Cracks in the atheist edifice...Christianity growing by leaps and bounds

Yes you echoed Koshergirl asshole.

Like me, and unlike you, he can read and comprehend what he reads.

Schlep, we are smart, but we aren't smart enough to read your mind. We only have what you write to work with, and often, what you write, and what you're thinking (and what you think you wrote) are not one and the same.

Ebonics was not adopted by the country.
Sounds like one grand diversion. I will ask you in unmistakable terms. Where did the idea of Christianity come from?

There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Like me, and unlike you, he can read and comprehend what he reads.

Schlep, we are smart, but we aren't smart enough to read your mind. We only have what you write to work with, and often, what you write, and what you're thinking (and what you think you wrote) are not one and the same.

Ebonics was not adopted by the country.
Sounds like one grand diversion. I will ask you in unmistakable terms. Where did the idea of Christianity come from?

There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
You keep arguing faulty premises.

See, nobody hallucinated a messiah.

You ask a question, then you pretend that the answer was something different.

That's not how intelligent people discuss important topics, schlep. Argue to the points being made, and if you have a statement to make, make it...instead of pretending that your POV is an *accepted* or *factual* or even *logical* one.
The premise of Christianity is faulty. Its built on a pipe dream someone hallucinated.
How about Alexander the Great?

Where's he buried at?

Where's the proof that he existed?

Are you denying that people converted to Christianity?

Because the question you asked me wasn't whether or not God was real.

It was if I knew the origins of Christianity.

And I do.

What part of my account do you think is not true? Why don't you state which part of my account you disagree with, and then ask for a rebuttal?

I know why.

Because you're functionally illiterate. You don't understand how people communicate. And you don't understand what's going on when you attempt to communicate with people.
Where talking about Christianity not Alexander the Great. You arent smart enough to deflect without me pointing it out. I need my questions answered. Please do so. How do you purpose to argue a point based on smokescreens and mirrors but then tell me I'm functionally illiterate? :laugh:
Sounds like one grand diversion. I will ask you in unmistakable terms. Where did the idea of Christianity come from?

There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.
You keep arguing faulty premises.

See, nobody hallucinated a messiah.

You ask a question, then you pretend that the answer was something different.

That's not how intelligent people discuss important topics, schlep. Argue to the points being made, and if you have a statement to make, make it...instead of pretending that your POV is an *accepted* or *factual* or even *logical* one.
The premise of Christianity is faulty. Its built on a pipe dream someone hallucinated.


If you disagree with my comment, then state what you disagree with and provide your alternate argument.

Otherwise, stop. You're embarassing yourself more than usual.
There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

Yeah, we've already shown that you don't even know what you asked.

Give it up, schlep. At this point you just look like a retarded junior high kid trying really hard to make a point to himself about something he isn't even capable of identifying.
So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
Why are you libs only targeting Christianity while giving other religions a hall pass?
Do you refer to the deity worshiped by Islam as "the sky fairy"?
Buhdists? Jews? Hindus?
It's all fake.......does that make you feel better?
There is no *idea* of Christianity. Christianity didn't spring from an *idea*.

The prophets told us in the OT that a Messiah would come, and the Messiah came.

Many people were converted by Christ himself, and many more by his apostles...and thus Christianity was born.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

I already told you I know, and that is the only answer an atheist asshole will get from me.
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

Yeah, we've already shown that you don't even know what you asked.

Give it up, schlep. At this point you just look like a retarded junior high kid trying really hard to make a point to himself about something he isn't even capable of identifying.
Your still trying to deflect. It wont work. Where are the prophets buried that hallucinated God talking to them? Why was the bible written almost a century after the death of Jesus? Was it to make sure all the people were dead that would have personally seen him if he existed?
So you really a think a guy that had a vision predicted Jesus. If you were a mental health specialist what would you call a guy that walked up to you and said that? Did it ever occur to you that everything about your religion is based on what someone (that could have possibly been high) said he saw in a vision?


The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

I already told you I know, and that is the only answer an atheist asshole will get from me.
You dont know. Its ok. I accept your concession.

The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

Yeah, we've already shown that you don't even know what you asked.

Give it up, schlep. At this point you just look like a retarded junior high kid trying really hard to make a point to himself about something he isn't even capable of identifying.
Your still trying to deflect. It wont work. Where are the prophets buried that hallucinated God talking to them? Why was the bible written almost a century after the death of Jesus? Was it to make sure all the people were dead that would have personally seen him if he existed?

I'm not trying to deflect, you are.

I'm not going to respond to nonsense.
Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

Yeah, we've already shown that you don't even know what you asked.

