"Crazy" Trump Just Told the Truth About Voter Suppression

Wait a minute. Isn't that decided by the county Board of Elections? It is over here.
Republicans are much more organized and effective when it comes to winning local elections.

The board of elections pretty much orchestrate all elections--not just local. So when I hear or read these claims that Republicans are screwing Democrats in high Democrat areas, I wonder how they do that since it's likely the people on their board are also Democrats.
Democrat fraud will make the whole nation the same kind of one party catastrophe California is.
What would the Gipper say?

California's Political Geography 2020 - Public Policy Institute of California

"With the 2020 presidential election fast approaching, attention turns to how public views may shape the outcome.

"California is often considered quite liberal, with strong support for the Democratic Party—but the state encompasses many people with differing political views. In this report, we examine California’s political geography to inform discussion for this election season and beyond."
Trump was not referring to "voter suppression" which does not exist, but rather the massive campaign by Democrats to promote and facilitate vote fraud.
Can you cite any numbers for prosecution or conviction of that "massive campaign"?

Republicans controlled both houses of congress and the White House for the first two years of Trump's diseased administration yet produced no evidence of Democratic voter crimes
Indiana's voter-purging software removes voters without notice, is wrong 99% of the time

Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program - Wikipedia

"The loose matching standards used to identify 'potential duplicate registrants" by the Kansas Secretary of State also raised significant concerns about the opportunity for racial bias in list maintenance.

"According to 'Health of State Democracies', '50 percent of Communities of Color share a common surname, while only 30 percent of white people do,' so that in the program's flagged lists, 'white voters are underrepresented by 8 percent, African Americans are overrepresented by 45 percent; Hispanic voters are overrepresented by 24 percent; and Asian voters are overrepresented by 31 percent'".
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.
oh thanks, I forgot about the Racist Democratic Party genocidal quest.
The middle class is already fleeing CA, NY and IL because of their backwards progressive policies.
The Democrats just destroy, they never create.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.

I can say the same thing about the Republican party in its quest to grab power by stacking the courts and gerrymandering their way across the country over the last two decades. As for unpacking the rest, you make a lot of assumptions. Forgetting that a lot of Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Jews tend to have conservative viewpoints. However, when you have a Republican party that has literally spent the last four decades doing everything in their power to hang out the "You are Not Welcome Here" sign, what were you expecting? Republicans sold their platform out to the religious conservatives and it's been a steady downhill ever since. If you come off as catering just to people who look and think like you and demonize everyone else while at the same time opening your party to every fringe kook out there, you get what you got. A party that needs to decide if it wants to live or die. And judgement day is coming...soon.

Democrats have long said they are willing to sit down and have a sensible discussion about immigration. But that's not what Republicans are interested in. And in comes the demonizing again. But you go ahead and build that wall. Maybe it'll keep both immigrants and viruses out....oh wait...nevermind.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.

I can say the same thing about the Republican party in its quest to grab power by stacking the courts and gerrymandering their way across the country over the last two decades. As for unpacking the rest, you make a lot of assumptions. Forgetting that a lot of Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Jews tend to have conservative viewpoints. However, when you have a Republican party that has literally spent the last four decades doing everything in their power to hang out the "You are Not Welcome Here" sign, what were you expecting? Republicans sold their platform out to the religious conservatives and it's been a steady downhill ever since. If you come off as catering just to people who look and think like you and demonize everyone else while at the same time opening your party to every fringe kook out there, you get what you got. A party that needs to decide if it wants to live or die. And judgement day is coming...soon.

Democrats have long said they are willing to sit down and have a sensible discussion about immigration. But that's not what Republicans are interested in. And in comes the demonizing again. But you go ahead and build that wall. Maybe it'll keep both immigrants and viruses out....oh wait...nevermind.

What's to discuss about immigration? The United States is the most generous country in the world to foreigners. We allow nearly a million people a year to become Americans. We allow nearly another million a year to come here and work or get educated. That's on top of all the foreign aid we send to these places.

President Trump was correct when he said a lot of these countries are shit holes. And who made them shit holes? THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE!!! Only a leftist would think it's a great idea to bring those people here to turn our country the same way.

