Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.

NOVA Archeology of the Hebrew Bible

The fact is that archeology can never prove any of the theological suppositions of the Bible. Archeologists can often tell you what happened and when and where and how and even why. No archeologists can tell anyone what it means, and most of us don't try.

Yet many people want to know whether the events of the Bible are real, historic events.
We want to make the Bible history. Many people think it has to be history or nothing. But there is no word for history in the Hebrew Bible. In other words, what did the biblical writers think they were doing? Writing objective history? No. That's a modern discipline. They were telling stories. They wanted you to know what these purported events mean.

The Bible is didactic literature; it wants to teach, not just to describe. We try to make the Bible something it is not, and that's doing an injustice to the biblical writers. They were good historians, and they could tell it the way it was when they wanted to, but their objective was always something far beyond that.

I like to point out to my undergraduate students that the Bible is not history; it's his story—Yahweh's story, God's story. [Yahweh is an ancient Israelite name for God.]

Even if archeology can't prove events of the Bible, can it enhance our understanding of the Bible?
Archeology is almost the only way that we have for reconstructing a real-life context for the world out of which the Bible came, and that does bring understanding. When you think of how little we knew about the biblical world even 100 years ago and what we know today, it's astonishing.
You would think.

Sadly, it isn't true. The anti-Christians who call themselves "atheists" truly are religious zealots. They just aren't "Christians".

What a bunch of BS.

I am an atheist. I simply don't believe in your god- or any god.

I don't care if you believe in Christ or Buddha or Thor- I don't care.

I don't believe that religion should mix with government and I don't believe that children should be forced to pray in school- but I don't care if children do pray in school- or don't.

I don't think we should erect monuments to any religion on public property, but if it has been there more than 20 years, then leave it be.

You are the one attacking atheists- I am attacking no one.

Reading this thread and threads in the Religion forum - Why are so many of the "christians" so ugly, nasty, and foul-mouthed?

Same with other forums. They're just so vicious, always attacking with the lowest, trashiest language.

How desperately miserable they must be to behave in exactly the opposite way of the man whose teachings they SAY they follow.
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You would think.

Sadly, it isn't true. The anti-Christians who call themselves "atheists" truly are religious zealots. They just aren't "Christians".

What a bunch of BS.

I am an atheist. I simply don't believe in your god- or any god.

I don't care if you believe in Christ or Buddha or Thor- I don't care.

I don't believe that religion should mix with government and I don't believe that children should be forced to pray in school- but I don't care if children do pray in school- or don't.

I don't think we should erect monuments to any religion on public property, but if it has been there more than 20 years, then leave it be.

You are the one attacking atheists- I am attacking no one.

Reading this thread and threads in the Religion forum - Why are so many of the "christians" so ugly, nasty, and foul-mouthed?

Same with other forums. They're just so vicious, always attacking with the lowest, trashiest language.

How miserable they must be to behave in exactly the opposite way of the man whose teachings they SAY they follow.

Really most Christians are good people and the only reason they care whether I am an atheist is because in the spirit of the Christ they believe in they are worried about me not seeing the light. I have many Christian friends, and we have learned that in general we don't talk about faith- certainly they don't attack my non-belief, and I don't attack their belief.

Pretty much its the hardcore "I hate atheist' faux Christians that post the hateful remarks.
I think you mean real Christians that actually follow the good parts of the bible.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
You are delusional. Good luck
Thats not a sufficient rebuttal. The bible claims the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years yet not a trace can be found of them every having done that. Thats simply a fairy tale
i doubt there has been no trace. Back your claims up or shut up satan worshiper.

any wonder why we Jews look down on you fundamentalist christians as uneducated dumb fucks
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There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?

Why do so-called "christians" wish death on those who don't share their delusions?

I don't wish death on you or other "christians".

I was being sarcastic. This is the place for that is it not?
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?

Why do so-called "christians" wish death on those who don't share their delusions?

