CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

This is a liberal propaganda hit piece is all. You'd know that if you didn't suffer from such things as TDS.

ILMAO at Putin lovers are NAZI. NAZI are well established as Russia's greatest enemies.

Try using your head, instead.
You denying the Nazis were there?
I did not expect to get it super simple for you. I know you don't know this stuff automatically. So normally Democrats are coached by the Media. Such as ABC, NBC, CBS, etc,
Good for them…. What does that have to do with me? Are you still spinning away from the fact you blamed the Dems for something the GoP demanded and I called you on it?
I would doubt your dad would be critical.
Stop talking about my dad. He died a few years ago and isn’t to be used in your cheap political insult games. Have some self respect and just try to act like a decent human being
Stop talking about my dad. He died a few years ago and isn’t to be used in your cheap political insult games. Have some self respect and just try to act like a decent human being
I never insult dads. Apparently you have a guilty conscience.
Good for them…. What does that have to do with me? Are you still spinning away from the fact you blamed the Dems for something the GoP demanded and I called you on it?
I think I am who called you on it.
Well he blamed the Dems for tying the border in with foreign aid. I told him that was a GOP demand and sent links. That’s the substance… He ignored it and is now focusing on insulting me. Weak
The GOP I told you, that you totally ignored. Created the first Border wall bill that works very well in 2023. The bill you talk of came in 2024 and was not a true border bill, it was a way to fund Israel and also fund Ukraine. But those two nations are not on our borders.
I think I am who called you on it.
No, you blamed the Dems for tying aid with the border in the bi partisan bill that was presented this year. I linked an article from last year showing the GOP demanding the border be included in any aid package.

Last year comes before this year in case you couldn’t figure that out
My mood is just fine. You playing mind reader again and failing. Stick to the substance and make less assumptions, it will serve you better
My comments are about your mind reading.
The GOP I told you, that you totally ignored. Created the first Border wall bill that works very well in 2023. The bill you talk of came in 2024 and was not a true border bill, it was a way to fund Israel and also fund Ukraine. But those two nations are not on our borders.
The GOP said that foreign aid needed to be tied with the border to get votes. The two issues are tied together because of the GOP not the Dems. Wake up
Soon due to my effort, you will learn to write better.
I write just fine. You just don’t know how to read. For example. Show where I claimed you insult dads like you just posted about. Show my quote where you think I said that. You can’t

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