CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

I don't hate any Republicans. Love and respected my father very much, I know it would have pained him to see a man like Trump take over the Republican Party as the guy goes against the moral fabric that I know many good hearted conservatives and Americans stand for.

Again, I'll say... Stop making assumptions about what I think and feel. You're just wrong.
My father had been a Democrat in his earlier years, and it would have pained him to see what the Democrat Party has descended to.
Never had the discussion about nazis and white nationalists with him. Those groups were pretty dormant while he was around... Pretty incredible to see them rising up again under the GOP umbrella. Instead of rejecting them I see y'all excusing them and deflecting. Thats sad.
So you can call Democrats liars when they bad mouth republicans like your dad. I hope to read you doing that. Clearly you respect your Mother much more than your Father based on you bad mouthing Republicans and defending Democrats.
HR2 is the only true Border bill. But it was passed in the House in 2023. This crap sent by Democrats from the Senate happened in this year.

Maybe you do not agree but to me, and Republicans, protecting the US border beats helping Israel or Ukraine.
Israel can get by without immediate help
The US Borders are a disaster for America
HR2 is the only true Border bill. But it was passed in the House in 2023. This crap sent by Democrats from the Senate happened in this year.

Maybe you do not agree but to me, and Republicans, protecting the US border beats helping Israel or Ukraine.
Yes and I posted links of the GOP saying that they would not pass foreign aid spending unless it is bundled with a border bill. They made these stamens last year. So when the bi partisan border bill that you are inaccurately calling a dem bill, came out this year it tied I the foreign aid with the border. You can't say that was a dam thing when the GOP demanded it before the bill was presented.
My father had been a Democrat in his earlier years, and it would have pained him to see what the Democrat Party has descended to.
Id imagine so... I think both parties are in the crapper and an embarrassment to our country.
So you can call Democrats liars when they bad mouth republicans like your dad. I hope to read you doing that. Clearly you respect your Mother much more than your Father based on you bad mouthing Republicans and defending Democrats.
Clearly?? There you go again making inaccurate assumptions. You're just being an ass now. I told you why I'm more critical of Republicans. You need to learn how to listen better
Never had the discussion about nazis and white nationalists with him. Those groups were pretty dormant while he was around... Pretty incredible to see them rising up again under the GOP umbrella. Instead of rejecting them I see y'all excusing them and deflecting. Thats sad.
What’s more scary than a dozen or so Nazis are the thousands of liberals marching around calling for the genocide of Jews - and high-ranking officials unwilling to condemn it.
The only reason why I brought my dad up is because you made the ignorant claim that I hate Republicans which is an outright lie.

I have zero respect for Donald Trump and I do not respect his mindless followers. I do have respect for conservative principles and have no gripe with people of conservative ideology. I see conservatism and Trump as very different things. And where he is a bad man or not doesn't really matter as I see a toxic element being brought to our country and politics because of him... and yes, elements of the left contributions the same toxic energy, none hold as much weight and power as Trump which is why his is more of a focus
First section above is your personal claims.
Second section is also your personal claim and I do not see you respecting your father. Trump springs out of your own mouth. Trump must live with your pesonal lack of respect for Trump. But guess what? You also do a lot of damage in your mind, to Republicans. Why do this damage if you like us?
Clearly?? There you go again making inaccurate assumptions. You're just being an ass now. I told you why I'm more critical of Republicans. You need to learn how to listen better
I am the best listener to your jig than others you can name. Who listens to you ?
First section above is your personal claims.
Second section is also your personal claim and I do not see you respecting your father. Trump springs out of your own mouth. Trump must live with your pesonal lack of respect for Trump. But guess what? You also do a lot of damage in your mind, to Republicans. Why do this damage if you like us?
Don't talk about my respect for my father. You've made an ass out of yourself all thread acting like you can read my mind. You're out of bounds bringing up the respect I have for my father which I can guarantee you is deeper and stronger than any kind of respect and loyalty you've felt in your life.

The nerve of some people is astounding. Who do you think you are?

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