COVID19 rebound will ruin American sports industry for rest of year. Blame Trump and his nitwits.

We know Trump says “I don't take responsibility at all,” for most of the things a President is responsible for, but I don’t know how he ducks responsibility for the resurgence in US C19 cases in a majority of states and mostly in Red States.

Trump is in a death spiral in the polls for the past few weeks, but I’m thinking he has seen nothing yet if the current spikes in virus infections bring about devastating news for sports fans that there won’t be any baseball, basketball or football pro or college for another year.,

What do you think? Will this bad news of no sports going into November finish off Trump and Republicans and add another ten points behind Biden and Democrats in the polls?

Trump doesn't control the States if they decide to allow sporting, nor does he decide which leagues will open, and how they will do it.

All he could do is shut down air travel entirely, and even then they could still drive to the sports locations, unless you are saying he has the power to ban interstate travel.
FU Marty. NZ has stadiums open. Trump closed it down and then opened it up and now blames Governors, and that's why he sucks worse than his whores in the polls.
We have poor leadership. We shouldn’t ever be one of the worst. Thanks Trump!

So Cuomo and DiBlasio are blameless?
It’s an international problem. Most the blame belongs at the top.

Most of the actual actions that had to be taken happen at the State/local level in our system of government.

What could Trump have specifically done to prevent this?

Oh wait he tried to shut down travel from China and your side bitched about it.
BULLSHIT, MARTY. look friend, I've taken up for you and your non-mainstream takes on various issues, but you are an asshole on this. A hundred thousand have died as a direct result of Trump and the fed govt not having testing (to0 many cases!!) and contact tracing. States don't have the means, and it is the fed govts job to deal with multi-state disasters. The fat fuck can raid other programs for wall money when this is actually a very real national disaster.

States have Department's of Health, which are the local organization mandated to handle these things. FEMA and the CDC are just advisory organizations and planning organizations, with some research added.

Part of the problem with the testing was existing regulations that had to be bypassed. These regulations were around well before Trump came into office.

Why do you think States went to lockdowns? At that point contact tracing was moot, and even if they had tests it was to far gone to contain. Also, that was when we were worried about a 3%-4% mortality (and being off by a factor of 2 on the high side) instead of the more than likely less than 1% overall mortality we will see at the end of all this.

I only call out DiBlasio and Cuomo as defenses to your attacks on Trump. Both were wrong, but you don't see me calling for their heads or using their fuckups for political fodder.
Stupid to blame mayors or governors for an international problem.

It's actually a local problem, with a lot of localities dealing with it. Disease spreads locally, and has to be controlled locally.

States and their home rule subdivisions have the power and authority to deal with things like epidemics, the most the feds can do is support and control international access.
You have some imagination. I guess you will say anything to defend failure.

I have how things actually work on my side, you have no response besides ignoring the basic facts of how our system functions.

What a biased shitpost.
Truth hurts eh?

lol "truth"
Actually, we are going to see sports real soon.

lots of us are expecting that... but you need to realize that no matter how hard the leagues and colleges try to keep all players, coaches and technical support and their families safe, this virus is on its way up not down in a majority of states. One outbreak one team will shut the whole thing down.

and it’s the anti-mask Trump and his idiot supporters who are most to blame,

there is no way that cases should be rising as they are right now.

This is ridiculous.


If the people agree that we need to lock down the country, they will have an opportunity to vote for that in November.

That will never added that in the ballots..... Around the world the CV-19 crisis are getting better except here in US that is going the wrong directions. The US economy will go along with that....... And of this continues in next 2 months you can call kiss your unfit Donnie good bye.
Actually, we are going to see sports real soon.

lots of us are expecting that... but you need to realize that no matter how hard the leagues and colleges try to keep all players, coaches and technical support and their families safe, this virus is on its way up not down in a majority of states. One outbreak one team will shut the whole thing down.

and it’s the anti-mask Trump and his idiot supporters who are most to blame,

there is no way that cases should be rising as they are right now.

