Crazy Candace Owens breaks social media by not disavowing Hitler when asked about him

Candace Owens Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About

Obnoxious Candace Owens Has No Argument, Just Starts Yelling

Yes they did.

Work is not limited to physical labor.

No, they really didn't. Sitting in a board room deciding what crappy product to force on people based on market research someone else did is not "work".

What seperates theft from anything else is consent

If you agree to sell me a car and I pay the agreed upon price it is NOT theft if I turn around and sell the same car at a profit.

Funny you should use that example. A car loses value the minute I as the consumer drive it off the lot. I take a car home, decide I don't like the color and want to take it back to the dealership, I don't get all my money back.

Yes running a corporation from a board room is far more difficult and demanding than working in the factory only fools do not know this.

No one in any corportion forces anything on anyone

That is not theft you fucking retard

You have no right to demand a certian cue for anything
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

. It's laughable anybody posting a thread saying Candice Owens compliments Leftist dictator Hitler with not a cross word against Leftists who proudly wear Che t-shirts and supports socialist regimes running Venesula into economic disaster and Alexandria Occassional-Cortex who wants to abolish cars, airplanes and farting heifers.

Well we shouldn't go around spreading rumors without facts. I know a doctor that is from Venesula. He claims that there is a crisis in Venesula. But I think that he is going along with the flow of the narrative, so that he can receive his green card and to bring his wife along with him.I believe that he just want to make big money and then go back to his country and brag how a big shot he is. It is the Big corporations that are bringing that country down. If country don't accept their products like Russia. They will bring them down. I'm telling you all that these people knows how to manipulate your mind into fighting their war. Mind control. Right now at this moment. They can persuade you all like the serpent, into sodomizing Pres.Trump by saying that it will cure the common cold.

Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World's Most Progressive Seed Laws
Venezuela Bans GMO Crops, Passes One of World's Most Progressive Seed Laws

The seed law has the backing of campesinos and rural families and will regulate the production of hybrid seeds in Venezuela and prevent the research, production, importation and distribution of GMO seeds.
Venezuelan Parliament Approves New Anti-GMO Seed Law

Monsanto to Glenn Beck: We Are Not Evil and Sinister and Manipulative, Unlike You
Monsanto to Glenn Beck: We Are Not Evil and Sinister and Manipulative, Unlike You

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The only thing dumber than insinuating Candace Owens loves Hitler is Candace Owens giving testimony at a hearing about white supremacy.
Everyone in America should hear this young lady. No one has articulated the truth more clearly. A profile in courage.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

She actually did call Hitler evil incarnate and used those very words. Maybe you should listen to all her comments on Hitler in front of Fat Jerry Nadler's committee.

You guys only listen to as much as you need to smear and attack but there is more to her comments.
California democrat Ted Lieu dishonesty played a comment by Owens out of context and without Owens' full reply.
Selective editing by shitbag Lieu. I 'm amazed they think they can get away with this amateurish attempt at propaganda.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

As Nancy would say: "Candice didn't really understand what she was saying would offend anyone". RIGHT!!!!!!!!
Candace Owens kicked it out of the park
Makes me proud to be a conservative

Leftist LIARS throwing words like Nazi or Nationalist around, but deny YOU OWNED SLAVES, YOU FOUGHT AGAINST FREEDOM. YOU want to keep voters dependent on you. but its not gonna happen!
I forgive her, too. who cares anyway?

nobody really believes Trump is a genocidal maniac. right?? RIGHT?

Actually Hitler was the best thing to happen for post-Weimar Germany. Unfortunately for him, the Germans, and the rest of the world, he decided to militarize and re-claim some land that Germany once owned. Then he further expanded by invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other countries. But to top it off, was the Holocaust.

Had he just brought prosperity to a Germany that was reeling from the effects of WW1 and left it at that, alot of shit wouldn't have happened like it did. Owens was correct in her assessment.
You can piss on Hitler all you want but England and especially France set that situation up at the end of WWI with the treaty of Versailles. You could almost say they even had it coming. What goes around comes around as the democrats are about to discover, while visions of perp walks are dancing in my head.

Trump is absolutely correct.

"Wow. Well done @RealCandaceO!!! Great to see someone call out the Dems on their purposeful manipulation of facts for their narrative,” tweeted Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, about a clip of Owens’ response to Lieu. “Since the media runs with anything they say and is the marketing wing of the DNC, they aren't used to getting called out for the repeated BS.” "

Good on him.
I forgive her, too. who cares anyway?

nobody really believes Trump is a genocidal maniac. right?? RIGHT?

Actually Hitler was the best thing to happen for post-Weimar Germany. Unfortunately for him, the Germans, and the rest of the world, he decided to militarize and re-claim some land that Germany once owned. Then he further expanded by invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other countries. But to top it off, was the Holocaust.

Had he just brought prosperity to a Germany that was reeling from the effects of WW1 and left it at that, alot of shit wouldn't have happened like it did. Owens was correct in her assessment.
You can piss on Hitler all you want but England and especially France set that situation up at the end of WWI with the treaty of Versailles. You could almost say they even had it coming. What goes around comes around as the democrats are about to discover, while visions of perp walks are dancing in my head.
The fucking Germans INVADED France in WW! and WW!!
The entire world KNEW after WW! if something wasn't done to curb the Germans determination to eventually rule the world another world war was inevitable. The world was right. The fucking Nazis were secretly building up their military throughout the twenties and thirties. Their goal was to rule the world.
Now they only rule the world of luxury cars manufacturers.
I guess it's 'something'.
( I admit our 'drivers' are BMWs but my only real love is my precious old mint condition Ferrari which is getting a new SS Tubi package this summer! No I don't want to debate the issue of SS visa vi manifold heat stress fractures again!!)
Sorry. Wrong forum.
I forgive her, too. who cares anyway?

nobody really believes Trump is a genocidal maniac. right?? RIGHT?

Actually Hitler was the best thing to happen for post-Weimar Germany. Unfortunately for him, the Germans, and the rest of the world, he decided to militarize and re-claim some land that Germany once owned. Then he further expanded by invading Czechoslovakia, Poland, and other countries. But to top it off, was the Holocaust.

Had he just brought prosperity to a Germany that was reeling from the effects of WW1 and left it at that, alot of shit wouldn't have happened like it did. Owens was correct in her assessment.
You can piss on Hitler all you want but England and especially France set that situation up at the end of WWI with the treaty of Versailles. You could almost say they even had it coming. What goes around comes around as the democrats are about to discover, while visions of perp walks are dancing in my head.
The fucking Germans INVADED France in WW! and WW!!
The entire world KNEW after WW! if something wasn't done to curb the Germans determination to eventually rule the world another world war was inevitable. The world was right. The fucking Nazis were secretly building up their military throughout the twenties and thirties. Their goal was to rule the world.
Now they only rule the world of luxury cars manufacturers.
I guess it's 'something'.
( I admit our 'drivers' are BMWs but my only real love is my precious old mint condition Ferrari which is getting a new SS Tubi package this summer! No I don't want to debate the issue of SS visa vi manifold heat stress fractures again!!)
Sorry. Wrong forum.
There are alternative history views. Germany and the Soviet Union were picked to start to bring the world into a globalist system. You don't have to like the Germans. But the people were run through the meat grinder from WW 1 to a few years after WW 2. the end of WW 2 consolidated a lot of separate threads into a lot less. Hitler was believed to have been given a deal and was screwed. There was no way that Germany could win with the United Stated at war. We had the roaring 20's. Germany was not so fortunate. In less then a decade, Germany built up a mighty empire that was one step from world dominance.

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