I think the only real solution is to divide our country in half from north to south. Have a federal election on who gets what side. Whatever side conservatives get, we will build a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out. Then we can all live in peace, although the Democrats would still be complaining. Then your country can have all the immigrants it wants, take all the guns away, raise your taxes so high enough to chase your businesses and wealthy to our side, then everybody will be happy.

It's the only solution for us who want to preserve what we have left of this country......at least our half anyway.
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.

I can say the same thing about the Republican party in its quest to grab power by stacking the courts and gerrymandering their way across the country over the last two decades. As for unpacking the rest, you make a lot of assumptions. Forgetting that a lot of Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Jews tend to have conservative viewpoints. However, when you have a Republican party that has literally spent the last four decades doing everything in their power to hang out the "You are Not Welcome Here" sign, what were you expecting? Republicans sold their platform out to the religious conservatives and it's been a steady downhill ever since. If you come off as catering just to people who look and think like you and demonize everyone else while at the same time opening your party to every fringe kook out there, you get what you got. A party that needs to decide if it wants to live or die. And judgement day is coming...soon.

Democrats have long said they are willing to sit down and have a sensible discussion about immigration. But that's not what Republicans are interested in. And in comes the demonizing again. But you go ahead and build that wall. Maybe it'll keep both immigrants and viruses out....oh wait...nevermind.

What's to discuss about immigration? The United States is the most generous country in the world to foreigners. We allow nearly a million people a year to become Americans. We allow nearly another million a year to come here and work or get educated. That's on top of all the foreign aid we send to these places.

President Trump was correct when he said a lot of these countries are shit holes. And who made them shit holes? THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE!!! Only a leftist would think it's a great idea to bring those people here to turn our country the same way.

I think the only real solution is to divide our country in half from north to south. Have a federal election on who gets what side. Whatever side conservatives get, we will build a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out. Then we can all live in peace, although the Democrats would still be complaining. Then your country can have all the immigrants it wants, take all the guns away, raise your taxes so high enough to chase your businesses and wealthy to our side, then everybody will be happy.

It's the only solution for us who want to preserve what we have left of this country......at least our half anyway.
Unfortunately we have large concentrations of liberals in the Northeast and on the West coast,
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.
What other reason could you have for opposing voter ID?
Don't need a link to know that libtardos want same day voter registration and voting to not be able to check if they are legal to vote. I'm not stupid like your intended audience.
If you voted for Don the Con, you left stupid behind a long time ago

Same Day Voter Registration (Conditional Voter Registration) | California Secretary of State

"Same Day Voter Registration, known as Conditional Voter Registration in state law, is a safety net for Californians who miss the deadline to register to vote or update their voter registration information for an election.

"Eligible citizens who need to register or re-register to vote within 14 days of an election can complete this process to register and vote at their county elections office, polling place, or vote center.

"Their ballots will be processed and counted once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process."

That proves nothing. Libtardos want to drag their little illegal alien buddies down to vote and force the polls to accept them.

Now all you've done is expose yourself and your support for illegal aliens voting. Most people aren't that stupid but you're insisting on proving it.

Again, as been pointed out to you multiple times, non-citizens aren't allowed to vote....anywhere. Not since 1926.
Now, while Trump's admittance is a bit of oversimplification, it's largely true. Republicans have been using the census and the courts to conduct redistricting to suppress the vote in their favor for almost two decades now.

There are states in the country where demographics and population density would naturally lean in Republicans favor. But as you get closer to the urban areas and the states with higher population densities, it runs in Democrats favor.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud.

You just keep smoking that conspiracy bong. It'll help blunt the disappointment of the coming demographic shift toward liberal and progressive voters.

You are correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party. Yes, what you say will happen someday. When it does, it will start the end of the Great Experiment. People will read history (if they will be allowed to by the government) and ask WTF were we thinking when we handed over the country to socialists and Communists.

I know of no anti-white party in the United States. Just a talking point for Republicans and right wingers to try and demonize. Whether you like it or not, the country is becoming more diverse and multi-cultural. That's just evolution. And it's inevitable. That "someday" you're referring to....is here. Next 2-4 election cycles. Republicans still have a chance to snatch relevance from the jaws of extinction. Start taking issues of interest to younger voters seriously..and without the religious judgements. Otherwise, consign yourselves to the scrapheap of historical memory.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Why do you think they have sanctuary cities and now states? Why do you think they shut the government down for the longest time in history over a border wall? Why do you think they tabled Kate's Law, that would have imprisoned any felon who returned to this country after deportation? Why did the commie judges interfere with Trump's policies to curb illegal immigration? Why do you suppose they want illegals to have drivers licenses, so they can get to jobs they aren't supposed to have? Why do you think some officials warn illegals when they learn that ICE are planning raids at their companies.

