Cowards In Hollywood Movies


Sep 23, 2010

A study by Pew Research showed that the only gun crimes on the rise over the last two decades have been mass shootings in gun-free zones or so-called “soft targets.”

I want to cover this aspect of confiscating guns that is never examined in all of the talk about gun controls:

Now is not the time for Americans to cower in fear, be intimidated by liberal ideology, or apologize for one of America’s longest standing constitutional rights – the right to bear arms – say a growing chorus of religious, law enforcement and political leaders.​

Americans never cowered in fear; so how did that image become prevalent? The answer is easy. Hollywood movies. Most notably the final scene in High Noon where the sheriff throws his badge in the dust and rides out of town because the townspeople were all cowards.

Americans in the old West were not cowards then, nor are they cowards today. Yet Hollywood portrays Americans as cowards even though they have always been armed. In fact, sheriffs had no trouble rounding up posses to help them go after the criminals. See this thread for a bit about posse comitatus:

Killing Cop Killers With Posse Comitatus | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

More often than not, Hollywood turned the townspeople into lynch mobs —— after the sheriff caught the outlaw. Indeed, average Americans were depicted as brutal mobs hanging innocent men. The Oxbow Incident is the most famous piece of Hollywood crap in the lynch genre. Notice that 78 years after the Civil War ended, and 72 years before the Confederate Flag came down, Hollywood put a Confederate uniform on the villain in this 1943 movie:

There is not one Hollywood movie that I know of where the plot dealt with the reason for the Second Amendment; a screenplay where guns defended against the federal government. Turning the constitutional reason for guns into a defense against criminals was the message Hollywood Communists put out —— with great success I might add.

On the other hand, there were hundreds of propaganda movies depicting average folks as helpless victims relying on the police to defend them. The truth today, as it was in the old West, is that sheriffs very often need assistance from armed Americans as Hohmann’s piece shows:

Sheriffs send message to America: Get armed now
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 12/06/2015 @ 5:37 pm

Sheriffs send message to America: Get armed now

One fact about guns, more than any other, is that Democrats will never allow armed Americans to assist local police against criminals or against enemy invaders.

Bottom line: Using a gun to defend yourself against an attacker could land you in jail. Using a gun to assist the police is more punishable in the eyes of the gun-grabbers. Worse still, the federal government will not use the military to defend this country irrespective of the where the threat originates. An invasion coming through our southern border, and United Nations refugees are two examples of how, and why, the federal government will not defend this country.

Finally, the federal government has no objection to killing innocent children as in the Branch Davidian Massacre, but they will never lift a finger against Islam’s method of warfare.
The filthy sewer rat is going out in a blaze of guns so to speak:

HONOLULU (AP) -- Hawaiian vacation over, President Barack Obama says he is energized for his final year in office and ready to tackle unfinished business, turning immediate attention to the issue of gun violence.

Vacation over, Obama looking at ways to reduce gun violence
Associated Press

News from The Associated Press

Taqiyya the Liar ——making a lot of noise for the press —— will be satisfied if he reinforces the belief that the Second Amendment is about criminals:
There is not one Hollywood movie that I know of where the plot dealt with the reason for the Second Amendment; a screenplay where guns defended against the federal government. Turning the constitutional reason for guns into a defense against criminals was the message Hollywood Communists put out —— with great success I might add.
See this thread if you want to learn the real reason for the Second Amendment:

2nd Amendment: Nothing Changed In Over Two Centuries | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Taqiyya the Liar ——making a lot of noise for the press —— will be satisfied if he reinforces the LIE that the Second Amendment is about criminals:
Obama Executive Order May Require Those Selling Even a Single Firearm to Become Licensed Dealers
Order also brings back plan to keep certain Social Security recipients from buying guns
BY: Stephen Gutowski
January 4, 2016 7:30 pm

Obama Executive Order May Require Those Selling Even a Single Firearm to Become Licensed Dealers


The details in the latest gambit to register and confiscate guns will be released later today. Do not expect anything new. Super-salesman has some idea that rewording the same old confiscation talking points will blow away the Second Amendment. He really believes that he is so loved by Americans they will surrender their only defense against oppressive government.

