Covington students are going to the White House!

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?

If not a military plane, then what? Is he going to send his own plane and if so, then why wasn't it in the OP? Per the first comment, it said that he was sending a plane. It said that he was sending a plane for them, and not that he was sending HIS plane for them. the only other kinds of planes he has access to are government planes. Unless of course he plans on chartering an American Airlines jet for them.

I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.
It's a chat board conversation and she was utterly honest, get over yourself. She did not double down, fuck off.

Typical lefty response.


You fuck off!
During the government shutdown no less. I thought we didn't have the money for Pelosi to go to see the troops, but all of a sudden we have the money for this? Oh, and lets not forget Melania's vacation to Mar-A-Lago.
Well someone has to fleece the flock...

It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?
During the government shutdown no less. I thought we didn't have the money for Pelosi to go to see the troops, but all of a sudden we have the money for this? Oh, and lets not forget Melania's vacation to Mar-A-Lago.
I'm shaking my head because I don't think the nation should have gotten involved in this to begin with. I watched the folks here arguing like absolute maniacs for two solid days over NOTHING but some hopped up people at a political demonstration talking shit at each other.
It was a nothing burger, yet it gave us an excuse to hate on each other some more. And now the President is flying them to the White House. Dear heaven, Kitty--I know the moon is full but I fear we've all gone beyond the bend.

I rather think that's the point. The power structure knows full well what our societal challenges are, they have no intent of addressing any of them. The power structure also knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. The masses must be kept distracted with spectacle and illusion, divided, and seething at each other.

You're right, but I don't know who this mythical "power structure" is that you speak of. Who brought this to social media attention and stirred it up? Do you think it was some deep state operative? I'm more likely to believe it was a Russian troll(s).
Comparing it to reality tv was right on target though. I watched five episodes of Real Housewives of somewhere or other and it was all set ups for arguments and drama. The least "real" reality I ever saw.

No I'm not saying any of that. What I mean by "the power structure" is concentrated corporate power and wealth; that's who really holds sway in this society, Again, I go back to The Powell Memorandum. The political and economic system in this soceity? In no way is it ever held responsible to we the people. Who brought it to unsocial media attention? Doesn't matter. Croporate styate media will take it from there and spin it out in various ways to foment conflict and ratings. Goes back to Edward Louis Bernays; it's psychological manipulation.

And add to that two major political parties that have an inherent interest in never actually solving problems

How the hell you going to win elections if both sides are working together and actually solving issues?
They are working together, in tandemm, to maintain the staus quo for the substantial people.
A perfect match, IMO....maybe he'll serve them Happy Meals and give them tips on pussy grabbing.
He should invite Pocahontas too for a re-enactment.

Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name Pocahontas has no understanding of his nation's foundational history and perfectly reflects what we saw in those kids at the Lincoln Memorial. Where do you think they learned the shit the displayed?

Pocahontas was wrong to befriend the euro invaders and was rewarded for her efforts to assist them by dying in captivity in Britain. King Philip’s assessment of the euro’s was spot on.

The British lost, get over it already.
You think King Phillip was British? :777: :777: :777:

Did I say he was British?
No...not at all. You just randomly stated "The British lost, get over it already." for........reasons.
If not a military plane, then what? Is he going to send his own plane and if so, then why wasn't it in the OP? Per the first comment, it said that he was sending a plane. It said that he was sending a plane for them, and not that he was sending HIS plane for them. the only other kinds of planes he has access to are government planes. Unless of course he plans on chartering an American Airlines jet for them.

I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.
It's a chat board conversation and she was utterly honest, get over yourself. She did not double down, fuck off.

Typical lefty response.


You fuck off!
Oh look, labels instead of thought.
Well someone has to fleece the flock...

It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?

Again, how dishonest are you? Is ANYTHING you post truthful?? You have ZERO idea of who is paying for what. NONE
It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?

If not a military plane, then what? Is he going to send his own plane and if so, then why wasn't it in the OP? Per the first comment, it said that he was sending a plane. It said that he was sending a plane for them, and not that he was sending HIS plane for them. the only other kinds of planes he has access to are government planes. Unless of course he plans on chartering an American Airlines jet for them.

I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.

It was on THIS message board and someone you seem to take their word for a lot.
He should invite Pocahontas too for a re-enactment.

Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name Pocahontas has no understanding of his nation's foundational history and perfectly reflects what we saw in those kids at the Lincoln Memorial. Where do you think they learned the shit the displayed?

Pocahontas was wrong to befriend the euro invaders and was rewarded for her efforts to assist them by dying in captivity in Britain. King Philip’s assessment of the euro’s was spot on.

