COVID: What's next?

What happens next? Sooner or later folks will realize that all this bullshit isn't really worth it for a 99.9% survivable virus.
You left out young people and ones who have already had the virus. What percentage do they represent?
people that got the actual virus still have B cells and T cells.
Kids under 12 cant get the vaccine yet (48 million kids), but their risk of severe disease is low. They will have kid vaccine in winter.

I'm going to hope that we can stay on topic here. There are already more than enough threads on vaccine efficacy.

It's becoming more and more clear that we're not going to get enough people vaccinated to create a "herd immunity", or whatever the hell we were hoping for. Those who are against this -- whatever their reasons -- appear to have won. Their individual "freedom" and their "liberty" remain intact, and the rest will be able to avoid it for whatever reason it is that scares them.

All that excitement about getting the vaccines available is over. Wasted.

So let's get real: Now that we have decided the virus and its future variants and mutations aren't going away, how do you think this plays out in terms of public health? In terms of how it affects the economy?

What's next? How do you see this playing out?
Certain parts of the world are gonna be all but depopulated, possibly including the American south, India, large swaths of Africa and the middle east. That's gonna change everything from political considerations to the world economy.
Proof that masks help protect the wearer

Combine that with the person already infected wearing a mask and you have a reasonable degree of protection.

You don't believe that wearing a mask keeps the virus somewhat contained?

Try blowing out a candle while wearing one. Almost impossible
Yes, because there has never been a safer time for the vaccinated & covid-19 survivors to live! The weekly deaths from all causes that shot up 57% due to covid before vaccines, has now fallen to the lowest in US history. Suffering masking, lockdowns, distancing & risking novel virus harm is now a choice.
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Deaths follow infections by as much as weeks and infections are rising rapidly

Fla just had their highest number of daily infections EVER and over 100 people died.

Things are changing rapidly
Well, people that are vaccinated and wear masks will become ill less, spread the infection less, and die in fewer numbers.
People who refuse to get vaccinated and won't wear masks will get sick, spread the infection more, and die in larger numbers.
Eventually, enough people that refuse to be part of the solution will get sick and change their mind.
And eventually, between the people that die, the people that change their mind because they know someone that died,
and the people that are part of the solution, the US will reach a level that COVID is no longer a pandemic.
I think the word for it is "culling".

It's a shame because the a big point of having evolved a substantial cerebral cortex
is to be able to react quickly to changes in the environment and
avoid problems that result in natural culling of the population.
You do realize that the majority of the population can effectively use their own immune system to fight off respiratory viruses, don't you?
Since the Shame CampaignTM hasn't worked, now we are resorting to wishing death on those not seeking the Big Jab?
Pathetic sales pitch if you ask me.
Well, people that are vaccinated and wear masks will become ill less, spread the infection less, and die in fewer numbers.
People who refuse to get vaccinated and won't wear masks will get sick, spread the infection more, and die in larger numbers.
Eventually, enough people that refuse to be part of the solution will get sick and change their mind.
And eventually, between the people that die, the people that change their mind because they know someone that died,
and the people that are part of the solution, the US will reach a level that COVID is no longer a pandemic.
I think the word for it is "culling".

It's a shame because the a big point of having evolved a substantial cerebral cortex
is to be able to react quickly to changes in the environment and
avoid problems that result in natural culling of the population.
My concern is that dragging it out like this will allow the virus to create variants that will render vaccines impotent.

Either way, I'll just remain hopeful that we make more advances on treatments.
Eat a healthy diet, fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts etc. Stay away from processed foods, carbonated sweet drinks. Get to a healthy weight for your age. Walk, exercise. Drink lots of water. Healthy food is the best medicine.
Right! A more robust host can stay on it's feet longer and spread the virus far and wide!
I'm going to hope that we can stay on topic here. There are already more than enough threads on vaccine efficacy.

It's becoming more and more clear that we're not going to get enough people vaccinated to create a "herd immunity", or whatever the hell we were hoping for. Those who are against this -- whatever their reasons -- appear to have won. Their individual "freedom" and their "liberty" remain intact, and the rest will be able to avoid it for whatever reason it is that scares them.

All that excitement about getting the vaccines available is over. Wasted.

So let's get real: Now that we have decided the virus and its future variants and mutations aren't going away, how do you think this plays out in terms of public health? In terms of how it affects the economy?

What's next? How do you see this playing out?
What will happen next is what's happening now.

1) Democrats will continue to focus your attacks on forcing vaccinated people to get mask leveraging personal insults. I can quote you if you like

2) No one who is not vaccinated will get vaccinated

Note that 1 causes 2


3) Democrats will continue to not care about the superspreader Southern border because you have elections to steal
Right! A more robust host can stay on it's feet longer and spread the virus far and wide!

A healthy person usually doesn't have a virus long enough to spread it. That was taught back when I was in grade fresh fruits and vegetables, the best medicine is eating healthy. You know, those kinds of things but we've moved on to way more important issues such as wrapping condoms on cucumbers now. New levels of ineptitude!!
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PWe can't make the hard choices any more; we can't admit our system of government is broken, we can't admit that our election infrastructure needs updating, we can't admit that our 50 "baby" governments are just as dysfunctional as the central government, we have an electoral college that is poised to deliver a 269/269 split, we have all sorts of colonies around the globe that we should incorporate into states so people don't continue to believe that some citizens are more "American" than others... And I haven't even started on the 1/2 of the nation who fully believes that 11 different state elections, dozens of county-wide elections, and every court and law enforcement agency is rigged against them.

We're a nation of 13 y/o girls and 10 y/o boys.

Covid is just the latest example of us not wanting to make a hard choice. You take the vaccine and keep doing the 3 big steps (hand washing, masking, and social distancing) and this thing goes away. The discomfort level is almost non existent.... we won't do it. Just like we won't get rid of public TV, admit that having 4 gazillion guns may be adding to the gun violence that we have and no other first world nation does...just like the climate change deniers...

We need to grow up and we need to do it fast.

We'll get there eventually. When your kid can't play football or you can't attend if you're not vaccinated...yeah...we'll get there. Doing it because it's the right thing to do is not an option for most people. All to pity them more.

The fundamental difference is that you want a government that works more effectively together to control every aspect of our lives and we want a government that doesn't control our lives
It's Joe's fault you morons won't get your shots?

Do you know how stupid you sound right now?

It Biden's job to unite the people and convince us of the need for the shots.

I heard him talking about paying people to get shots.

When will he be coming up with the money?

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