CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

No, you blamed the Dems for tying aid with the border in the bi partisan bill that was presented this year. I linked an article from last year showing the GOP demanding the border be included in any aid package.

Last year comes before this year in case you couldn’t figure that out
Two issues. Should we citizens be forced to pay to Ukraine a bill for their defense. I would say no. Republicans in 2023 passed a bill operatting to protect the us at our borders. The public is fine with that. Republicans named it HR2. And it was also read in the Senate.
Also the Democrats loaded a bill with way too many things when the major problem is our own border. Naturally we need our border protected.

I am more concerned with how Biden fucks Ukraine. Biden is very slow walking help to Ukraine. He would get more support if he actually tried to end the war.
Asking why I’m in a bad mood is not me mind reading… that’s you mind reading. Incorrectly
Well I did not call you a liar for how you shit on me causing me to want to find out why you are in a bad mood.
Robert W loves Putin, the Russians, and Trump.

When Russia leaves the four eastern oblasts and is committed to reparations for the destruction it caused, then the war will end.
Robert W loves Putin, the Russians, and Trump.

When Russia leaves the four eastern oblasts and is committed to reparations for the destruction it caused, then the war will end.
You pay no attention at all to who I love. I actually love the R part of our Government. You love the D part.
Biden is slow walking. Even if Biden had 13 Trillion, he would still slow walk help to Ukraine. As Biden does things, Russia is said to be winning. Fuck Biden.
Two issues. Should we citizens be forced to pay to Ukraine a bill for their defense. I would say no. Republicans in 2023 passed a bill operatting to protect the us at our borders. The public is fine with that. Republicans named it HR2. And it was also read in the Senate.
Also the Democrats loaded a bill with way too many things when the major problem is our own border. Naturally we need our border protected.

I am more concerned with how Biden fucks Ukraine. Biden is very slow walking help to Ukraine. He would get more support if he actually tried to end the war.
Nothing that you just said addresses my point that it was the GoP who said that any aid package for Ukraine had to have border money in it. The two were tied together in this years senate bill because of the GOO demands, not the Dems. You were wrong, just admit it
Well I did not call you a liar for how you shit on me causing me to want to find out why you are in a bad mood.
You did call me a liar earlier and then spun your way out of backing it up. No surprise.

I shit on you , as you so eloquently put it, because you make incorrect assumptions and spread falsehoods about me and the issues we talk about
You did call me a liar earlier and then spun your way out of backing it up. No surprise.

I shit on you , as you so eloquently put it, because you make incorrect assumptions and spread falsehoods about me and the issues we talk about
We have problems due to the crap you say about me.
Nothing that you just said addresses my point that it was the GoP who said that any aid package for Ukraine had to have border money in it. The two were tied together in this years senate bill because of the GOO demands, not the Dems. You were wrong, just admit it
You are trying to keep discussing claims made by Democrats. You were told by me the Republicans already passed a law that protected our Border.
Depends on what they did that you are against or are for.
Nazis were socialists.
Democrats are as well.
Nazis had a massive building program that if one believes Biden, he does too.
Nazis took massive action to be in wars and to make them worse.
Biden ditto.

Are the democrats gassing jews in ovens as well?
You pay no attention at all to who I love. I actually love the R part of our Government. You love the D part.
Biden is slow walking. Even if Biden had 13 Trillion, he would still slow walk help to Ukraine. As Biden does things, Russia is said to be winning. Fuck Biden.
If the GOP would help pass the pass, that would change.
Well he blamed the Dems for tying the border in with foreign aid. I told him that was a GOP demand and sent links. That’s the substance… He ignored it and is now focusing on insulting me. Weak
Well, I think that the border should come before sending our money anywhere else…you don’t.

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