Democrats are control freaks. All they think about is power. The only thing stopping them from ultimate control are white people. Asians generally vote Democrat. Jewish vote Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote Democrat, and forget about the Hispanics and blacks.

Once they get rid of us white people (not in a genocidal way) they will have created a single-party government forever. It's not evolution, it's a nefarious plot by the devil.

I can say the same thing about the Republican party in its quest to grab power by stacking the courts and gerrymandering their way across the country over the last two decades. As for unpacking the rest, you make a lot of assumptions. Forgetting that a lot of Asians, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Jews tend to have conservative viewpoints. However, when you have a Republican party that has literally spent the last four decades doing everything in their power to hang out the "You are Not Welcome Here" sign, what were you expecting? Republicans sold their platform out to the religious conservatives and it's been a steady downhill ever since. If you come off as catering just to people who look and think like you and demonize everyone else while at the same time opening your party to every fringe kook out there, you get what you got. A party that needs to decide if it wants to live or die. And judgement day is coming...soon.

Democrats have long said they are willing to sit down and have a sensible discussion about immigration. But that's not what Republicans are interested in. And in comes the demonizing again. But you go ahead and build that wall. Maybe it'll keep both immigrants and viruses out....oh wait...nevermind.

What's to discuss about immigration? The United States is the most generous country in the world to foreigners. We allow nearly a million people a year to become Americans. We allow nearly another million a year to come here and work or get educated. That's on top of all the foreign aid we send to these places.

President Trump was correct when he said a lot of these countries are shit holes. And who made them shit holes? THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE!!! Only a leftist would think it's a great idea to bring those people here to turn our country the same way.

I think the only real solution is to divide our country in half from north to south. Have a federal election on who gets what side. Whatever side conservatives get, we will build a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out. Then we can all live in peace, although the Democrats would still be complaining. Then your country can have all the immigrants it wants, take all the guns away, raise your taxes so high enough to chase your businesses and wealthy to our side, then everybody will be happy.

It's the only solution for us who want to preserve what we have left of this country......at least our half anyway.
Unfortunately we have large concentrations of liberals in the Northeast and on the West coast,

That's why I say have a federal election to decide which group gets what. If I have to move west to get away from them, I will. If they have to move west, better yet for me. My property value would double or triple almost overnight.
The ONLY reason why the Democrats block Voter ID laws is to enable their mass voter fraud
Are you regularly required to show a picture ID when you vote?
I've been voting since 1968 in Southern California, and I can only remember a couple of times when I presented ID before getting a ballot.
Democrats thought they could beat Trump by impeaching him but that didn't work. And Democrats still don't have a platform to run on if you don't count socialism-communism. So the only way they can win elections is via illegal voting. It doesn't matter if they're underage, dead, pets or illegal aliens. Democrats will take anything. Democrats will even provide transportation from one state to another for some double dipping.

Democrats usually don't care or are educated on politics and current events. That's the real reason they are against Voter-ID. It's why liberal radio was a failure.

The Democrat party knows who they cater to. They know most of those welfare people and government dependents are Democrats. Many are lazy. Sure, they'll vote, if it's convenient enough: polls open multiple days instead of one, vote by mail, getting a ride to the polls, no lines, late voting and so on.

If we had to put effort into voting, many Democrat voters would stay home, and both parties know this. Republican voters are just the opposite. We do know about politics, and voting is of the utmost importance to us. Virtually nothing will stop us from voting.

So how do they stop the Republicans from creating a system where a little work is involved? Go back to their joker card, racism.

They can't explain how one law for everybody has anything to do with racism, but the sheep ask no questions. They are told what to believe and relay their marching orders all over the country.
I wish there was something better than like, but that's all this bogus rating system allows. The Democrats big tent is getting bigger and more illegal all the time.
Democrats thought they could beat Trump by impeaching him but that didn't work
That didn't work because Senate Republicans thought they could hold a trial without any witnesses, not because Trump isn't the least qualified, most corrupt POTUS in US history.

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