"Crazy" Trump Just Told the Truth About Voter Suppression

From rich to poor? Who are you kidding. The rich are getting richer and everyone else is treading water or losing. How does that work? I know you ain’t rich but you are stupid

Apparently smarter than you. I know how people get wealthy and stay that way. How does that work???

The rich get educated, create an invention, start a business, make a lot of sacrifices to create that wealth. It takes a lot of work, a lot of risk, and a lot of guts.

In the meantime, the rest of us are out buying every new Play station that comes out, X box, video games, houses that we can barely afford to make payments on, lease cars where we get a new one every three or five years, newest model of iPhones. We rely on our employer for most if not all of our income. We have never as a people lived a more comfortable and convenient life than we do today.

So the answer to your question is how people decide to use their money. The people that take a shot at becoming wealthy do without a lot of things at first. Their only focus is how to turn the residual money they have into even more money. Some avoid having children, live in a reasonable but not fancy house or apartment, work 7 days a week 10 hours or more a day.
The only wealth distribution in this country is from the rich to the poor. The rich pay almost all federal income taxes collected for all the programs used by the poor.
The rich pay a fraction of the income taxes they paid before Neoliberal economics destroyed the American middle class that came into being with the New Deal; Reagan's tax cuts began that slide:

The Collapse of Neoliberalism

"Start with the economy. Over the course of the neoliberal era, economies around the world have become more and more unequal.

"In the United States, the wealthiest 1 percent took home about 8.5 percent of the national income in 1976.

"After a generation of neoliberal policies, in 2014 they captured more than 20 percent of national income."

That 12% increase for the richest one percent came about as a result of government redistribution through tax cuts and outsourcing of middle class jobs.
The rich get that way by selling you these products or services. If you object to the money going to the top, the solution is to quit sending your money to the top as you did last week, the week, before ad will next week as well.
What role does Fed policy play in wealth accumulation?
Why does the Fed buy corporate junk bonds but won't buy student debt?
The rich pay a fraction of the income taxes they paid before Neoliberal economics destroyed the American middle class that came into being with the New Deal; Reagan's tax cuts began that slide:

The Collapse of Neoliberalism

"Start with the economy. Over the course of the neoliberal era, economies around the world have become more and more unequal.

"In the United States, the wealthiest 1 percent took home about 8.5 percent of the national income in 1976.

"After a generation of neoliberal policies, in 2014 they captured more than 20 percent of national income."

That 12% increase for the richest one percent came about as a result of government redistribution through tax cuts and outsourcing of middle class jobs.

Taking less money from a person is not giving them anything, it's simply taking less of what they created.

If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?

Reagan's policies made people rich? Okay, it's a joke of a statement, but let's go with that. If Reagan's policies were so bad, why didn't Bill Clinton remove all of them. What about DumBama when he had an all Democrat government to work with? Why not Dementia today. He promised us to tax the hell out of the rich. Five months and nothing. Why?

So what's stopping Dementia from creating a 50% tax bracket on our job creators and wealthy? Let's get the show on the road. Time is a wasting.
"In the United States, the wealthiest 1 percent took home about 8.5 percent of the national income in 1976.

"After a generation of neoliberal policies, in 2014 they captured more than 20 percent of national income."

The wealthiest 1 percent paid about 20 percent of all federal income tax collected in 1976.

After a generation of neoliberal policies, in 2014, they paid almost 50 percent.
Poverty held steady, despite trillions in government spending to end poverty?
The rich get that way by selling you these products or services. If you object to the money going to the top, the solution is to quit sending your money to the top as you did last week, the week, before ad will next week as well.
What role does Fed policy play in wealth accumulation?
Why does the Fed buy corporate junk bonds but won't buy student debt?

Why does the Fed buy corporate junk bonds

They don't.

but won't buy student debt?

The Federal government is owed about $1.6 trillion in student debt. Moron.
From rich to poor? Who are you kidding. The rich are getting richer and everyone else is treading water or losing. How does that work? I know you ain’t rich but you are stupid

Apparently smarter than you. I know how people get wealthy and stay that way. How does that work???

The rich get educated, create an invention, start a business, make a lot of sacrifices to create that wealth. It takes a lot of work, a lot of risk, and a lot of guts.

In the meantime, the rest of us are out buying every new Play station that comes out, X box, video games, houses that we can barely afford to make payments on, lease cars where we get a new one every three or five years, newest model of iPhones. We rely on our employer for most if not all of our income. We have never as a people lived a more comfortable and convenient life than we do today.

So the answer to your question is how people decide to use their money. The people that take a shot at becoming wealthy do without a lot of things at first. Their only focus is how to turn the residual money they have into even more money. Some avoid having children, live in a reasonable but not fancy house or apartment, work 7 days a week 10 hours or more a day.
You can eat baloney sandwiches and sit in the dark all you want (if you can do that) but you ain’t gonna get rich.

All you’ll get is mental illness and depression
Poverty held steady, despite trillions in government spending to end poverty?

People in poverty are in debt?

They should save instead of borrowing.
You ever BEEN poor?

I didn't borrow when I was poor.
Maybe that's why I'm not poor now?
Then you didn’t get an education for one thing. Drove a broke down car if you even had one and wore Salvation Army clothes.

Or you weren’t actually poor
The Federal government is owed about $1.6 trillion in student debt. Moron.
The Federal Reserve was created to make banking a private enterprise, not a public utility, Cracker, which is why it's currently buying corporate junk bonds but not buying student debt.
If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

How are capital gains taxed?
Reagan's policies made people rich? Okay, it's a joke of a statement, but let's go with that. If Reagan's policies were so bad, why didn't Bill Clinton remove all of them. What about DumBama when he had an all Democrat government to work with? Why not Dementia today. He promised us to tax the hell out of the rich. Five months and nothing. Why?

Bill Clinton finished Reagan's work by passing NAFTA and killing Glass-Stegall when Republicans could not.

Obama bailed out GM but not individual debtors who were victims of junk mortgages and bank fraud.

Biden played a key role in ensuring student debt could not be written down through bankruptcy laws.

All politicians of both major parties are committed to plunging America into a depression in order to assure the one percent of creditors and banks will not lose any of their wealth.
The Federal government is owed about $1.6 trillion in student debt. Moron.
The Federal Reserve was created to make banking a private enterprise, not a public utility, Cracker, which is why it's currently buying corporate junk bonds but not buying student debt.

which is why it's currently buying corporate junk bonds

It's not.

but not buying student debt.

The Federal government already owns $1.6 trillion in student debt.
The Fed should buy more? Why?
If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

How are capital gains taxed?

You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income;

You appear to believe you have a moral right to my pre-tax income.

How are capital gains taxed?

0%, 15% or 20%.

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