CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

I think I would. Any decent person would. Its not just America. They werent welcomed anywhere in Europe and many of those people later died in nazi camps. It was a low point in humanity.
And we never learn.
That is not true. Jews were welcome in the Soviet Union, in Switzerland and other nations including France. I think I have more faith in Americans than you have. I have been both a Democrat for a long time and a Republican for more than I was a Democrat and never thought Jews deserved the treatment got by the Nazis. To call Americans Nazis is the thing in Common by Democrats.
Really? My dad was a republican and my mom a democrat. You think I hate my Dad?

You don't know me, stop with these ignorant assumptions, you're just making an ass out of yourself.
Does this mean you will stop attacking Republicans due to your Dad was one and you don't want to attack me and Republicans in honor to your Dad?
You do? Really? Ok, how is Bidens party "Authoritarian and UltraNationaist" How is Biden Dictorial? Please explain
Consider what would your Republican dad think of Biden?

Authoritarian as the authors of the majority of USA laws. Did you know that? Biden talks like he loves America. Correct me of course.
Fascism can be spun to be either far left or far right. It has elements of both. As much as I'm sure you dislike it, consensus puts it on the far right...

lol. Yeah. Consensus. 😂

Tell ya what. You believe what you choose to believe. It’s ok. I mean, sure, you’re still wrong; but your baseless beliefs don’t hurt anybody.
You need to give up the "Biden hates Israel" schtik, because it simply isn't true amd going down that road makes it look like you hate Biden so much you will pin anything on him. He gas a 60 yr public recordto look at in regards to Israel. His staunch level of support for Israel, no matter what is causing rifts in his party. The fact he, of all people, is saying anything even remotely critical of Israel's actions is indicative of extreme Israel's actions have becone.
From a Bidenista. ^^^^
The main driver of Nazism isn't Fascism or big government... it is Nationalism and strong man authoritarian leadership. Fascism is a result of both big government and authoritarian leadership.
Fascism is also built on conservative social institutions combined rabid nationalism and populism.
I think I would. Any decent person would. Its not just America. They werent welcomed anywhere in Europe and many of those people later died in nazi camps. It was a low point in humanity.
And we never learn.
Well said, we should never forget or excuse it. But it keeps happening :(

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