CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

Lisa558 knows her history. Very very well. I too know all about the ship that sailed from Germany, full of Jews, that FDR turned down despite being plead with .

IF any Republican did to Americans Jews what FDR did to them, we would still be vilified. FDR deserves to be chopped out of history as Democrats do to the confederates they were members of.
Exactly. Leftists would be shouting ”antisemite!!” at the top of their lungs if a Republican treated Jews the way FDR did. But when the antisemitism comes from their side, they downplay it, make excuses for it, or outright deny it.

So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.

This is a liberal propaganda hit piece is all. You'd know that if you didn't suffer from such things as TDS.

ILMAO at Putin lovers are NAZI. NAZI are well established as Russia's greatest enemies.

Try using your head, instead.
So if you were in charge, you would have let in all those Jews?
I think I would. Any decent person would. Its not just America. They werent welcomed anywhere in Europe and many of those people later died in nazi camps. It was a low point in humanity.
And we never learn.
I think I would. Any decent person would. Its not just America. They werent welcomed anywhere in Europe and many of those people later died in nazi camps. It was a low point in humanity.
And we never learn.
First decent thing I’ve heard you say. Thank you.

CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC​

Dims object. They (being fascist to their core) feel most entitled to harbor Nazis.

Its also possible to be Asian or Hispanic or Black and be Pro America enough to be considered a Nationalist today
It’s also known that the term White Nationalist is what many Nazis have rebranded themselves as

So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.
So anyone that believes the US should not contribute the lions share for Ukraine defense is a Nazi white racist? Maybe it’s time you rethink your logic and narrative.
Silly. They obviously instead elect to identify as “Democrats,” the modern fascist party.
The main driver of Nazism isn't Fascism or big government... it is Nationalism and strong man authoritarian leadership. Fascism is a result of both big government and authoritarian leadership.
More of your hate for whites. The evidence keeps adding up.
You can keep pretending like you know what I hate despite what I say. Since I'm the only one who really knows what I hate and don't hate, it seems silly that you'd think you have a strong argument.

Or you can pull you head out of your ass and try listening for a change.
The main driver of Nazism isn't Fascism or big government... it is Nationalism and strong man authoritarian leadership. Fascism is a result of both big government and authoritarian leadership.
Nah. Naziism is a product of fascism. Scumbags like sHitler certainly made use of nationalism as a tool of demanding that the public be controlled. But the real driver of Naziism is fascism.

And the Democraps are quite fascist.
Nah. Naziism is a product of fascism. Scumbags like sHitler certainly made use of nationalism as a tool of demanding that the public be controlled. But the real driver of Naziism is fascism.

And the Democraps are quite fascist.
Fascism can be spun to be either far left or far right. It has elements of both. As much as I'm sure you dislike it, consensus puts it on the far right...

The elements that have seeped to the top are the strong man Authoritarian type leader (this describes Trump way more than Biden)... And the ultra Nationalist ideology (describes MAGA way more than the open border globalist left).

Get it now?

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

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