This is ridiculous.


If the people agree that we need to lock down the country, they will have an opportunity to vote for that in November.

That will never added that in the ballots..... Around the world the CV-19 crisis are getting better except here in US that is going the wrong directions. The US economy will go along with that....... And of this continues in next 2 months you can call kiss your unfit Donnie good bye.

Maybe? Personally, I think by November people are going to be sick enough of this COVID Panic that Sleepy Joe will have a real hard time selling a pandemic lockdown for 2021 and the people will be behind The Donald.
We know Trump says “I don't take responsibility at all,” for most of the things a President is responsible for, but I don’t know how he ducks responsibility for the resurgence in US C19 cases in a majority of states and mostly in Red States.

Trump is in a death spiral in the polls for the past few weeks, but I’m thinking he has seen nothing yet if the current spikes in virus infections bring about devastating news for sports fans that there won’t be any baseball, basketball or football pro or college for another year.,

What do you think? Will this bad news of no sports going into November finish off Trump and Republicans and add another ten points behind Biden and Democrats in the polls?

Trump doesn't control the States if they decide to allow sporting, nor does he decide which leagues will open, and how they will do it.

All he could do is shut down air travel entirely, and even then they could still drive to the sports locations, unless you are saying he has the power to ban interstate travel.

The least that this idiot can do is set an example. Wear a stupid mask so his followers will wear mask.

The resurgence of the CV is scary and that will fall in Trump laps.....

Lots of politicians don't wear masks when speaking, including Cuomo.

Wrong Cuomo wear mask. Most of the politicians that are mask defiance are Republicans.

Even Mike Pence, Hannity, McConnell, republican governors and several GOPs and Trump allies encourage people to wear mask. So it’s up to Trump. You have only 2 options you do it your way or the CV-19 will do it for you.
Look what is happening here in California, Texas, Arizona and other states. Close restaurants, bar and other indoor venues. We might have another lock down. Arizona is at 88% ICU capacity.
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Actually, we are going to see sports real soon.

lots of us are expecting that... but you need to realize that no matter how hard the leagues and colleges try to keep all players, coaches and technical support and their families safe, this virus is on its way up not down in a majority of states. One outbreak one team will shut the whole thing down.

and it’s the anti-mask Trump and his idiot supporters who are most to blame,

there is no way that cases should be rising as they are right now.

This is ridiculous.


If the people agree that we need to lock down the country, they will have an opportunity to vote for that in November.

That will never added that in the ballots..... Around the world the CV-19 crisis are getting better except here in US that is going the wrong directions. The US economy will go along with that....... And of this continues in next 2 months you can call kiss your unfit Donnie good bye.

Maybe? Personally, I think by November people are going to be sick enough of this COVID Panic that Sleepy Joe will have a real hard time selling a pandemic lockdown for 2021 and the people will be behind The Donald.

Donnie can’t do anything if he is out of the office. Remember sleepy Joe is far more qualified leader of this country than that TRAITOR moron who fucked up this country.

I’m afraid the bad economy and CV-19 will be with us till end of next year. Till these IDIOTS and IGNORANT Americans do not cooperate or help solve the Pandemic problems. Trump is part of the problem.
Dodder Plump has never taken responsibility for any of the many many failures in life. Most of all his failure to be human by any reasonable definition of the word.

He's gone bankrupt 4 times. That would be enough to give any semi-functional human being a dose of humility. But not a worthless psychopath like him.
We know Trump says “I don't take responsibility at all,” for most of the things a President is responsible for, but I don’t know how he ducks responsibility for the resurgence in US C19 cases in a majority of states and mostly in Red States.