The British lost, get over it already.
You think King Phillip was British? :777: :777: :777:

Did I say he was British?
No...not at all. You just randomly stated "The British lost, get over it already." for........reasons.

My reasons are my own. But I'll give you a hint. I just like fucking with you dumbass lefties!!
Well someone has to fleece the flock...

It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?

I love seeing you cry like a little bitch.
If not a military plane, then what? Is he going to send his own plane and if so, then why wasn't it in the OP? Per the first comment, it said that he was sending a plane. It said that he was sending a plane for them, and not that he was sending HIS plane for them. the only other kinds of planes he has access to are government planes. Unless of course he plans on chartering an American Airlines jet for them.

I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.
It's a chat board conversation and she was utterly honest, get over yourself. She did not double down, fuck off.

Typical lefty response.


You fuck off!


Any halfwit jackass that can disparage the name Pocahontas has no understanding of his nation's foundational history and perfectly reflects what we saw in those kids at the Lincoln Memorial. Where do you think they learned the shit the displayed?

Pocahontas was wrong to befriend the euro invaders and was rewarded for her efforts to assist them by dying in captivity in Britain. King Philip’s assessment of the euro’s was spot on.

The British lost, get over it already.
You think King Phillip was British? :777: :777: :777:

Did I say he was British?
No...not at all. You just randomly stated "The British lost, get over it already." for........reasons.

My reasons are my own. But I'll give you a hint. I just like fucking with you dumbass lefties!!
I guess you've got to have something to do waiting for those welfare checks. :71:
I'm shaking my head because I don't think the nation should have gotten involved in this to begin with. I watched the folks here arguing like absolute maniacs for two solid days over NOTHING but some hopped up people at a political demonstration talking shit at each other.
It was a nothing burger, yet it gave us an excuse to hate on each other some more. And now the President is flying them to the White House. Dear heaven, Kitty--I know the moon is full but I fear we've all gone beyond the bend.

I rather think that's the point. The power structure knows full well what our societal challenges are, they have no intent of addressing any of them. The power structure also knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. The masses must be kept distracted with spectacle and illusion, divided, and seething at each other.

You're right, but I don't know who this mythical "power structure" is that you speak of. Who brought this to social media attention and stirred it up? Do you think it was some deep state operative? I'm more likely to believe it was a Russian troll(s).
Comparing it to reality tv was right on target though. I watched five episodes of Real Housewives of somewhere or other and it was all set ups for arguments and drama. The least "real" reality I ever saw.

No I'm not saying any of that. What I mean by "the power structure" is concentrated corporate power and wealth; that's who really holds sway in this society, Again, I go back to The Powell Memorandum. The political and economic system in this soceity? In no way is it ever held responsible to we the people. Who brought it to unsocial media attention? Doesn't matter. Croporate styate media will take it from there and spin it out in various ways to foment conflict and ratings. Goes back to Edward Louis Bernays; it's psychological manipulation.
Are you a communist, Mr. Lowrie? I'm not saying that in a negative way, just asking.

Never have been. But I am 64 and I have watched the purposefully executed trajectory of our economic system over the past half century and it does not serve the needs of we the people or society. Futhermore, any society that enjoys this level of wealth inequity eventually either morphs into uprisings or into a police state. We're not in a good place.
Sometime in another thread I'd be interested in how you envision our economic system and business titans benefiting us.
I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.
It's a chat board conversation and she was utterly honest, get over yourself. She did not double down, fuck off.

Typical lefty response.


You fuck off!
Oh look, labels instead of thought.

When a moron jumps in to help a fellow moron, I can't help but label you morons as lefties. It's typical of how you morons operate. HAHAHAHA
I'm shaking my head because I don't think the nation should have gotten involved in this to begin with. I watched the folks here arguing like absolute maniacs for two solid days over NOTHING but some hopped up people at a political demonstration talking shit at each other.
It was a nothing burger, yet it gave us an excuse to hate on each other some more. And now the President is flying them to the White House. Dear heaven, Kitty--I know the moon is full but I fear we've all gone beyond the bend.

I rather think that's the point. The power structure knows full well what our societal challenges are, they have no intent of addressing any of them. The power structure also knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy. The masses must be kept distracted with spectacle and illusion, divided, and seething at each other.

You're right, but I don't know who this mythical "power structure" is that you speak of. Who brought this to social media attention and stirred it up? Do you think it was some deep state operative? I'm more likely to believe it was a Russian troll(s).
Comparing it to reality tv was right on target though. I watched five episodes of Real Housewives of somewhere or other and it was all set ups for arguments and drama. The least "real" reality I ever saw.

