Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

Lots and lots of Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. There are still Jewish Christians.

"Jewish Christians, also Hebrew Christians or Judeo-Christians, were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.[1] In the earliest stage the community was made up of all those Jews who accepted Jesus as a venerable person or even the Messiah, and was thus equivalent to all Christians.[1]"

"Jewish Christianity, initially strengthened despite persecution by Jerusalem Temple officials, fell into decline during the Jewish-Roman wars (66-135) and the growing anti-Judaism perhaps best personified by Marcion (c. 150)."

Jewish Christian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, most Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, which is why Christians found more fertile ground in non-Jewish regions.
Guano's thought processes are so chaotic it truly is difficult to take him seriously.

I try, but sometimes the only thing I hear when I read his posts is...

Thats what crazy people always do. Repeat stuff in the attempt to convince yourself its true.

Schlep you're in good company with guano. There is a core of maybe a half dozen to ten recognized lunatic tards on this board, who are given no credibility by anyone on either side of the political and social spectrum. They (you) only receive props from the equally insane posters just like them (who probably are socks about half the time). That's the group to which you, and guano, belong. It must make you proud.

Bat guano crazy post.
I wonder if kgirl just doesn't know how to use the quote function......or purposely doesn't use it so she can deny that she was responding to anyone in particular?
Lots and lots of Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. There are still Jewish Christians.

"Jewish Christians, also Hebrew Christians or Judeo-Christians, were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.[1] In the earliest stage the community was made up of all those Jews who accepted Jesus as a venerable person or even the Messiah, and was thus equivalent to all Christians.[1]"

"Jewish Christianity, initially strengthened despite persecution by Jerusalem Temple officials, fell into decline during the Jewish-Roman wars (66-135) and the growing anti-Judaism perhaps best personified by Marcion (c. 150)."

Jewish Christian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, most Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, which is why Christians found more fertile ground in non-Jewish regions.

Lots and lots of Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was a Jew. Paul was a Jew. There are still Jewish Christians.

"Jewish Christians, also Hebrew Christians or Judeo-Christians, were the original members of the Jewish movement that later became Christianity.[1] In the earliest stage the community was made up of all those Jews who accepted Jesus as a venerable person or even the Messiah, and was thus equivalent to all Christians.[1]"

"Jewish Christianity, initially strengthened despite persecution by Jerusalem Temple officials, fell into decline during the Jewish-Roman wars (66-135) and the growing anti-Judaism perhaps best personified by Marcion (c. 150)."

Jewish Christian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, most Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, which is why Christians found more fertile ground in non-Jewish regions.


Exactly- like every post of yours in this thread.
No, you like mocking people, which is indicative of mental illness (or drug use):
No, you like mocking people, which is indicative of mental illness (or drug use):
No. I only like mocking you and the other crazies that post on here. There is a difference between disagreement and insanity. You and some other clowns on here frequently cross the line.

You were the one that brought up crack. Everyone is not on crack like you. Once you shake the habit your pimp will no longer have you turning tricks.
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The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?

Why do so-called "christians" wish death on those who don't share their delusions?

I don't wish death on you or other "christians".

I was being sarcastic. This is the place for that is it not?

So was all the hate and name calling in your other posts were "sarcasm" too?

As with your other nasty posts, you were being accidentally honest. Take responsibility for your own words.

The other thing we see with "christians" is how defensive they are. Scratch the surface and they come out with their sputtering and by-rote, unthinking, copy/paste bible verses. Instead of talking about any peace or comfort they get from their beliefs, all they seem to care about is attacking those who don't agree with them.

koshergrl started this thread with an attack and the other "christians" joined in. They think their bible thumping should give them much more than it really does and they blame others for their own deficiencies. Maybe you need to look within yourselves for the reasons for your unhappiness and anger and leave non-believers to their own values and beliefs.

Another atheist asshole. I don't care if you don't agree with me, I only pity you.
Jews for jesus is not a Jewish organization it it backed and run by the southern baptist convention as a way to convert jews, that phony christer org is well known in the Jewish community and when the show up or outted trying to pass themselves off as jews to convert Jews they are taken 'care' of by groups like the JDL, i remember on jews for jesus christer having his face turned into raw looking chopmeat after trying to proselytize to Jewish children, I guess the message got back to his church christer buddys, we didn't see them around the Jewish community center after that "accident' he had

"Jews for Jesus is a worldwide Christian mission that was born against the background of California's Jesus movement and has grown steadily ever since. Holding that Jesus of Nazareth -- God incarnate, crucified, risen, and now reigning -- is the true Messiah foretold in the Old Testament and the true fulfillment of Jewish hopes, the mission exists to press his claims on Jewish people everywhere. It is based on two principles. First, Jews who receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are 'completed' and 'fulfilled' thereby do not need to leave behind their Jewish identity or break with Jewish ways. As Judaizing was not a theological requirement for the first gentile Christians, so gentilizing is not a cultural requirement for today's Jewish believers. Though they belong in the Christian church, which has been mainly gentile -- non-Jewish, that is -- for most of its life, within the church they are free to be as Jewish as they like. Second, up-front, in-your-face challenge, with as much humor, chutzpah, and goodwill as possible, is the way to approach Jews evangelistically.

