CPAC accepts Nazis into CPAC

What's the worst label you can use besides "racist"? You can tell the left is plumb out of options when the play the Nazi card.
What do Democrats always claim?

That they love Blacks.

Do they claim to love whites?

No, because they are racists.
The Dem I replied to made it out as if the Jew-haters are on the right. Your attempt to censor me and hide the truth - that the antisemites are primarily on the left - won’t work.
I don’t care where they primarily are…

Antisemite Nazi/white suprematists/ religious extremists are on the Right.

Antisemite Woke minority sympathizers on the left

They are all wrong
Nope, not when I compared them to the Muslim animals who tortured the Jews to death on Oct 7. It shows how horrific the Muslims were.
When I thread is about Nazis and you avoid the discussion to point to something else you are covering for the Nazis. Do better
My argument is proven by the post on this thread and many like them on other threads of this type if this was someone on the right doing the same thing about liberals you wouldn't be supportive of that and you know it though I doubt you will admit it. Since comparisons are fine according to you one of the things the Nazis did to get power was vilify and demonize any they viewed as a threat to them by misleading the public through making broadbrush accusations against them something we see from the left on and off this board. So the next time someone here wants to accuse others of being Nazis or comparing them to Hitler or the Nazis maybe they should start with the person looking back at them in the mirror. When they are ready to do this I will take threads like this with some seriousness until then I will point out the stupidity of them whenever the mood strikes me. Have a nice day.
You are correct that’s what the Nazis did. Very similar to what Trump does in every speech. Vilify our government and the left.

This thread was about Nazis at CPAC. That wasn’t name calling it was specifics that actually happened. They used names
I am no fan of Nazis nor of Democrats.
Check the pros and cons of both.
1. Both were socialist.
2. Both had universal healthcare
3. Both vilified the opposition
4. Both were determined to control the minds of millions
Similar 4 could be used for Nazis and Trump:
1. Both were Authoritarian leaders
2. Both were Nationalists
3. Both vilified the opposition
4. Both were determined to control the minds of millions
I don’t care where they primarily are…

Antisemite Nazi/white suprematists/ religious extremists are on the Right.

Antisemite Woke minority sympathizers on the left

They are all wrong
Of course they’re all wrong. But as a Jew, I don’t want to side with the Party where the majority of them are. Ever since 10/7, wow! They really came out of the woodwork. I live in a liberal area, with lots of Arabs, and they March around calling to genocide Jews, bully high school students, and taunt a nice woman at the grocery store simply looking for Chanukah decorations.
Depends on what they did that you are against or are for.
Nazis were socialists.
Democrats are as well.
Nazis had a massive building program that if one believes Biden, he does too.
Nazis took massive action to be in wars and to make them worse.
Biden ditto.
Other side of the coin…
Nazis were nationalists.
Trumpers are as well.
Nazis called for massive deportations and isolationist policy
Trump ditto
When I thread is about Nazis and you avoid the discussion to point to something else you are covering for the Nazis. Do better
How come you didn’t say that to the Lib who brought up the Nazis in the first place?

If some lib lies about antisemites being all on the right, I have to shut up and let that lie stand? I know you’re counting on censoring the truth to win the election, like you did last time, but we Republicans are not allowing ourselves to be forbidden from negating lies from Democrats.
What political action group in their right minds would display Nazis? It's gotta be another cheap dirty trick by by desperate democrats but it's so outrageous that only lefties buy into it. Meanwhile democrats embrace Ukrainian nazis.

I have never seen anyone as desperate as the vapid leftist vermin are today.

What a glorious celebration this is turning out to be!


So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.
The antisemites who are educating the populace to hate Jews are Progressive Socialists. Since Oct. 7 we have seen it in all its glory.

I have never seen anyone as desperate as the vapid leftist vermin are today.

What a glorious celebration this is turning out to be!

They’re in a total panic. Their nominee is in 4th or 5th stage dementia, the illegals he invited in are turning cities into crime zones, citizens can’t afford groceries, and he’s funded Iran so they could have their terrorist proxies start a mid-east war.

So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.

Well, they let The John Birch Society back in after twelve years, so...
Of course they’re all wrong. But as a Jew, I don’t want to side with the Party where the majority of them are. Ever since 10/7, wow! They really came out of the woodwork. I live in a liberal area, with lots of Arabs, and they March around calling to genocide Jews, bully high school students, and taunt a nice woman at the grocery store simply looking for Chanukah decorations.
You do realize that Jews are mostly democrat and religious Muslims are largely conservative, right?
You are correct that’s what the Nazis did. Very similar to what Trump does in every speech. Vilify our government and the left.

This thread was about Nazis at CPAC. That wasn’t name calling it was specifics that actually happened. They used names
Many of us believe that those nazis are genuine Democrats.
Other side of the coin…
Nazis were nationalists.
Trumpers are as well.
Nazis called for massive deportations and isolationist policy
Trump ditto
Democrats are nationalists or so they claim. Republicans do not call for deportations of citizens. Biden alleges he does deport illegals.

So the Putin loving repubs are now accepting Nazis as they spread their antisemitic rhetoric. No one should be surprised.
How would the people selling the tickets know whether someone is a Nazi or not?

Progs are such dumbasses.

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