No I'm not saying any of that. What I mean by "the power structure" is concentrated corporate power and wealth; that's who really holds sway in this society, Again, I go back to The Powell Memorandum. The political and economic system in this soceity? In no way is it ever held responsible to we the people. Who brought it to unsocial media attention? Doesn't matter. Croporate styate media will take it from there and spin it out in various ways to foment conflict and ratings. Goes back to Edward Louis Bernays; it's psychological manipulation.

And add to that two major political parties that have an inherent interest in never actually solving problems

How the hell you going to win elections if both sides are working together and actually solving issues?
They are working together, in tandemm, to maintain the staus quo for the substantial people.

I wish more people could see that. On the issue of the border wall, for example, there is a very good reason why both parties passed legislation for building a damn physica barrier on our southern border both when there was a Repubican President and when there was a Democratic President, but now that we have a President who will no doubt build the wall if given the money, Congress refuses to vote for it, and it isn't because all of the sudden Democrats have decided walls don't work, are too expensive, racist, don't work, or any other nonsense that even the dumbest of people know is a completely ungenuine response .
The British lost, get over it already.
You think King Phillip was British? :777: :777: :777:

Did I say he was British?
No...not at all. You just randomly stated "The British lost, get over it already." for........reasons.

My reasons are my own. But I'll give you a hint. I just like fucking with you dumbass lefties!!
I guess you've got to have something to do waiting for those welfare checks. :71:

I've never received a welfare check in my life. You must tell me all about it sometime.
It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?

If not a military plane, then what? Is he going to send his own plane and if so, then why wasn't it in the OP? Per the first comment, it said that he was sending a plane. It said that he was sending a plane for them, and not that he was sending HIS plane for them. the only other kinds of planes he has access to are government planes. Unless of course he plans on chartering an American Airlines jet for them.

I think part of your problem is taking the media's word literally. They don't even know what's true half the time.
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.

From the article link...

On Tuesday, Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High school who was at the center of the controversy with Native American Nathan Phillips last Friday near the Lincoln Memorial, confirmed to The Daily Wire that the White House has reached out to host the students. Sandmann said, "The President wants to send a plane down to get us."
Well the OP said that trump was sending a plane for them, so that's all I had to go by. And I did and an ETA to my last post. I don't know if there are actual government planes that are not military because I never had the need to research it, so if anyone know this, please reply to me.

Ohhhhh. So you read what someone r says on a message board believe it as fact.
It's a chat board conversation and she was utterly honest, get over yourself. She did not double down, fuck off.

Typical lefty response.


You fuck off!
Oh look, labels instead of thought.

When a moron jumps in to help a fellow moron, I can't help but label you morons as lefties. It's typical of how you morons operate. HAHAHAHA
You Alt Righters never pile on us.

During the government shutdown no less. I thought we didn't have the money for Pelosi to go to see the troops, but all of a sudden we have the money for this? Oh, and lets not forget Melania's vacation to Mar-A-Lago.
I'm shaking my head because I don't think the nation should have gotten involved in this to begin with. I watched the folks here arguing like absolute maniacs for two solid days over NOTHING but some hopped up people at a political demonstration talking shit at each other.
It was a nothing burger, yet it gave us an excuse to hate on each other some more. And now the President is flying them to the White House. Dear heaven, Kitty--I know the moon is full but I fear we've all gone beyond the bend.

These arguments are not over nothing. They're over the Culture War the Left meant to start, but never imagined a Donald Trump--with all that implies--coming in to ruin their March to Utopia. But they have never learned, Old Lady, that they can't own Utopia. They'll never get there. So they continue getting really, really mad at those gosh darn humans who get in the way.

So, here we go again.

It's funny how all of these tramp bots here think it was costing the government too much for the plane to take Pelosi on a trip that all of the other Speakers have taken before, but are fine with military planes be used to bring civilians to DC and another plane to take wifey on her vacation.

Um there is absolutely zero evidence that a military plane is being sent for these kids

Are you people EVER honest?
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way, isn't it?

What are you talking about moron? It's nt either the families are paying their own way or they are flying in on military flights.

This is what I'm talking about, leftist morons like yourself just can't be honest, at all. Even on something as simple as "okay hold on there's no evidence that they will be flying to DC on a military flight"
Good thing those kids' parents are paying their own way what with this government shutdown, isn't it?

I love seeing you cry like a little bitch. that what you call my laughter? :71:

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