I don't wish death on you or other "christians".

I was being sarcastic. This is the place for that is it not?

So was all the hate and name calling in your other posts were "sarcasm" too?

As with your other nasty posts, you were being accidentally honest. Take responsibility for your own words.

The other thing we see with "christians" is how defensive they are. Scratch the surface and they come out with their sputtering and by-rote, unthinking, copy/paste bible verses. Instead of talking about any peace or comfort they get from their beliefs, all they seem to care about is attacking those who don't agree with them.

koshergrl started this thread with an attack and the other "christians" joined in. They think their bible thumping should give them much more than it really does and they blame others for their own deficiencies. Maybe you need to look within yourselves for the reasons for your unhappiness and anger and leave non-believers to their own values and beliefs.
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You keep arguing faulty premises.

See, nobody hallucinated a messiah.

You ask a question, then you pretend that the answer was something different.

That's not how intelligent people discuss important topics, schlep. Argue to the points being made, and if you have a statement to make, make it...instead of pretending that your POV is an *accepted* or *factual* or even *logical* one.

Jews do not accept Jesus as the messiah because:

  1. Jesus did not fulfill the messianic prophecies.
  2. Jesus did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
  3. Biblical verses "referring" to Jesus are mistranslations.
  4. Jewish belief is based on national revelation.
But first, some background: What exactly is the Messiah?

The word "Messiah" is an English rendering of the Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "anointed." It usually refers to a person initiated into God's service by being anointed with oil. (Exodus 29:7, 1-Kings 1:39, 2-Kings 9:3) not godman
Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
Lots and lots of Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. There are still Jewish Christians.

"Jewish Christians, also Hebrew Christians or Judeo-Christians, were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.[1] In the earliest stage the community was made up of all those Jews who accepted Jesus as a venerable person or even the Messiah, and was thus equivalent to all Christians.[1]"

"Jewish Christianity, initially strengthened despite persecution by Jerusalem Temple officials, fell into decline during the Jewish-Roman wars (66-135) and the growing anti-Judaism perhaps best personified by Marcion (c. 150)."

Jewish Christian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Lots and lots of Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew.

Nope they are not considered Jews they the are considered dead to the jewish community and are now Christians , funny how christers are so ignorant of the hebrew Scripture as the know better then the Jews about those scriptures
Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...

Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...

Thats what crazy people always do. Repeat stuff in the attempt to convince yourself its true.
Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...


so you living in trailer park and reliving your childhood circumstance is normal? stupid stupid goyim

Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...

Thats what crazy people always do. Repeat stuff in the attempt to convince yourself its true.

Schlep you're in good company with guano. There is a core of maybe a half dozen to ten recognized lunatic tards on this board, who are given no credibility by anyone on either side of the political and social spectrum. They (you) only receive props from the equally insane posters just like them (who probably are socks about half the time). That's the group to which you, and guano, belong. It must make you proud.
Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...


so you living in trailer park and reliving your childhood circumstance is normal? stupid stupid goyim

Sorry, your comment makes no sense.
the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with, and who have no comprehension of the world outside their tiny little air conditioned, state subsidized spheres, only see what is happening in our tiny corner of the world
I'd bet anything you have never independently traveled outside of the United States in your life.

People who say things like this usually consider the bus excursion from their once-in-a lifetime cruise in the Caribbean to be their worldly Indiana Jones adventure.
Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...

Thats what crazy people always do. Repeat stuff in the attempt to convince yourself its true.

Schlep you're in good company with guano. There is a core of maybe a half dozen to ten recognized lunatic tards on this board, who are given no credibility by anyone on either side of the political and social spectrum. They (you) only receive props from the equally insane posters just like them (who probably are socks about half the time). That's the group to which you, and guano, belong. It must make you proud.
Thats what all crazy people say to convince themselves they are not crazy. They claim anyone that disagrees with them is not credible.
Stop copying me, schlep. Get your own material.

So unoriginal.

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