CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

No , the Far Left & Left have “ Major Issues “ with Practicing Jews and Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State ) the Right has more and more Practicing Jews and Conservative Pro Israel Jews voting GOP in America and appreciate it .
Not at CPAC.
That is not true. Jews were welcome in the Soviet Union, in Switzerland and other nations including France. I think I have more faith in Americans than you have. I have been both a Democrat for a long time and a Republican for more than I was a Democrat and never thought Jews deserved the treatment got by the Nazis. To call Americans Nazis is the thing in Common by Democrats.
In the '80s there were two families of Russian Jews on our street in NorCal that got the hell out of there in time. Very nice folks. Other Russians that I've met in the US are also wonderful people. Why can't Putin be like those people?
Let's hear from your Dad. I did not say you hate Dad, and yes from things you say, you hate me and other non related Republicans. What did your father do to you?
I don't hate any Republicans. Love and respected my father very much, I know it would have pained him to see a man like Trump take over the Republican Party as the guy goes against the moral fabric that I know many good hearted conservatives and Americans stand for.

Again, I'll say... Stop making assumptions about what I think and feel. You're just wrong.
Does this mean you will stop attacking Republicans due to your Dad was one and you don't want to attack me and Republicans in honor to your Dad?
I don't attack Republicans... I attack indivuals based on what they say and do. I attack Trump because of the things he does. I am more critical on Republicans because I want them to do better and be the party that I once greatly respected. I've always looked to them to be the adults in the room and now they are the children causing the chaos.
CSPAN and Careful reading of many sources. Reading HR2 as you can also read it.
It sucked to tie any foreign aid to the Senate Border bill. The House managed by Republicans did it correctly. There it was stand alone with the US Border.
Well your research is piss poor if you think it was the Dems who drove the tying of the foreign aid to the border bill. Its as being said for months by the GOP that they would not pass a foreign aid bill unless it included border security. I posted links.
I don't hate any Republicans. Love and respected my father very much, I know it would have pained him to see a man like Trump take over the Republican Party as the guy goes against the moral fabric that I know many good hearted conservatives and Americans stand for.

Again, I'll say... Stop making assumptions about what I think and feel. You're just wrong.
I am not reading your fathers thoughts, but you are telling us your own thoughts. Trump is not the bad man you claim he is. Trump is persecuted. But who is? Democrats are. Your dad would not defend Democrats if I get your purpose of talking about your Dad.
Did your Republican dad talk that same way?
Never had the discussion about nazis and white nationalists with him. Those groups were pretty dormant while he was around... Pretty incredible to see them rising up again under the GOP umbrella. Instead of rejecting them I see y'all excusing them and deflecting. Thats sad.
Well your research is piss poor if you think it was the Dems who drove the tying of the foreign aid to the border bill. Its as being said for months by the GOP that they would not pass a foreign aid bill unless it included border security. I posted links.
HR2 is the only true Border bill. But it was passed in the House in 2023. This crap sent by Democrats from the Senate happened in this year.

Maybe you do not agree but to me, and Republicans, protecting the US border beats helping Israel or Ukraine.
I am not reading your fathers thoughts, but you are telling us your own thoughts. Trump is not the bad man you claim he is. Trump is persecuted. But who is? Democrats are. Your dad would not defend Democrats if I get your purpose of talking about your Dad.
The only reason why I brought my dad up is because you made the ignorant claim that I hate Republicans which is an outright lie.

I have zero respect for Donald Trump and I do not respect his mindless followers. I do have respect for conservative principles and have no gripe with people of conservative ideology. I see conservatism and Trump as very different things. And where he is a bad man or not doesn't really matter as I see a toxic element being brought to our country and politics because of him... and yes, elements of the left contributions the same toxic energy, none hold as much weight and power as Trump which is why his is more of a focus

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