CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.

Pictures? Video? A SOURCE??

Also there is this:

He said that the group was prepared to be ejected if CPAC organizers were tipped off, but that never happened.

So apparently none of the organizers even knew they were there?
I don't attack Republicans... I attack indivuals based on what they say and do. I attack Trump because of the things he does. I am more critical on Republicans because I want them to do better and be the party that I once greatly respected. I've always looked to them to be the adults in the room and now they are the children causing the chaos.
Who is your coach? I mean the media of course.
Well your research is piss poor if you think it was the Dems who drove the tying of the foreign aid to the border bill. Its as being said for months by the GOP that they would not pass a foreign aid bill unless it included border security. I posted links.
Defending Bidenistas
Attacking Republicans
What “substance”?
Well he blamed the Dems for tying the border in with foreign aid. I told him that was a GOP demand and sent links. That’s the substance… He ignored it and is now focusing on insulting me. Weak
What are you talking about?
I did not expect to get it super simple for you. I know you don't know this stuff automatically. So normally Democrats are coached by the Media. Such as ABC, NBC, CBS, etc,

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