Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
I agree on the parts that are true. Best is subjective. If I have 2 umbrellas and one is full of holes and the other has a broken handle, the one with the broken handle is the best one I have. Thats basically what you have with the bible. Some half truths mixed with fantasy.
All truths.
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
I agree on the parts that are true. Best is subjective. If I have 2 umbrellas and one is full of holes and the other has a broken handle, the one with the broken handle is the best one I have. Thats basically what you have with the bible. Some half truths mixed with fantasy.
All truths.
Very few truths. The rest is what someone you would today call a madman hallucinated.
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
No such thing as satan either. Thats just the adult version of the bogey man story someone told you as a child to keep you in line.
Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

The pendulum can only swing so far before it starts to swing back. I only hope that it doesn't go back too far into the neocon direction.

This country needs to grab that pendulum and force it to hover in a smaller swing back and forth just over the middle..
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
No such thing as satan either. Thats just the adult version of the bogey man story someone told you as a child to keep you in line.
You will find out one day, good luck.
You saw the word "cracks" in the thread title and thought you were going to get a discount, didn't you....
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
No such thing as satan either. Thats just the adult version of the bogey man story someone told you as a child to keep you in line.
You will find out one day, good luck.
Why dont you show me Oh you cant? Exactly.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
I agree on the parts that are true. Best is subjective. If I have 2 umbrellas and one is full of holes and the other has a broken handle, the one with the broken handle is the best one I have. Thats basically what you have with the bible. Some half truths mixed with fantasy.
All truths.
Very few truths. The rest is what someone you would today call a madman hallucinated.
ALL truths
The bible is not the truth. Its semi truthful history and fairytales. I follow no one that i cannot see. I worship my family.

Actually, archaeologists maintain that the bible is the best historical text we have, bar none.
I agree on the parts that are true. Best is subjective. If I have 2 umbrellas and one is full of holes and the other has a broken handle, the one with the broken handle is the best one I have. Thats basically what you have with the bible. Some half truths mixed with fantasy.
All truths.
Very few truths. The rest is what someone you would today call a madman hallucinated.
ALL truths
Very few truths.
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
No such thing as satan either. Thats just the adult version of the bogey man story someone told you as a child to keep you in line.
You will find out one day, good luck.
Why dont you show me Oh you cant? Exactly.
read the Bible starting with the book of John. Read it with an open mind, don't read it as a believer, read it as one seeking information.
Because of how many vastly different versions of Christianity there are, and how many of them differ with one another on core concepts, saying there's more Christians and that's good is kinda deceptive. Makes as much sense saying there's more religious people including non-Christian faiths.
In this case, the 'more Christians' are the batshit crazy evangelical ones so that's maybe not that good afterall. :)
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
Why are you libs only targeting Christianity while giving other religions a hall pass?
Do you refer to the deity worshiped by Islam as "the sky fairy"?
Buhdists? Jews? Hindus?

I don't have, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, or people of Islamic faith coming to my house at dinner time. :biggrin:
No thanks. Interesting thats what you thought of when you saw the word crack. Is that what your pimp used to turn you out?
You should know about pimps, yours, satan controls you well.
No such thing as satan either. Thats just the adult version of the bogey man story someone told you as a child to keep you in line.
You will find out one day, good luck.
Why dont you show me Oh you cant? Exactly.
read the Bible starting with the book of John. Read it with an open mind, don't read it as a believer, read it as one seeking information.
Already read it. Its a fairytale.
Because of how many vastly different versions of Christianity there are, and how many of them differ with one another on core concepts, saying there's more Christians and that's good is kinda deceptive. Makes as much sense saying there's more religious people including non-Christian faiths.
Its just like the social experiment where the teacher tells one of the students in class something in their ear and its passed on quietly from person to person. At the end of class the message vaguely resembles the original message the teacher started off with.
Because of how many vastly different versions of Christianity there are, and how many of them differ with one another on core concepts, saying there's more Christians and that's good is kinda deceptive. Makes as much sense saying there's more religious people including non-Christian faiths.
Its just like the social experiment where the teacher tells one of the students in class something in their ear and its passed on quietly from person to person. At the end of class the message vaguely resembles the original message the teacher started off with.

Not precisely. With that it goes to showing how over time and which each retelling seemingly inconsequential details are lost or changed. In religion though because it's all based on lies in the first place, when they change it's because of different goals. Not honest mistakes as time goes on and things change.

Religions split off continuously. Sometimes the split one wants a return to more scriptural versions or less scriptural versions. But they're not making mistakes. This is seen with how every newly created denomination tends to release a newly edited verison of the Bible. They're not making a mistake, they're making changes to the narrative because it isn't from God any way, it's from some guy(s).
This paper is a pretty good summary of where the Christian religion came from.

King Papers

The Influence of Osiris and Isis

The Egyptian mysteries of Isis and Osiris exerted considerable influence upon early Christianity. These two great Egyptian deities, whose worship passed into Europe, were revered not only in Rome but in many other centers where Christian communities were growing up. Osiris and Isis, so the legend runs, were at one and the same time, brother and sister, husband and wife; but Osiris was murdered, his coffined body being thrown into the Nile, and shortly afterwards the widowed and exiled Isis gave birth to a son, Horus. Meanwhile the coffin was washed up on the Syrian coast, and became miraculously lodged in the trunk of a tree. This tree afterwards chanced to be cut down and made into a pillar in the palace at Byblos, and there Isis at length found it. After recovering Osiris' dismembered body, Isis restored him to life and installed him as King in the nether world; meanwhile Horus, having grown to manhood, reigned on earth, later becoming the third person of this great Egyptian trinity.[Footnote:Weigall, op. cit., p. 119.]


Christianity just isn't a part of my life. They're more than welcome to their beliefs as long as they don't try to shove it down my throat.

As to the OP, why are christians so insecure and fearful about what they say they believe? Look at the Religion forum (where this thread belongs ...) and you see one thread after another begging for some proof of the existence of what cannot be proven. Then, the constant threads critical of those who don't share their beliefs and one thread after another preaching and screeching that their way is the only way.

Are other faiths as fearful and insecure in their beliefs as christians? I don't know.

The belief in an invisible and magical sky fairy is bizarre. Indeed, its so bizarre that some have called it a form of mental illness.

I think of it as a shared hysteria that we accept because its common. If those same people said they were actually Jesus instead of just believing in Jesus, they'd get hauled off to the funny farm. Funny is that if Jesus were real and actually did come back (why would he?), christians would very likely demand that he take a bath, cut his hair and get a job.

Whatever - they're welcome to believe whatever gets them to come out from under the bed every morning.
Sounds like one grand diversion. I will ask you in unmistakable terms. Where did the idea of Christianity come from?

There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?

Why do so-called "christians" wish death on those who don't share their delusions?

I don't wish death on you or other "christians".
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You would think.

Sadly, it isn't true. The anti-Christians who call themselves "atheists" truly are religious zealots. They just aren't "Christians".

What a bunch of BS.

I am an atheist. I simply don't believe in your god- or any god.

I don't care if you believe in Christ or Buddha or Thor- I don't care.

I don't believe that religion should mix with government and I don't believe that children should be forced to pray in school- but I don't care if children do pray in school- or don't.

I don't think we should erect monuments to any religion on public property, but if it has been there more than 20 years, then leave it be.

You are the one attacking atheists- I am attacking no one.

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