Americans on rise

The numbers are tiny considering the size of this country. The vast majority of Americans are quite capable of making the distinction between the Chinese Government and the chinese american he passes on the street.

That you want to let our society and discourse be dictated by the fringe, is not a reasonable idea.
Any number above zero is too large.

This thread is about pretending that America or conservatives or Trump supporters are bad people because of the actions of a very small number of assholes.

That is dishonest, and divisive and harmful to the nation as a whole and to many individuals who have been or will be canceled based on that false perception.
I'm not pretending.

Don't beat up, nor disparage Asian-Americans on social media, and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Except that even in this thread you are conflating support for Trump, ie nearly half of America, with the violence you are discussing.

So, you are dishonestly trying to have it both ways.

One the one hand, dishonestly smearing tens of millions of good people, with the actions of a very few,

adn then when called on your shit behavior, protesting, "i'm just talking about those that committed violence".

You are a dishonest and hypocritical hack.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
So 8 Asians have died by a white guy, but 100s of thousands of white/black/brown/yellow people have died by China releasing the Kung Flu, and you want to bitch and moan about a nut job?
You perpetuate trump idiocy, mainly because you are an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.
You call me an idiot, but i dont submit myself to the Royals...The only point you have is the one at your peabrain...

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.

These things always happen in cities run by people like you. That's not a coincidence.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
Sadly a thirteen year old asian was jumped by some oder boys in NYC yesterday while telling him to go back to China...thanks wingers for your insisting on putting a nationality to this virus.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
So 8 Asians have died by a white guy, but 100s of thousands of white/black/brown/yellow people have died by China releasing the Kung Flu, and you want to bitch and moan about a nut job?
You perpetuate trump idiocy, mainly because you are an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.
You call me an idiot, but i dont submit myself to the Royals...The only point you have is the one at your peabrain...
Lol, you are too much of a coward to even visit London ya flabby arsed piece of shit.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
Sadly a thirteen year old asian was jumped by some oder boys in NYC yesterday while telling him to go back to China...thanks wingers for your insisting on putting a nationality to this virus.

What kind of "older boys"?

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
So 8 Asians have died by a white guy, but 100s of thousands of white/black/brown/yellow people have died by China releasing the Kung Flu, and you want to bitch and moan about a nut job?
You perpetuate trump idiocy, mainly because you are an idiot. Thank you for proving my point.
You call me an idiot, but i dont submit myself to the Royals...The only point you have is the one at your peabrain...
Lol, you are too much of a coward to even visit London ya flabby arsed piece of shit.
I visited London back in 1976, back then it was worth the visit. Today, not so much. Any time you want to visit America, just come on over Tommy, come to St Augustine, i will show you the town....

Welcome to the Kings Head British Pub in St Augustine, Florida

Oh , and you dont have to bow down to any royals here either.....

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics. moron....the people beating up Asian Americans in democrat party controlled cities are black democrat party voters. You don't understand this because the media doesn't want to expose this reality......

hitler was a left wing socialist, Trump is neither one of those things.....the democrat party has the brown shirts, not Trump...the democrat party brown shirts burned and looted our cities for 7 months, you fucking moron, and they actually murdered 30 Americans....

You are so blind it is amazing you can survive...
Blame the former president because a maniac gunned down Asians in a massage parlor? The left definitely needs professional help. You could make a better case that democrats were responsible for the climate of hatred that caused Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson to pick up a rifle and try to kill every republican congressman and 64 year old Stephen Paddock to kill 58 people at a Country concert in Vegas that the media called a "Trump rally" which was clearly a politically motivated shooting even though the FBI was reluctant to call it.
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If you are going to stretch credibility to the maximum and blame Trump for the murder of Koreans when evidence indicated that China was allegedly he source of the covid pandemic you have to consider the relationship between mass shooter James Hodgkinson and senator Bernie Sanders. Did Hodgkinson meet with Sanders? Did democrat operatives furnish Hodgkinson with the layout and schedule of baseball practice? Nobody seems to know because the FBI was too busy trying to bring down the Trump administration and the media buried the story faster than they buried Hodgkinson. You have to consider that the only motive possible for Stephen Paddock's shooting rampage in Vegas was political since the media spilled the beans a couple of times calling the Country Concert a "Trump rally". Since the FBI had willingly become the propaganda outlet for the democrat party the last thing they would want to do is call the mass murder of 58 people politically motivated and the media was more anxious to bury the story than to address the evidence. James Hodgkinson and Stephen Paddock are forgotten and Trump is blamed for a shooting spree by a maniac. Welcome to the democrat socialist revolution.
There is no "hate crime" worse than having launched the absurd concept of "hate crime". It serves for no more than creating some vague sense of moral outrage over what is an outrageous crime. There is nothing about hating the victim that increases the injury to him. Kicking a person because you don't like the person is no less than kicking a person because the person is a woman, or has different pigmentation or shape of eyes. Insisting it does merely validates such things as race-based identification.
That said, attacks against people who fit an image of 'Asian' is definitely a manifestation of racism, no matter who does it and despite the fact that anyone intelligent knows such 'race' definitions are phony. All people are protected under the law from being attacked physically when they have done nothing to the attacker. It is not needed, not necessary and not constructive to increase penalties because a victim can be identified as some sub-category of the social makeup.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
No one should be surprised that the white trash are doing this. Donald their messiah speaketh and the cult acts


Looks like whitey dresses up in blackface now!

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
Sadly a thirteen year old asian was jumped by some oder boys in NYC yesterday while telling him to go back to China...thanks wingers for your insisting on putting a nationality to this virus.
Liar, it's you scum doing all that. It always is.

Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.
The Democrat Reich has been demonizing Asians for decades.
So let's see...2,800 incidents, of which more than 70% were a country with almost 350 million inhabitants.

Not all incidents are reported.

Asian Americans are reporting an increase in racial intimidation and harassment. Not necessarily a crime, but an indicator of increased tension

And on the other hand, many reported incidents are bullshit.

Typical denial from Conservatives

I don’t like it so I will claim they are making it up
It's "typical" only because the accusation is totally unsported just like all ofter leftwing cries of racism.
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Who would have thought that stigmatising one group of society would lead to violence and murder. Trump is possibly too stupid to understand this but there should have been an adult in the room to steer him away from this madness. He isnt the only one at fault. All of those media fox types,all of those wanabees whining on about kung flu and the wuhan virus are to blame as well.
All the brain dead posters on this site can have a share of it as well. The US has a proud history of attacking minorities so this was no shock.
Im not saying that trump is hitler but he uses shit out of hitlers big book of nazi tactics.

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