Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

My only problem with the article is the line that contains "...but the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with...".

This nonsense that anyone who does not believe as they do is ignorant is as worthless coming from a christian as it is coming from an atheist.

They are typically ignorant.

At the very least, they are ignorant of the Bible and or the history of the religion. But typically, they are ignorant in every aspect of their narrow lives.

And this is borne out by the fact that in this country, the poorest and least educated among us are the most likely to be atheists.

what a trailer dwelling uneducated fool

Photos Famous atheists and their beliefs -
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My only problem with the article is the line that contains "...but the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with...".

This nonsense that anyone who does not believe as they do is ignorant is as worthless coming from a christian as it is coming from an atheist.

They are typically ignorant.

At the very least, they are ignorant of the Bible and or the history of the religion. But typically, they are ignorant in every aspect of their narrow lives.

And this is borne out by the fact that in this country, the poorest and least educated among us are the most likely to be atheists.

what a trailer dwelling uneduate fool

Photos Famous atheists and their beliefs -

English, guano. This isn't the inner city.
what does Babble mean by "inner city"? :eusa_eh: Is that Repub-voter code for something?
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

I already told you I know, and that is the only answer an atheist asshole will get from me.
You dont know. Its ok. I accept your concession.

What part of I know don't you understand, and I won't share my knowledge with an atheist asshole.
Thats an incomplete sentence. Where you trying to ask a question?
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
You are delusional. Good luck
You keep arguing faulty premises.

See, nobody hallucinated a messiah.

You ask a question, then you pretend that the answer was something different.

That's not how intelligent people discuss important topics, schlep. Argue to the points being made, and if you have a statement to make, make it...instead of pretending that your POV is an *accepted* or *factual* or even *logical* one.
The premise of Christianity is faulty. Its built on a pipe dream someone hallucinated.
You are so wrong. Good luck
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
You are delusional. Good luck
Thats not a sufficient rebuttal. The bible claims the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years yet not a trace can be found of them every having done that. Thats simply a fairy tale
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

Yeah, we've already shown that you don't even know what you asked.

Give it up, schlep. At this point you just look like a retarded junior high kid trying really hard to make a point to himself about something he isn't even capable of identifying.
His drugs are wearing off.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
You are delusional. Good luck
Thats not a sufficient rebuttal. The bible claims the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years yet not a trace can be found of them every having done that. Thats simply a fairy tale
i doubt there has been no trace. Back your claims up or shut up satan worshiper.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.
You are delusional. Good luck
Thats not a sufficient rebuttal. The bible claims the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years yet not a trace can be found of them every having done that. Thats simply a fairy tale
i doubt there has been no trace. Back your claims up or shut up satan worshiper.
I dont care what you doubt. I told you there is no trace. If there is please link to it......if you can.

The Biblical Exodus Story Is Fiction Staks Rosch
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So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
I agree on the parts that are true. Best is subjective. If I have 2 umbrellas and one is full of holes and the other has a broken handle, the one with the broken handle is the best one I have. Thats basically what you have with the bible. Some half truths mixed with fantasy.
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
No sugar, I use the term "cracks", and I actually knew what I was saying.

My point is that you appear to be addled.
No sugar, I use the term "cracks", and I actually knew what I was saying.

My point is that you appear to be addled.
Like I said, its interesting and telling you thought of the drug crack. I'm pretty sure thats what your pimp used on you to get you turning tricks. If you work on your addiction you can kill two birds with one stone......sorry I didnt want you to start thinking of rocks because I said stone.
Less-educated Americans turning their backs on religion

So yes, atheists are typically ignorant and..well, ignorant. Isn't that enough?

Why Do Atheism Rates Correlate With Education Levels

Atheism is linked to higher education

Carlo Strenger argues the case that the statistical correlation between increased education and increased rates of atheism is not a coincidence or a matter of conformity for the sake of status among intellectuals:

Nick Spencer shows that there is indeed a correlation between educational level and atheism. In the US this phenomenon is far more pronounced: a recent Pew survey shows that among scientists in the US only one-third believe in God, as opposed to 83% in the general population.

For some reasons it seems to be anathema to say that there might be an intrinsic reason for the correlation between educational level and the rejection of religion: atheism takes training, and is more difficult. We accept that in medicine, physics and mathematics, but, for reasons of political correctness, it is very much considered a faux pas to say the old 19th-century thing: it takes education to develop a worldview based on science. It would be even more outrageous to say that the reasons for choosing atheism over religion might actually be valid, as the so-called new atheists have dared to claim. It seems that it has become something of a class-thing (not necessarily socio-economic, but of belonging to the politically-correct elite) to bash Dawkins, Dennett and Hitchens.

Cognitive psychologist Howard Gardner has shown that there is an essential difference between the unschooled mind which picks up certain things without formal training and the mature, schooled mind. The unschooled mind acquires sensorimotor and interpersonal skills, language – and stories. The human mind is naturally inclined to think in anthropomorphic terms. A child is more prone to explain the behaviour of dots on a computer screen through intentions and beliefs than through the workings of a computer programme.

Religions primarily function through stories that are easily remembered, because they’re counterintuitive. We more easily remember stories about people going to heaven, resurrecting the dead and splitting the waters of the sea, because these events (called “miracles” in religious parlance) run against what we know about the world. Hence religions are easily taught from age 3 onwards, and, as Richard Dawkins has pointed out angrily, it is very difficult for humans to let go of stories that have been inculcated by the authority figures we depend on as children.

Complex theories like classical physics (let alone relativity and quantum physics) and evolutionary theory can only be taught once the mind achieves the ability to abstract thought (what Piaget called “formal operations”), ie in adolescence. Understanding these theories requires training, and they are always at a disadvantage vis-a-vis anthropomorphic stories used by most religions.

Throw in the emotional reasons to want to believe in religious teachings (most prominently to believe that we will survive our deaths) and you have the deck stacked against scientific reasoning and in favor of religious sorts. Strenger claims this is an “evolutionary advantage” of religion. I have to chew on that last bit.

I also apparently need to think about how to incorporate more counter-intuitive stories in my lectures for explaining the finer and more abstract points of philosophy

Read more: Why Do Atheism Rates Correlate With Education Levels

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