Give it up, schlep. At this point you just look like a retarded junior high kid trying really hard to make a point to himself about something he isn't even capable of identifying.
Your still trying to deflect. It wont work. Where are the prophets buried that hallucinated God talking to them? Why was the bible written almost a century after the death of Jesus? Was it to make sure all the people were dead that would have personally seen him if he existed?

I'm not trying to deflect, you are.

I'm not going to respond to nonsense.
Thanks for conceding. I knew you didnt have an answer.
It's funny, I'm always hearing how Christianity is a *dying* faith, that the church is dwindling.

Of course it's not true..the church is growing exponentially. In countries that are moving forward, away from depravity, oppression, and violence.

We're moving the opposite direction..but the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with, and who have no comprehension of the world outside their tiny little air conditioned, state subsidized spheres, only see what is happening in our tiny corner of the world..and so think that the fact that we are moving away from Christianity #1, means the whole world is moving away, and #2, is indicative of PROGRESS, rather than the exact opposite.

"Christianity is hard to control in China, and getting harder all the time. It is spreading rapidly, and infiltrating the party’s own ranks."

"There were perhaps 3m Catholics and 1m Protestants when the party came to power in 1949. Officials now say there are between 23m and 40m, all told. In 2010 the Pew Research Centre, an American polling organisation, estimated there were 58m Protestants and 9m Catholics. Many experts, foreign and Chinese, now accept that there are probably more Christians than there are members of the 87m-strong Communist Party. Most are evangelical Protestants."

Religion in China Cracks in the atheist edifice The Economist

So more people are believing in the invisible sky fairy no one can prove exists? That doesnt surprise me as people look everywhere for meaning in life but never in the right place.
The Bible is the truth. Who do you worship follow?

The prophets prophesied about the coming of a Messiah. The prophesies were made long, long before Christ was born. His birth fulfilled the prophesies.

People familiar with the prophesies intimately (Jews) and many others accepted Him as the Messiah. They were converted after hearing him speak (they were converted by the THOUSANDS at a time), after listening to him speak in the synagogues, or upon seeing or being the recipient of miracles.

They believed despite the fact that they were risking their lives to do so, and early Christians, then as now, were persecuted brutally. Christ and all save one of the apostles suffered violent, excruciating deaths.

And the religion spread like wildfire, and continues to spread.

Christianity was born.

Just because someone hallucinated that a messiah was coming doest mean it actually happened. Has anyone found Jesus yet? How about those mysterious prophets? Were are they buried at? Why is there no proof? Why is the bible wrong about the age of the earth?

Why are atheist assholes allowed to breathe?
Thats a deflection. Answer the question if you can. if not just admit you dont know.

I already told you I know, and that is the only answer an atheist asshole will get from me.
You dont know. Its ok. I accept your concession.

What part of I know don't you understand, and I won't share my knowledge with an atheist asshole.
My only problem with the article is the line that contains "...but the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with...".

This nonsense that anyone who does not believe as they do is ignorant is as worthless coming from a christian as it is coming from an atheist.

They are typically ignorant.

At the very least, they are ignorant of the Bible and or the history of the religion. But typically, they are ignorant in every aspect of their narrow lives.

And this is borne out by the fact that in this country, the poorest and least educated among us are the most likely to be atheists.

and just how Low can your IQ go?

Lists of atheists - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It's funny, I'm always hearing how Christianity is a *dying* faith, that the church is dwindling.

Of course it's not true..the church is growing exponentially. In countries that are moving forward, away from depravity, oppression, and violence.

We're moving the opposite direction..but the atheists in this country who are ignorant to begin with, and who have no comprehension of the world outside their tiny little air conditioned, state subsidized spheres, only see what is happening in our tiny corner of the world..and so think that the fact that we are moving away from Christianity #1, means the whole world is moving away, and #2, is indicative of PROGRESS, rather than the exact opposite.

"Christianity is hard to control in China, and getting harder all the time. It is spreading rapidly, and infiltrating the party’s own ranks."

"There were perhaps 3m Catholics and 1m Protestants when the party came to power in 1949. Officials now say there are between 23m and 40m, all told. In 2010 the Pew Research Centre, an American polling organisation, estimated there were 58m Protestants and 9m Catholics. Many experts, foreign and Chinese, now accept that there are probably more Christians than there are members of the 87m-strong Communist Party. Most are evangelical Protestants."

Religion in China Cracks in the atheist edifice The Economist
I thought you said you were NOT a thumper :eusa_pray: in that thread for the nomination of the biggest religio wack job? :eusa_think:

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