"Crazy" Trump Just Told the Truth About Voter Suppression

One in a million. Might as well buy a lottery ticket

No, because lottery tickets are a waste of money. You might as well throw your cash into your waste basket.

Even if one doesn't make it to multi-millionaire status, they do a lot better than people who never invested in anything. My experience is that people who bitch about what others have never made an investment themselves outside of a house or perhaps an IRA at work, which you can't draw a dime out of until 59 1/2 years without severe penalties.

I'm not rich, but in my mid 30's, I invested in real estate. I've been a landlord for over 27 years. Now retired, I have no need to work unless it's something I wish to do. Now that this Covid is near it's end, I just may do that.

In any case, I haven't been on an out of town vacation in over 35 years. At the age of 61, I've never seen an ocean in my life outside of television or an airplane window. I've dedicated all my vacation time from work to this place. No, I'm not wealthy, but again, I have more going for me than the people that complain they don't make enough and somebody should do something about it.
People in poverty are in debt?

They should save instead of borrowing.
Save what?
No they don't, moron.
Biden and Trump serve the same one percent of Americans:

"Biden’s dual move to CUT corp taxes even more than Trump had and to cut his proposed infrastructure spending by more than $1.5T, represent unilateral moves by him without any real concessions by the Republicans. It all looks like a well orchestrated ‘deal’ from the beginning, overlaid with a public appearance that there are ‘negotiations’ under way.
JUNE 7, 2021

Biden Capitulates: Cuts Corp Taxes & Cuts Infrastructure Spending

"One is reminded of last summer, when Shumer-Pelosi reduced their proposed spending by $1T on their ‘Heroes Act’, which McConnell and Republicans simply refused to counter. Democrats have a history of capitulation, poor negotiating strategy and ability, and a general capitulation to Republicans on fiscal policy.

"Further back, one is also reminded of Obama’s policy. In 2009 his fiscal stimulus was a mere $787B (of which $300B were tax cuts for businesses). He then CUT social program spending in August 2011 by twice that amount, $1.5T."
Biden and Trump serve the same one percent of Americans:

"Biden’s dual move to CUT corp taxes even more than Trump had and to cut his proposed infrastructure spending by more than $1.5T, represent unilateral moves by him without any real concessions by the Republicans. It all looks like a well orchestrated ‘deal’ from the beginning, overlaid with a public appearance that there are ‘negotiations’ under way.
JUNE 7, 2021

Biden Capitulates: Cuts Corp Taxes & Cuts Infrastructure Spending

"One is reminded of last summer, when Shumer-Pelosi reduced their proposed spending by $1T on their ‘Heroes Act’, which McConnell and Republicans simply refused to counter. Democrats have a history of capitulation, poor negotiating strategy and ability, and a general capitulation to Republicans on fiscal policy.

"Further back, one is also reminded of Obama’s policy. In 2009 his fiscal stimulus was a mere $787B (of which $300B were tax cuts for businesses). He then CUT social program spending in August 2011 by twice that amount, $1.5T."

Democrats may seem stupid, but that's only their act. Even they know of the economic damage to this country by raising taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. They talk a good game to get the puppets dancing, but then turn around and not do a thing.

What you see here is the Democrats observing the successes of our greatest President in recent times, President Donald Trump. By cutting taxes, Biden can produce just as an outstanding economy as President Trump, who is breathing down their necks for 24, and while they stand a good chance at losing House leadership in 22. Like Democrats always do as we've seen with the vaccinations, they will take credit for Trump's great ideas that gave us the best economy in 50 years prior to the Wuhan flu.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.

You're a liar and you have no evidence to prove. Not even the SC gave that scenario a thought. Cheney also said it bullshit. But you saps are looking for anything to blame someone else.
Your view is that 8 million votes were prepared prior to the election and hidden until the right moment. The number of
Electoral officials who vote Republican would have said something but none did.
They would have certainly known. But an intellectual mountain like you knew exactly how the conspiracy unfolded and you never alerted the authorities.
Don't make me laugh you cretin.

Check my figures compared to 2016. You are wrong and have nothing to support it.
Here's some ironclad evidence, moron:

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.
Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.
This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.
That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.
Why not?
Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.
Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?
Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

Ironclad my ass. Here's some proof to the contrary and backed by two supreme court decisions.
Note the 60 odd submissions of trumps were all failures. Does that point to Democrat fraudulence?

You gave produced nothing like proof. I told I was good at this. Try Again.
Where's the proof, turd?
I don’t get what’s so hard for conservatives to understand?

IDs such as drivers licenses are racist. And anyone who questions why is racist and trying to suppress votes.
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

The market is not in charge of distribution of income. You get a job, make the money you agreed to work for, and have every opportunity to advance yourself to make more. No market is promoting or stopping you from doing so.

If you want a job where the company shares their profits with you as a worker, then you need to find a job that has profit sharing. If you cannot find a job that has such benefit, you are welcome to use your own money and buy stock in the company you work for. In fact some companies offer a discount to the employees that do.

Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

The market is not in charge of distribution of income. You get a job, make the money you agreed to work for, and have every opportunity to advance yourself to make more. No market is promoting or stopping you from doing so.

If you want a job where the company shares their profits with you as a worker, then you need to find a job that has profit sharing. If you cannot find a job that has such benefit, you are welcome to use your own money and buy stock in the company you work for. In fact some companies offer a discount to the employees that do.

Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!
That’s not really an issue anymore. Most small businesses have died or have been bought out by big corporations
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

The market is not in charge of distribution of income. You get a job, make the money you agreed to work for, and have every opportunity to advance yourself to make more. No market is promoting or stopping you from doing so.

If you want a job where the company shares their profits with you as a worker, then you need to find a job that has profit sharing. If you cannot find a job that has such benefit, you are welcome to use your own money and buy stock in the company you work for. In fact some companies offer a discount to the employees that do.

Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!
That’s not really an issue anymore. Most small businesses have died or have been bought out by big corporations

It was to Ray!!
Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!

That was the problem. I had restrictions when I was working so I could never work for a major carrier. I always liked working for small business anyway. After Commie Care started, no small company that I applied to offered the benefit any longer.

The president attempted again Friday to take full credit for the impressive pace of COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the United States, going as far as to claim his White house “turned around” a “slow-moving program.”

This would be impressive if it were true. Biden inherited a robust program from his predecessor, whose Operation Warp Speed initiative put the U.S. on track to achieve the to-date total of 158 million inoculations even before Biden was sworn into office.

“I know you’re tired of hearing me say this,” the president said Friday, “but, I mean, there’s nothing the American people can not do if we give them a chance.”

He continued, boasting of the “progress we’ve made on my other key priority, getting the American people vaccinated.”

“We’ve turned around a slow-moving vaccination program into being the envy of the world,” Biden said. “Yesterday, we set an all-time record for Thursday vaccinations, and in a seven-day period, that was the first-ever where we administered 20 million shots in seven days. That’s 20 million shots in a week. No other country has come close to doing that. So we made significant progress on that front, but the fight’s far from over.”

I could go on all day about Biden's lying, but that should give you plenty to chew on for a few days.

This guy is a complete moron. The only people that are bigger morons are the ones who believe him.

Yes, the vaccines started slow. The producers didn't start making them until they had the blessing of the FDA. Of course they couldn't favor any one state over another, so each state only got a couple of hundred. But the truth of the matter is we used the vaccines as they became available and still are today. When Johnson and Johnson came online, they could vaccinate twice as many people since their vaccine only requires one dose.

What these idiots want to believe is that these vaccines were sitting in some storage room by the tens of millions, and no way to get it to the clinics and drug stores. Then super Dementia came up with some genius plan that nobody knows about and successfully got them delivered. It's a lie because we've been getting these vaccines as they were produced and still are.

So much disinformation in your post. The vaccines were a WORLD WIDE EFFORT lead by the World Health Organization and funded by all of the first world governments. The Pfizer vaccine was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica came from Great Britain.

Trump tried to buy the exclusive rights to the Pfizer vaccine and was rebuffed by the Muslim scientists developing the vaccine, and the German government, who was funding it. The ONLY way Trump was going to get control of vaccines was to fund development of an American vaccine.

All Trump did was write a cheque to Big Pharma and then bitch about how long it was taking.
I don’t get what’s so hard for conservatives to understand?

IDs such as drivers licenses are racist. And anyone who questions why is racist and trying to suppress votes.

Fine. Then tell us how one law that applies to all is racist. I'll be happy to read it and respond.
So much disinformation in your post. The vaccines were a WORLD WIDE EFFORT lead by the World Health Organization and funded by all of the first world governments. The Pfizer vaccine was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica came from Great Britain.

Trump tried to buy the exclusive rights to the Pfizer vaccine and was rebuffed by the Muslim scientists developing the vaccine, and the German government, who was funding it. The ONLY way Trump was going to get control of vaccines was to fund development of an American vaccine.

All Trump did was write a cheque to Big Pharma and then bitch about how long it was taking.

His bitch was not to the big pharma companies, his bitch was with our FDA. That's who he was pressuring.

Trump signed contracts with eight different potential vaccine companies last July guaranteeing that we were at the top of the list once the vaccines came out. It came at a cost to us at 14 billion dollars. It was worth every dime. The vaccines came out in late December, and in this first week of June, we have 140 million Americans fully vaccinated, and have given over 300 million shots. In fact I just got my first one last week.
Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!

That was the problem. I had restrictions when I was working so I could never work for a major carrier. I always liked working for small business anyway. After Commie Care started, no small company that I applied to offered the benefit any longer.

You had a "non-compete clause" as a trucker???? That's fucking insane. IOW's they owned your ass. They could pay your do whatever they wanted and you were barred from working for anyone else. They cut your health care because they COULD, and then they blamed Obama for it. Ain't capitalism grand!!!!

And yet you come here and denigrate the government and praise corporations to the sky. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its finest.

Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!

That was the problem. I had restrictions when I was working so I could never work for a major carrier. I always liked working for small business anyway. After Commie Care started, no small company that I applied to offered the benefit any longer.

Exactly why this system is SOOOOO fucked up. Thank you!!!
Like when your company drops health care, you are welcome to find a company that supplies health care!!!

That was the problem. I had restrictions when I was working so I could never work for a major carrier. I always liked working for small business anyway. After Commie Care started, no small company that I applied to offered the benefit any longer.

You had a "non-compete clause" as a trucker???? That's fucking insane. IOW's they owned your ass. They could pay your do whatever they wanted and you were barred from working for anyone else. They cut your health care because they COULD, and then they blamed Obama for it. Ain't capitalism grand!!!!

And yet you come here and denigrate the government and praise corporations to the sky. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its finest.

Yup, and the retarded fucks cheer for it more!!!

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