Cracks In The Pocketed Media?


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Is it me, or has anyone noticed the ever-so-slowly growing criticism of Obama among the usually-sycophantic media?

Even Tom Brokaw snapped the other day about Barry gallivanting around the country in constant campaign mode instead of staying put and doing his job.
Do corporations protect the people who want to regulate and tax them more?

Tell me WHY you think the corporate media would be in Obamas corner?
Now tell me why would a corporate media protect Obama ?

Because the management and the editorial and broadcast personnel of various media corporations clearly support Obama and his policies?

And their corporaste owners would just allow that to happen even though you claim Obamas policies harm them?

Do bosses let their employees control their finaces?
Or maybe its that these corporations know the Obama policies are better for them?

wow that doesnt work with your republican memes either huh
Do corporations protect the people who want to regulate and tax them more?

Tell me WHY you think the corporate media would be in Obamas corner?

Easy. Because the powers that be within those media corporations support the long-term goals of the modern day Democratic Party.
Do corporations protect the people who want to regulate and tax them more?

Tell me WHY you think the corporate media would be in Obamas corner?

Easy. Because the powers that be within those media corporations support the long-term goals of the modern day Democratic Party.

and that is evil in your mind?

Its ONLY OK if the corporations back republicans?
BTW why did this corprate media allow the republicans to nonstop lie about things like Death panels ?
Do corporations protect the people who want to regulate and tax them more?

Tell me WHY you think the corporate media would be in Obamas corner?

Easy. Because the powers that be within those media corporations support the long-term goals of the modern day Democratic Party.
You're new. Don't pay her much mind, no one else does. She's certifiable.
yes insults in the face of facts.

Its how the right opperates.

WHY is it OK for some corporations to back the republican meme but NOT GOOD when some corporations back what obama is doing?

You cant have it both ways and you cant get away with LYING about what the media is doing.

WHY is it this birther and muslim thing are still arround on the right?

BECAUSE the media did not do its job in presenting "just the facts "
Corporations can back whoever they like. It's a free country. Still. So far. As to whether it's evil, one would have to dissect the intentions of the individual corporation and its officers and the product they shill to determine that.

To the other, one man's healthcare decision-making process is another man's death panel. Much is determined by POV, as is standard when dealing with political issues.
Is it me, or has anyone noticed the ever-so-slowly growing criticism of Obama among the usually-sycophantic media?

Even Tom Brokaw snapped the other day about Barry gallivanting around the country in constant campaign mode instead of staying put and doing his job.

The media have become increasingly owned and controlled by corporations, conservatives
Corporations can back whoever they like. It's a free country. Still. So far. As to whether it's evil, one would have to dissect the intentions of the individual corporation and its officers and the product they shill to determine that.

To the other, one man's healthcare decision-making process is another man's death panel. Much is determined by POV, as is standard when dealing with political issues.


There are not and never were any death panels.

IT was a media LIE by Fox news
Why did the media allow the stupid birther crap to continue when the evidence was in on the birth certificate?

The FACTS were ignored to allow those idiots to keep LYING about our president
Now tell me why would a corporate media protect Obama ?

Could be a quid pro quo.

Barack Obama--->Jeff Immelt--->NBC--->MSNBC--->official Obama team fluffers...

Meanwhile, GE pays little or no corporate tax and as far as we know the IRS isn't crawling all over them with an army of people sporting calculators and magnifying glasses.

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