Covington students are going to the White House!

It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?

Again, how dishonest are you? Is ANYTHING you post truthful?? You have ZERO idea of who is paying for what. NONE
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it? Imagine the PR nightmare of the federal government paying for those thugs' flight with all the government workers like TSA and ATC having to work for no pay..........
Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?

Again, how dishonest are you? Is ANYTHING you post truthful?? You have ZERO idea of who is paying for what. NONE
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it? Imagine the PR nightmare of the federal government paying for those thugs' flight with all the government workers like TSA and ATC having to work for no pay..........

Yep I agree. Oh wait!!
On Tuesday, Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High school who was at the center of the controversy with Native American Nathan Phillips last Friday near the Lincoln Memorial, confirmed to The Daily Wire that the White House has reached out to host the students. Sandmann said, "THE PRESIDENT WANTS TO SEND A PLANE DOWN TO GET US."
A perfect match, IMO....maybe he'll serve them Happy Meals and give them tips on pussy grabbing.
Oh come on. You can stoop lower than that. Try mentioning how Robert Mueller is going to send Trump to prison.
That always seems to make you brain damaged children happy. You still really believe that...right?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it? Imagine the PR nightmare of the federal government paying for those thugs' flight with all the government workers like TSA and ATC having to work for no pay..........
I didn't hear any whiny bitching when Obama brought Clock Boy and his family to the White House.
Or Bowe Bergdahl's parents.
A perfect match, IMO....maybe he'll serve them Happy Meals and give them tips on pussy grabbing.

Well, Hollywood whores are offering sexual favors to punch any of them in the face.

That skank is probably one of those types that President Trump was talking about, those whores that throw themselves at men with wealth and want them to grab their pussies. He can warn those boys to stay away from those types. He should also tell them to never date a feminist.
A perfect match, IMO....maybe he'll serve them Happy Meals and give them tips on pussy grabbing.
He should invite Pocahontas too for a re-enactment.

Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name Pocahontas has no understanding of his nation's foundational history and perfectly reflects what we saw in those kids at the Lincoln Memorial. Where do you think they learned the shit they displayed?

Pocahontas was wrong to befriend the euro invaders and was rewarded for her efforts to assist them by dying in captivity in Britain. King Philip’s assessment of the euro’s was spot on.

What shit was displayed? Aside from “black Israelites” calling them “crackers” and “faggots” and even the black student a “nigga” and “Uncle Tom”.

When Nathan Shitting Bull confronted the one kid, he stood is ground peacefully. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t physically provoke, he also didn’t cry or run away (that’s what really pissed off liberals).
I'm shaking my head because I don't think the nation should have gotten involved in this to begin with. I watched the folks here arguing like absolute maniacs for two solid days over NOTHING but some hopped up people at a political demonstration talking shit at each other.

I am just concerned about defending that little black boy who was told his organs were going to be harvested, HOW CRUEL A THING TO SAY TO AN INNOCENT CHILD!!!!!
Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids
Are you people EVER honest?
Damn that Donald has moral clarity! Good for him for inviting the kids.

That is the right thing to do.

Much better than that affirmative action asshole Obama inviting Muslims to the White House every chance he got.

MAGA Baby!!!
Yea, nothing like inviting those who promote rape and harass young women.

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