Crazy Eric Swalwell to announce White House bid with Parkland shooting survivor Wacky Cameron Kasky

The only thing standing between Swalwell and the White House is popularity.
"I pretty much want to be free to just live my life, keep what's mine, not take what's yours, voluntarily help my neighbor, and have government pretty much leave me the hell alone. Neither political party speaks for me."

leave my fries alone, leave my burgers alone, leave my cigar alone, leave my soda alone, leave my guns alone, LEAVE ME ALONE!
On Twitter, Swalwell posted a voicemail that he says he received at his office, with a man angrily screaming about his position on guns and threatening to kill him. “I’m not afraid of this guy,” Swalwell wrote. “I’m not afraid of the NRA. I’m not afraid. No fear.”
Don't call them "illegal firearms." Call the 'undocumented weapons' and let them live in sanctuary homes. Jus sayin'
Swallwell will run on banning guns. Harris and Booker are running on reparations. Warren, on disenfranchising rural states, Beto on open borders.

What could go wrong?
Guns aren’t the problem, the people pulling the trigger is what’s wrong. That doesn’t fit the narrative tho
92% of all women killed with guns in high-income countries in 2015 were in the U.S., where 52 women a month are shot and killed by intimate partners. We don't have to live like this
Now this would be quite ticket: SwallowsWell and ButtiJizz.

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