Trump is in a death spiral in the polls for the past few weeks, but I’m thinking he has seen nothing yet if the current spikes in virus infections bring about devastating news for sports fans that there won’t be any baseball, basketball or football pro or college for another year.,

What do you think? Will this bad news of no sports going into November finish off Trump and Republicans and add another ten points behind Biden and Democrats in the polls?
You can test positive for 19even if you just have a just said the cdc lol

Covid 19 death rate of less than 0.04 %
As a new swine flu strain sweeps dirty disgusting china
We know Trump says “I don't take responsibility at all,” for most of the things a President is responsible for, but I don’t know how he ducks responsibility for the resurgence in US C19 cases in a majority of states and mostly in Red States.

Trump is in a death spiral in the polls for the past few weeks, but I’m thinking he has seen nothing yet if the current spikes in virus infections bring about devastating news for sports fans that there won’t be any baseball, basketball or football pro or college for another year.,

What do you think? Will this bad news of no sports going into November finish off Trump and Republicans and add another ten points behind Biden and Democrats in the polls?

Trump is not responsible for the Democrapic criminals infesting various state governments, who have latched on to the #CoronaHoax2020 as an excuse to maliciously shut down and sabotage the economy, including the sports business.

That is all on your side. Own it.

We're certainly going to remember this in November.
It would save 30,000 lives by October if 95 percent of us wore masks in the US.

Anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps will protect anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus is too damn stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.

These masks do not save anyone's lives. None.
We know Trump says “I don't take responsibility at all,” for most of the things a President is responsible for, but I don’t know how he ducks responsibility for the resurgence in US C19 cases in a majority of states and mostly in Red States.

Trump is in a death spiral in the polls for the past few weeks, but I’m thinking he has seen nothing yet if the current spikes in virus infections bring about devastating news for sports fans that there won’t be any baseball, basketball or football pro or college for another year.,

What do you think? Will this bad news of no sports going into November finish off Trump and Republicans and add another ten points behind Biden and Democrats in the polls?

Trump doesn't control the States if they decide to allow sporting, nor does he decide which leagues will open, and how they will do it.

All he could do is shut down air travel entirely, and even then they could still drive to the sports locations, unless you are saying he has the power to ban interstate travel.

The least that this idiot can do is set an example. Wear a stupid mask so his followers will wear mask.

The resurgence of the CV is scary and that will fall in Trump laps.....

Lots of politicians don't wear masks when speaking, including Cuomo.

Wrong Cuomo wear mask. Most of the politicians that are mask defiance are Republicans.

Even Mike Pence, Hannity, McConnell, republican governors and several GOPs and Trump allies encourage people to wear mask. So it’s up to Trump. You have only 2 options you do it your way or the CV-19 will do it for you.
Look what is happening here in California, Texas, Arizona and other states. Close restaurants, bar and other indoor venues. We might have another lock down. Arizona is at 88% ICU capacity.

Actually, we are going to see sports real soon.

lots of us are expecting that... but you need to realize that no matter how hard the leagues and colleges try to keep all players, coaches and technical support and their families safe, this virus is on its way up not down in a majority of states. One outbreak one team will shut the whole thing down.

and it’s the anti-mask Trump and his idiot supporters who are most to blame,

there is no way that cases should be rising as they are right now.

This is ridiculous.


If the people agree that we need to lock down the country, they will have an opportunity to vote for that in November.

That will never added that in the ballots..... Around the world the CV-19 crisis are getting better except here in US that is going the wrong directions. The US economy will go along with that....... And of this continues in next 2 months you can call kiss your unfit Donnie good bye.

Maybe? Personally, I think by November people are going to be sick enough of this COVID Panic that Sleepy Joe will have a real hard time selling a pandemic lockdown for 2021 and the people will be behind The Donald.

Donnie can’t do anything if he is out of the office. Remember sleepy Joe is far more qualified leader of this country than that TRAITOR moron who fucked up this country.

I’m afraid the bad economy and CV-19 will be with us till end of next year. Till these IDIOTS and IGNORANT Americans do not cooperate or help solve the Pandemic problems. Trump is part of the problem.

