Covid victim dies after watching football match. Guess what ?

Which means that 40% are which is still a failure for a jab that is supposed to be 95% effective. Not saying that people should or should not get it. Just pointing out that the numbers are atrocious either way.
The number refers to hospitalisations. The 95% could still be valid when applied to the whole population. I suspect that it is or we would have heard about it by now.
The number refers to hospitalisations. The 95% could still be valid when applied to the whole population. I suspect that it is or we would have heard about it by now.

Even if that were the case it would raise serious doubts about the claim that the jabs stop 99% of hospitalizations for people who do fall into that alleged 5% category. The reality is, we are only slowly learning that things like HIV/AIDS drugs and some arthritis medicines block people from ever building the antibodies off a jab. Lord only knows what other meds are out there that could do the same because of the rush for emergency approval. What we don't know about all this is exponentially larger than what we do know.
Even if that were the case it would raise serious doubts about the claim that the jabs stop 99% of hospitalizations for people who do fall into that alleged 5% category. The reality is, we are only slowly learning that things like HIV/AIDS drugs and some arthritis medicines block people from ever building the antibodies off a jab. Lord only knows what other meds are out there that could do the same because of the rush for emergency approval. What we don't know about all this is exponentially larger than what we do know.
Ive not seen that claim and Im not sure who would be in a position to make it. Ive just seen a Doctor stating that the patients he is seeing are younger and are in hospital for less time. That is a benefit. The death rates are also down amongst vaxed folk so thats another benefit.

On the whole you are better off having it than not.
From your link:
Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 334 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 12, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,079 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

AND not a single one of those reporting deaths after the vaccine to VAERS HAVE BEEN VERIFIED....
Which means that 40% are which is still a failure for a jab that is supposed to be 95% effective. Not saying that people should or should not get it. Just pointing out that the numbers are atrocious either way.
Delta variant carries 1000 times the viral load than the original strain.... The vaccines still help with reducing deaths, but they may need another booster shot or two!!! :eek:

People on immune suppressant therapy, or any person whose immune system is suppressed like those with aids or receiving cancer treatments etc or the very old, the shots give some protection but in some cases, not enough to save them.
Tommy why don't you address the fact that your own Minister of Health said just yesterday that 40% of new Covid hospitalizations are FULLY vaccinated and 60% had one shot.

That is an utter failure. Utter.
Delta variant carries 1000 times the viral load than the original strain.... The vaccines still help with reducing deaths, but they may need another booster shot or two!!! :eek:

People on immune suppressant therapy, or any person whose immune system is suppressed like those with aids or receiving cancer treatments etc or the very old, the shots give some protection but in some cases, not enough to save them.

Sure but what 6 of the Texas Democrats on the run have beedn diagnosed with COVID after receiving the shots too. My point is that the shots do not make anyone bulletproof and it is looking more and more like they are not nearly as effective as billed.
Sure but what 6 of the Texas Democrats on the run have beedn diagnosed with COVID after receiving the shots too. My point is that the shots do not make anyone bulletproof and it is looking more and more like they are not nearly as effective as billed.
They never promised you wouldn't catch covid, they said about 95% given the mrna vaccines, after second shot and time, would not die from it....

And you are right that no one is's simply improving your odds of not dying if you catch it....

This Delta variant is a whopper though....1000 times the viral load of the original covid the shots were created for, so I can definitely see people needing a booster shot if this virus continues to mutate in to stronger strains and spreading at faster speeds.
Here you retarded cultists
Over 6k. That doesnt count other countries.
That link says, "During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine." That does not say that the vaccine caused those deaths.

We've been getting vaccines for six months now. Any six-month period will have thousands of Americans die, especially since the vaccinations started with the oldest.

The same source—your source, your proof—then says, "A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines," which is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to say.

Oh wait, then it tells of possible TTS complications with the J&J vaccine. A little research shows that the total death count from that is ... three.

Three, out of around 170,000,000.

Thanks for the link, though.
That link says, "During this time, VAERS received 6,789 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine." That does not say that the vaccine caused those deaths.

We've been getting vaccines for six months now. Any six-month period will have thousands of Americans die, especially since the vaccinations started with the oldest.

The same source—your source, your proof—then says, "A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines," which is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to say.

Oh wait, then it tells of possible TTS complications with the J&J vaccine. A little research shows that the total death count from that is ... three.

Three, out of around 170,000,000.

Thanks for the link, though.
the fact our resident two trollboys love this post proves this post is babble :auiqs.jpg:

After enjoying the game from his home town in Cleethorpes, Grimsby, Glenn battled the virus for three weeks before he died with his mum at his side last Tuesday.
He had not been vaccinated, but his last words to nurses and doctors at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital were ‘I wish I had’, Grimsby Live reported.

When will these idiots learn ?

When will Elon Musk go to space?

All covid victims were murdered by the satanic plandemic gang who'd send them to ventilators in ICU before.
Ventilators murder peoples, not Covid-1986 scamdemic
All covid victims were murdered by the satanic plandemic gang who'd send them to ventilators in ICU before.
Ventilators murder peoples, not Covid-1986 scamdemic
Thanks for clearing this up for us.

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