Cowards Run Away As Elk Attacks Woman


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
You want despicable? Watch full-grown men run away as an elk tries to gore an elderly woman tourist on the ground.

Now I watched it again, God damn... charge it, pick up a stick throw rocks at it...

But run away from a stupid elk, hurting someone on the ground??

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Now I watched it again, God damn... charge it, pick up a stick throw rocks at it...

But run away from a stupid elk, hurting someone on the ground??


Damn straight....if both of them had charged at the beast, it would have backed off or attacked one of them while the other dragged the woman to safety....I mean, DAMN....they call themselves men? I don't.
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After having "toxic masculinity" pounded into their heads by feminist teachers all through the government schools, it's little wonder young men today have no idea how to act or react. Sure that elk was what? scary things make great stories around the campfire...I wonder how many of these dickless wonders know how to make a campfire?
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BTW, my gramps was attacked by a 160 lb southern Michigan whitetail in rut one afternoon in his cornfield. He weighed about 140 sopping wet. It had him on the ground for over 4 hours trying to stick him and kick him. Finally he had it in a headlock and got one hand free for his pocket knife. He stuck it until it was dead. My granny found him later passed out from exhaustion with the dead buck still laying on top of that's a man.
This looks like the videos you see every year about people in Yellowstone who want to pet the pretty bison.
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everyone fails to realize that that park was Elk Country until the dastardly 'white man' showed up a few hunerd years ago . --------- let the ELKS run free to breed in an unmolested way . :afro:
I am glad it's on video, I hope someone recognize them at the local bar.

They don't go to Bars... They have Spin Class...

Lol.. I was thinking something along those lines after I posted it, they probably get a high five at the local coffee shop while complaining about Trump being a draft dodger and phoebe is playing "smelly cat" in the background.

BTW, my gramps was attacked by a 160 lb southern Michigan whitetail in rut one afternoon in his cornfield. He weighed about 140 sopping wet. It had him on the ground for over 4 hours trying to stick him and kick him. Finally he had it in a headlock and got one hand free for his pocket knife. He stuck it until it was dead. My granny found him later passed out from exhaustion with the dead buck still laying on top of that's a man.
----------------------------- cool story . Around here the deer run unmolested and there are lots of them . Woods Rats are what they are . There is always a reason to carry a gun or a good stout 6 or 8 inch or bigger knife especially while in the woods Will .
----------------------------- cool story . Around here the deer run unmolested and there are lots of them . Woods Rats are what they are . There is always a reason to carry a gun or a good stout 6 or 8 inch or bigger knife especially while in the woods Will .

My gramps, also named Will, was in corn as tall as he was and nobody could see from the house what was happening. The buck hit him out of nowhere from behind and half knocked the wind out of him. He rolled onto his back and kicked at it but it wouldn't quit. So he got to his knees, already bleeding from two puncture wounds to his chest and a kick to his shoulder, and got it's head down and held it there. He said it was snorting and it's eyes were crazy.....if he'd quit or tried to run he'd have been killed.
I had a mama elk and her kid wander into my campsite up in Rim country northern Arizona one morning. I watched them until she got interested in me and took a couple steps in my direction....I beat a hasty retreat...they are BIG and they are nasty when kick and you're history. The bull attacking that woman had a full rack of horns...something to hold on to while your buddy dragged the woman off to safety.
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