Covid is a real killer


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

Yep, Covid killed off a strain of the flu

"This fall’s flu shot will be designed to protect you from just three strains of the influenza virus, instead of the usual four, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That’s because an entire branch of the influenza family tree has died out, and experts say that's likely due, at least in part, to the COVID pandemic and the precautions many people were taking. Here’s what to know about the now “extinct” Yamagata influenza B virus, what happened to it and how its disappearance will affect next year’s flu vaccines."

Yep, Covid killed off a strain of the flu

"This fall’s flu shot will be designed to protect you from just three strains of the influenza virus, instead of the usual four, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That’s because an entire branch of the influenza family tree has died out, and experts say that's likely due, at least in part, to the COVID pandemic and the precautions many people were taking. Here’s what to know about the now “extinct” Yamagata influenza B virus, what happened to it and how its disappearance will affect next year’s flu vaccines."
could be that widespread masking and social distancing helped?
Well it didn't kill the stomach bug I had last weekend and let me tell you, for about three hours I honestly thought I was dying

To think that people pay money for cruises and then get norovirus? On a cruise. Nope, nopety nopey nope
Yep, Covid killed off a strain of the flu
Why not title it correctly as a bio engineered virus ?
Man made -- SARS but tampered .
See Dr David Martin for fullest , most detailed and clearly presented evidence source .

If you now want a potential Killer Flu jab that has been further tampered with and requires testing for Graphene Oxide ( possible) and heavy metal nano particles ( highly likely ), then good luck .

The chances of you catching old fashioned Flu are extremely low if you are not obese and live healthily .
Naturally a sensible daily dose of D3 and a high dose of Vtamin C will almost guarantee no flu . Ever .
I cannot generalise just from my own experience but I have never had the smallest sniffle since I moved to this regime very early in 2020 --exactly four years ago . Same result for those I converted .
But if you want to use the Coincidence explanation , so be it .
See Dr David Martin

I would image something recent from him 'Lu?

The things COVID killed the most are people's faith in politics, our bureaucracy, our representatives, pharmaceuticals, teachers unions, the MSM and the medical profession. Whatever happened to herd immunity? Did it get overridden by the pharmaceuticals and political elites or what? MAGA

I would image something recent from him 'Lu?

No not him . This David Martin -- see below .
Have picked first video I alighted on which I have not even seen myself . He is the speaker not the introductory host .
Be careful of Wiki . He is one of those that Deep State are desperate to convince you that he is a fraud or just full of BS .
100% oposite , imho. A clever , gifted expert especially on patents .


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