See this thread if you want to learn the real reason for the Second Amendment:

2nd Amendment: Nothing Changed In Over Two Centuries | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
A substantial number of Americans see no harm in background checks and a national registry. Law-abiding gun owners know better. The problem is in convincing EVERY private sector American that they will surrender a constitutional Right along with gun owners. Bottom line: Americans who are being conned by the lying sack of shit in the White House are asking to die victims right alongside those gun-owners the federal government will disarm. I repeat:

The details in the latest gambit to register and confiscate guns will be released later today. Do not expect anything new.
I was wrong. Something new was introduced —— theatrical tears.

NOTE: Today’s proposals are supposed to be small doings. Do not believe it. Any time Democrats talk about gun control they are nibbling away at the Second Amendment incrementally.

The lying sack of shit never told the truth about anything. He lied so many times he must think every American is dumb enough to believe more lies. Is it possible he expects everybody to accept his word because he covers standard gun control lies with manufactured tears? His true reason for disarming the American people has not changed one iota since the day the filthy scum in the federal government began betraying this country to the United Nations.

Looking at his lying face should make everybody mad:

"Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad," Obama said, . . .

Obama tears up during emotional gun-control speech
Maxwell Tani

Obama tears up during emotional gun-control speech

Be certain of one thing if his lies are believed. When Americans can no longer defend themselves against the Democrats with absolute power in their hands, the federal government will kill more “children” every single day than all of school shootings can kill in a thousand years.

More to the point, the liar has to be one mean son-of-a-bitch to work so hard on disarming the American people —— knowing that the real killing will begin long after he is gone. If you doubt it take a look at the faces of executioners.

screen%20shot%202016-01-05%20at%201.21.43%20pm.png shot 2016-01-05 at 1.21.43 pm.png

Anybody who believes those two should be shot.

Finally, the late Ted Kennedy devoted himself to slaughtering children in the womb. Over 50 million dead to date. Planned Parenthood butchery is Kennedy’s legacy. What will the lying sack of shit’s legacy be twenty years from today?
I was wrong. Something new was introduced —— theatrical tears.
Happily, our spiritual leader is catching hell for yesterday’s teary performance. The dialogue was so terrible no one would write it for a stage play.

On the negative side, media mouths reaffirmed their approval of background checks. The sole purpose of background checks is to set up a data bank so the federal government knows the location of guns along with the names of the gun owners. So how come not one media mouth suggests that the government must delete all records of every person after they clear a background check? (I’m probably being naive. There is no way in hell the government will delete information that is an essential component of confiscation.)

When you get right down to it, why should Americans obey orders from any sack of shit who happens to be living in the White House? And why are they all so certain the police and the military will obey when they give the order to confiscate all of the guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans?

NOTE: Police and the military will enforce the law in isolated incidents where the targets can be defined as criminals. But I cannot see the police or the military killing law-abiding Americans because they refuse to hand over their guns.
Have a go with watching Red Dawn. A band of high school kids defeat the Soviet and Cuban armies with a backpack and a bow and arrow. Oh Hollywood, why do you never portray Americans as brave.
Oh Hollywood, why do you never portray Americans as brave.
To IsaacNewton: They don’t in propaganda pieces that are called “classics.” like the ones cited in the OP.

They do in action movies. Watch Arnold and Sly mow down the bad guys if want proof.
Have a go with watching Red Dawn. A band of high school kids defeat the Soviet and Cuban armies with a backpack and a bow and arrow. Oh Hollywood, why do you never portray Americans as brave.

Yeah..did you watch Red Dawn....the kids didn't win.....they limped off and the war eventually ended....
Have a go with watching Red Dawn. A band of high school kids defeat the Soviet and Cuban armies with a backpack and a bow and arrow. Oh Hollywood, why do you never portray Americans as brave.

Yeah..did you watch Red Dawn....the kids didn't win.....they limped off and the war eventually ended....

LOL Jesus H you see just what you want to see don't you.

They beat the hell out of the enemy and the US DID win in the end. But you look for misery so you see what makes you feel good.

Holy hell.
As a veteran and a democrat, I find Flanders to be a whiny little bitch...
The last forty years has been the era of the anti-hero in Hollywood movies. Vietnam Vets are almost always portrayed as maniacs, kids with blonde hair are usually the bad guys in teen movies, drug addicts and criminals are heroes and Cops are the bad guys.

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