Why would anyone think that Sleepy Joe is more qualified than anyone to run the country? He doesn't know what office he's running for or what state he's in. I'm more qualified than Bite Me for certain.

Biden wasn't that swift at his peak, and he's far off of that. Although what's amusing is that he was the most qualified of the 30 Democrat candidates in the clown car this spring.
Anyone who believes that a mask with 50-micron gaps will protect anyone from a 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus is too damn stupid to be taken seriously on any topic.

These masks do not save anyone's lives. None.

It must be that you do not know that the virus is carried on larger droplets. Any covering over the mouth of a pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic infected person who is talking prevents the droplets from carrying the virus to the mask of the listener.

“Studies have found that viral load peaks in the days before symptoms begin and that speaking is enough to expel virus-carrying droplets.” Still Confused About Masks? Here’s the Science Behind How Face Masks Prevent Coronavirus
you are an ignorant anti-science fool if you think your 0.05- to 0.2-micron virus can travel the same exact distance after being expelled from the mouth of an asymptotic speaker who has a cloth covering his mouth and nose compared to some idiot who thinks a mask changes nothing about the vaporized droplets that are being spit on anybody whio might be nearby.

“What may have finally convinced the CDC to change its guidance in favor of masks were rising disease prevalence and a clearer understanding that both pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission are possible – even common. Studies have found that viral load peaks in the days before symptoms begin and that speaking is enough to expel virus-carrying droplets.
What evidence do we have that wearing a mask is effective in preventing COVID-19?
There are several strands of evidencesupporting the efficacy of masks.​

One category of evidence comes from laboratory studies of respiratory droplets and the ability of various masks to block them. An experiment using high-speed video found that hundreds of droplets ranging from 20 to 500 micrometers were generated when saying a simple phrase, but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth. Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.​

But the strongest evidence in favor of masks come from studies of real-world scenarios. “The most important thing are the epidemiologic data,” said Rutherford. Because it would be unethical to assign people to not wear a mask during a pandemic, the epidemiological evidence has come from so-called “experiments of nature.”​

A recent study published in Health Affairs, for example, compared the COVID-19 growth rate before and after mask mandates in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It found that mask mandates led to a slowdown in daily COVID-19 growth rate, which became more apparent over time. The first five days after a mandate, the daily growth rate slowed by 0.9 percentage-points compared to the five days prior to the mandate; at three weeks, the daily growth rate had slowed by 2 percentage-points.​

Another study looked at coronavirus deaths across 198 countries and found that those with cultural norms or government policies favoring mask-wearing had lower death rates.​

Two compelling case reports also suggest that masks can prevent transmission in high-risk scenarios, said Chin-Hong and Rutherford. In one case, a man flew from China to Toronto and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. He had a dry cough and wore a mask on the flight, and all 25 people closest to him on the flight tested negative for COVID-19. In another case, in late May, two hair stylists in Missouri had close contact with 140 clients while sick with COVID-19. Everyone wore a mask and none of the clients tested positive.​

Do masks protect the people wearing them or the people around them?
“I think there’s enough evidence to say that the best benefit is for people who have COVID-19 to protect them from giving COVID-19 to other people, but you’re still going to get a benefit from wearing a mask if you don’t have COVID-19,” said Chin-Hong.​

Masks may be more effective as a “source control” because they can prevent larger expelled droplets from evaporating into smaller droplets that can travel farther.​
it would be over by now, if everyone got together, except the infirm and elderly and got the virus,

IF that was the best plan why didn’t your TrumpO choose it and put it into action?

Meanwhile - here it comes:

Ohio State Football Is Canceled. Will Trump Take the Hit?
The Big Ten Conference’s decision to cancel its football season reverberated across Ohio, where the Buckeyes’ football program looms large. Some voters blamed President Trump’s handling of the virus.

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