"Crazy" Trump Just Told the Truth About Voter Suppression

If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income;
Of course I do. If I don't, then who does?

you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

You assume that there's something inherently just about government taxation and regulation. There isn't. The natural law that makes my income mine is called "production and voluntary exchange."
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If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income;
Of course I do. If I don't, then who does?

you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

You assume that there's something inherently just about government taxation and regulation. There isn't. The natural law that makes my income mine is called production or voluntary exchange.

George isn't very bright.
Probably a big part of why he never earned more than minimum wage
If I were your neighbor, and once a month sneaked into your home and took $100.00 from your dresser drawer when you went to walk your dog, felt guilty after a while and only took $50.00 a month instead, did I just give you $50.00 a month?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income;
Of course I do. If I don't, then who does?

you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

You assume that there's something inherently just about government taxation and regulation. There isn't. The natural law that makes my income mine is called production or voluntary exchange.

George isn't very bright.
Probably a big part of why he never earned more than minimum wage
The phrase "smart Marxist" is an oxymoron.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.

You're a liar and you have no evidence to prove. Not even the SC gave that scenario a thought. Cheney also said it bullshit. But you saps are looking for anything to blame someone else.
Your view is that 8 million votes were prepared prior to the election and hidden until the right moment. The number of
Electoral officials who vote Republican would have said something but none did.
They would have certainly known. But an intellectual mountain like you knew exactly how the conspiracy unfolded and you never alerted the authorities.
Don't make me laugh you cretin.

Check my figures compared to 2016. You are wrong and have nothing to support it.
You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.

How was I wrong? Would you like me to post the evidence. Indeed Trump got 12 million more voters than the first time he ran. HTF can you say he lost because Republicans turned against him when he had more Republican votes than the first time? Are you suggesting he got more Democrat and more Independent votes? By all means, please elaborate on your theory here.

And where did I ever say Dementia won by fraud? I said he won due to mail-in voting, because mail-in draws the most stupid and politically ignorant voters in our country to vote. There is no other explanation for how he won.
You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.

How was I wrong? Would you like me to post the evidence. Indeed Trump got 12 million more voters than the first time he ran. HTF can you say he lost because Republicans turned against him when he had more Republican votes than the first time? Are you suggesting he got more Democrat and more Independent votes? By all means, please elaborate on your theory here.

And where did I ever say Dementia won by fraud? I said he won due to mail-in voting, because mail-in draws the most stupid and politically ignorant voters in our country to vote. There is no other explanation for how he won.

I want you to post the evidence, independently verified, that it was won on fraudulent votes.
Be very careful son. I'm extremely good at this.
If you can't, and I know you can't, accepting the liar handle will be the least of your worries.
Again, absolute proof of your claim.
I'll wait here.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.

You're a liar and you have no evidence to prove. Not even the SC gave that scenario a thought. Cheney also said it bullshit. But you saps are looking for anything to blame someone else.
Your view is that 8 million votes were prepared prior to the election and hidden until the right moment. The number of
Electoral officials who vote Republican would have said something but none did.
They would have certainly known. But an intellectual mountain like you knew exactly how the conspiracy unfolded and you never alerted the authorities.
Don't make me laugh you cretin.

Check my figures compared to 2016. You are wrong and have nothing to support it.
Here's some ironclad evidence, moron:

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.
Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.
This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.
That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.
Why not?
Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.
Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?
Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.

You're a liar and you have no evidence to prove. Not even the SC gave that scenario a thought. Cheney also said it bullshit. But you saps are looking for anything to blame someone else.
Your view is that 8 million votes were prepared prior to the election and hidden until the right moment. The number of
Electoral officials who vote Republican would have said something but none did.
They would have certainly known. But an intellectual mountain like you knew exactly how the conspiracy unfolded and you never alerted the authorities.
Don't make me laugh you cretin.

Check my figures compared to 2016. You are wrong and have nothing to support it.
Here's some ironclad evidence, moron:

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.
Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.
This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.
That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.
Why not?
Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.
Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?
Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

The very first paragraph says it all "supposedly".
I also notice he took it to the courts etc and you haven't included the proof it happened. I'll way again, you have no verifiable evidence it was fraudulent. Nothing you said has been tested.

Try Again dough boy.
Bill Clinton finished Reagan's work by passing NAFTA and killing Glass-Stegall when Republicans could not.

Obama bailed out GM but not individual debtors who were victims of junk mortgages and bank fraud.

Biden played a key role in ensuring student debt could not be written down through bankruptcy laws.

All politicians of both major parties are committed to plunging America into a depression in order to assure the one percent of creditors and banks will not lose any of their wealth.

So what do you think would happen to this entire country if they did? Let me explain something to you:

If we took all our poor in this country, flew them to a deserted island somewhere, they would not be missed. In fact, it would greatly benefit most all people. If we took all our wealthy and flew them to a deserted island, our entire country would collapse. Why is that? Because they are the people supporting nearly our entire federal government, military, bureaucracies, and social programs, just to name a few.