Jews For Judaism Topics
Jews for jesus is not a Jewish organization it it backed and run by the southern baptist convention as a way to convert jews, that phony christer org is well known in the Jewish community and when the show up or outted trying to pass themselves off as jews to convert Jews they are taken 'care' of by groups like the JDL, i remember on jews for jesus christer having his face turned into raw looking chopmeat after trying to proselytize to Jewish children, I guess the message got back to his church christer buddys, we didn't see them around the Jewish community center after that "accident' he had

"Jews for Jesus is a worldwide Christian mission that was born against the background of California's Jesus movement and has grown steadily ever since. Holding that Jesus of Nazareth -- God incarnate, crucified, risen, and now reigning -- is the true Messiah foretold in the Old Testament and the true fulfillment of Jewish hopes, the mission exists to press his claims on Jewish people everywhere. It is based on two principles. First, Jews who receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are 'completed' and 'fulfilled' thereby do not need to leave behind their Jewish identity or break with Jewish ways. As Judaizing was not a theological requirement for the first gentile Christians, so gentilizing is not a cultural requirement for today's Jewish believers. Though they belong in the Christian church, which has been mainly gentile -- non-Jewish, that is -- for most of its life, within the church they are free to be as Jewish as they like. Second, up-front, in-your-face challenge, with as much humor, chutzpah, and goodwill as possible, is the way to approach Jews evangelistically.

Jews For Judaism Topics

Praying for Southern Baptists

Curt Schleier

I’m not surprised that Southern Baptists are praying for the conversion of the Jews. I’m praying for Southern Baptists. I pray that they see how hypocritical and offensive it is for them to say they love Jews and in the same breath trash our religion.

Judaism is trashed when a Southern Baptist leader says that God doesn’t hear our prayers and when their new prayer guide states that we should see the futility of repentance. They also pray that Jews should be free of the strong influence of materialism and see that there is nothing we can do to merit God’s forgiveness– nothing, except convert and accept Jesus as God, Messiah and Savior.

- See more at: Jews For Judaism Praying for Southern Baptists
Jews for jesus is not a Jewish organization it it backed and run by the southern baptist convention as a way to convert jews, that phony christer org is well known in the Jewish community and when the show up or outted trying to pass themselves off as jews to convert Jews they are taken 'care' of by groups like the JDL, i remember on jews for jesus christer having his face turned into raw looking chopmeat after trying to proselytize to Jewish children, I guess the message got back to his church christer buddys, we didn't see them around the Jewish community center after that "accident' he had

"Jews for Jesus is a worldwide Christian mission that was born against the background of California's Jesus movement and has grown steadily ever since. Holding that Jesus of Nazareth -- God incarnate, crucified, risen, and now reigning -- is the true Messiah foretold in the Old Testament and the true fulfillment of Jewish hopes, the mission exists to press his claims on Jewish people everywhere. It is based on two principles. First, Jews who receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and who are 'completed' and 'fulfilled' thereby do not need to leave behind their Jewish identity or break with Jewish ways. As Judaizing was not a theological requirement for the first gentile Christians, so gentilizing is not a cultural requirement for today's Jewish believers. Though they belong in the Christian church, which has been mainly gentile -- non-Jewish, that is -- for most of its life, within the church they are free to be as Jewish as they like. Second, up-front, in-your-face challenge, with as much humor, chutzpah, and goodwill as possible, is the way to approach Jews evangelistically.

Jews For Judaism Topics

Praying for Southern Baptists

Curt Schleier

I’m not surprised that Southern Baptists are praying for the conversion of the Jews. I’m praying for Southern Baptists. I pray that they see how hypocritical and offensive it is for them to say they love Jews and in the same breath trash our religion.

Judaism is trashed when a Southern Baptist leader says that God doesn’t hear our prayers and when their new prayer guide states that we should see the futility of repentance. They also pray that Jews should be free of the strong influence of materialism and see that there is nothing we can do to merit God’s forgiveness– nothing, except convert and accept Jesus as God, Messiah and Savior.

- See more at: Jews For Judaism Praying for Southern Baptists

"The founder of Jews for Jesus, an ordained Baptist minister, has called Judaism “a false religion.” Additionally he has instructed Christians to avoid talking about the deity of Jesus when talking to Jews, saying, “as important as these doctrines may be, correct theology is not what will save your friend.”

One final example is the present director of Jews for Jesus who claims to be a Jew, but documentation proves that his mother wasn’t Jewish."

The Southern Baptist prayer guide states that “Jews don’t cease being Jewish when they accept Jesus.”

Judaism believes that there is more than one way to have a relationship with God, a path for Jews and a path for non-Jews. However, the Torah teaches that if Jews accept the Christian beliefs of the deity of Jesus, the trinity and the bodily incarnation of God, they are considered idolaters and can no longer call themselves Jews.

It is insulting for Southern Baptists to pray that we accept these non-biblical and non-Jewish concepts. This is one prayer that we can do without.

- See more at: Jews For Judaism Praying for Southern Baptists

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