Nearly half our country pays no federal income tax at all. The other 53% or so are supporting this entire country, and your idea is to not bail them out when we run into troubles?
You appear to believe you have a moral right to your pre-tax income; you don't unless you think the "market's" distribution of income is some kind of natural law instead of a product of government regulation:

The market is not in charge of distribution of income. You get a job, make the money you agreed to work for, and have every opportunity to advance yourself to make more. No market is promoting or stopping you from doing so.

If you want a job where the company shares their profits with you as a worker, then you need to find a job that has profit sharing. If you cannot find a job that has such benefit, you are welcome to use your own money and buy stock in the company you work for. In fact some companies offer a discount to the employees that do.
Did he really? Perhaps you could quote all the wonderful things he Did to improve your life and explain why his own party turned against him to get rid of him.
The people who voted him out were republicans and now you say they will vote him back in because you want it.
You haven't given that much thought son.

Your response makes it clear you didn't give it much thought. President Trump won the 2016 election with 62 million votes. He lost the 2020 election with 74 million votes. Trump's popularity didn't shrink, it grew, by 12 million more Americans. That includes 12% of the black vote up 4% from 8% in his 2016 election, and an increase in other minority groups as well. You have no idea WTF you're talking about.

Biden won because of mail in voting hands down. People who use mail in are generally lazy people who have no idea WTF they're voting on in the first place. That's why the commies want to keep mail in from this election on. They depend on the stupid and politically ignorant to vote because they most always vote Democrat. They do not want to lose that welfare vote. That's why they are trying to expand more government dependency which is why in spite of our plight with the virus, employers cannot find employees to work; they make better money on the government sitting home.

A US President is not to make my life better, it's to do what's best for the entire country. But my taxes did decrease, no more Commie Care fines which was unconstitutional in the first place. He kept our fuel prices more than reasonable by supporting energy production. We never hit $3.00 per gallon nationwide even with the best economy in 50 years. Today people are paying more than that with 6% unemployment thanks to Dementia.

You're wrong and a liar.
Both candidates received millions more votes than sixteen. That's a fact, not just trump.
There was no voter fraud and you know it. Statistics show trump lost because republicans turned against him. The votes could not have come from anywhere else. Do the numbers son.
It's a fact so stop your crap by blaming everything else, it was your own party that chucked him out.
So unless you have irrefutable evidence to prove other wise stop lying to me.
Trump lost because of fraud. That's where the votes came from, moron.

You're a liar and you have no evidence to prove. Not even the SC gave that scenario a thought. Cheney also said it bullshit. But you saps are looking for anything to blame someone else.
Your view is that 8 million votes were prepared prior to the election and hidden until the right moment. The number of
Electoral officials who vote Republican would have said something but none did.
They would have certainly known. But an intellectual mountain like you knew exactly how the conspiracy unfolded and you never alerted the authorities.
Don't make me laugh you cretin.

Check my figures compared to 2016. You are wrong and have nothing to support it.
Here's some ironclad evidence, moron:

Anatomy of an investigation into a non-investigation - Santa Barbara News-Press

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.
Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.
This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.
That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.
Why not?
Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.
Questions: Did someone at the Torres Building hijack ballots, mark and file them? Or did someone illegally forward the ballots to students living with their parents elsewhere?
Thomas Cole of Analytics 805, which monitors elections, uncovered the Goleta precinct’s voting irregularities during the course of his routine analysis. Alarmed by the phantom ballots he’d pinpointed, Mr. Cole called the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office for advice on how to file a criminal complaint alleging Fraud Corruption of the Voting Process.

Ironclad my ass. Here's some proof to the contrary and backed by two supreme court decisions.
Note the 60 odd submissions of trumps were all failures. Does that point to Democrat fraudulence?

You gave produced nothing like proof. I told I was good at this. Try Again.
You can eat baloney sandwiches and sit in the dark all you want (if you can do that) but you ain’t gonna get rich.

All you’ll get is mental illness and depression

That may be correct, but others have made such sacrifices to obtain great wealth.

The owner of my beverage store I frequent is Indian. He got to this country knowing little of our language with a few bucks in his pocket. He worked night and day, and eventually opened up his beverage store. He and his family became quite popular with our residents here, and he has a thriving business.

He parlayed his profits to become a landlord, buying a 8 suite apartment building. He then took those profits and his beverage store profits to buy a hotel outside of the city. It's doing fantastically. His wife had to retire from the beverage store to run the hotel. He goes there from time to time to help her out.

I don't know what he and his wife are worth, but I'm betting he's a multi-millionaire. In spite of that, they both keep working night and day to make their investments profitable as if they didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

How can these foreigners have such success and Americans who were born and bred here have the opposite results in their lives?
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Had to happen sometime.
When Democrats tried to use the CARES Act to enhance voter turnout next November, this is how Don the Con responded:

Trump says quiet part out loud: 'You'd never have a Republican elected in this country again'

"Democrats insisted on provisions to safeguard voting, provide more polling locations, and/or move to mail-in voting like California and Colorado have quite successfully done in recent years.

"Makes sense in the middle of a global pandemic that is projected to kill 200,000 Americans, right?

"According to Donald Trump, making sure people can vote is 'crazy.'

"He then added that if we took these kinds of steps and provided adequate funding, 'you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.'

"He said the quiet part out loud."

"Crazy" Trump?

wow! that sounds very unclean to me!

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