

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
All I hear from the media is how crazy Trump is and how he is unfit for office.

However, what is so crazy about him?

He finally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. News flash, it is there capital whether he or anyone else in the world recognizes it. In fact, every President before him promised to recognize it, but lied. So here we are attacking a man who sticks to his word and is doing nothing other than recognizing reality. He is the crazy one because he is not playing the super duper complicated game of a peace process that has gone no where in that region since the birth of the Zionist nation in the 1940's.

Then we hear Trump declare war on the media. for being biased against him. This is the same media that fed Hillary the debate questions before the Presidential debates, yet Trump is suppose to play the game like all other GOP Presidents before him and just be nice and pretend the bias is not there. Again, Trump is the crazy one for not ignoring reality.

And then there is the border wall issue. Here is a country that posts signs along the border warning it's citizens not to enter certain border areas because they are unsafe, yet those who try to monitor the border, like the state of Arizona, are taken to court by Obama and sued.

Trumps is also crazy for wanting to lower taxes, even though Obama voted to keep the Bush tax cuts to help the economy while he was President. You never hear about that, do you? You also never hear how the Reagan tax cuts helped bring the US out of a bigger economic catastrophe than what Obama faced when he came into power. The misery index, including unemployment and inflation, were no where near the levels for Obama that it was for Reagan. Reagan fought stagflation, something Obama never had to face.

At least we have someone in office that is grounded enough in reality to be able to utter the words, "Islamic terrorists' rather than taking the position that uttering those words increases hate towards Muslims, while at the same time, continually implying that the police are racists as they are assassinated in the streets every day for their presumed bigotry.
Did we hear the press say that Obama was unfit when he said there were 57 states?

Did we hear the press say that Obama was unfit after he drew red lines in the sand in Syria and then backed down/

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he projected x number of jobs to be created with his stimulus plan with an x percentage of GDP growth that did not come about?

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he over saw a war in Libya that led to the death of a US ambassador and ISIS take over the region?

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he gave Iran billions of dollars, which they subsequently used the money to fund terrorism in places like Yemen and Israel. Incidentally, this was the basis of the recent demonstrations in Iran with inflation topping at 40%. They would rather fund terrorism, which is something Obama and his gang were certain they would not do.

Did the press call Obama unfit when confronted with the IRS scandal that targeted conservatives, or the VA scandal which saw veterans being placed on secret death lists, saying he just heard about it on the 6 o'clock news like everyone else?

No, we did not.
However, what is so crazy about him?

you cant be serious ..

a 71 year old male who is so fucking vain he has to wear makeup and have his hair done before he sees himself as "presentable" to the public ...

a 71 year old habitual LIAR

a 71 year old who LIVES for constant conflict in his life

a 71 year old geezer that starts shit to create turmoil then denies starting the shit

a 71 year old name calling, finger pointing child

hell, I'm tired typing the old bastards strong suits ..........
However, what is so crazy about him?

you cant be serious ..

a 71 year old male who is so fucking vain he has to wear makeup and have his hair done before he sees himself as "presentable" to the public ...

a 71 year old habitual LIAR

a 71 year old who LIVES for constant conflict in his life

a 71 year old geezer that starts shit to create turmoil then denies starting the shit

a 71 year old name calling, finger pointing child

hell, I'm tired typing the old bastards strong suits ..........

Trump knows the art of self promotion. He will do and say anything to support his brand, whatever that is, and he will take down anyone who attacks it.

That has been the key to his success, or at least, in his mind.

All politicians seem to do the same to varying degrees.
Did we hear the press say that Obama was unfit when he said there were 57 states?

Did we hear the press say that Obama was unfit after he drew red lines in the sand in Syria and then backed down/

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he projected x number of jobs to be created with his stimulus plan with an x percentage of GDP growth that did not come about?

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he over saw a war in Libya that led to the death of a US ambassador and ISIS take over the region?

Did we hear that Obama was unfit when he gave Iran billions of dollars, which they subsequently used the money to fund terrorism in places like Yemen and Israel. Incidentally, this was the basis of the recent demonstrations in Iran with inflation topping at 40%. They would rather fund terrorism, which is something Obama and his gang were certain they would not do.

Did the press call Obama unfit when confronted with the IRS scandal that targeted conservatives, or the VA scandal which saw veterans being placed on secret death lists, saying he just heard about it on the 6 o'clock news like everyone else?

No, we did not.

Yes we did.

We definitely heard shit about all of that from the rightwing propaganda machine and all of its followers.
All I hear from the media is how crazy Trump is and how he is unfit for office.

However, what is so crazy about him?

He finally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. News flash, it is there capital whether he or anyone else in the world recognizes it. In fact, every President before him promised to recognize it, but lied. So here we are attacking a man who sticks to his word and is doing nothing other than recognizing reality. He is the crazy one because he is not playing the super duper complicated game of a peace process that has gone no where in that region since the birth of the Zionist nation in the 1940's.

Then we hear Trump declare war on the media. for being biased against him. This is the same media that fed Hillary the debate questions before the Presidential debates, yet Trump is suppose to play the game like all other GOP Presidents before him and just be nice and pretend the bias is not there. Again, Trump is the crazy one for not ignoring reality.

And then there is the border wall issue. Here is a country that posts signs along the border warning it's citizens not to enter certain border areas because they are unsafe, yet those who try to monitor the border, like the state of Arizona, are taken to court by Obama and sued.

Trumps is also crazy for wanting to lower taxes, even though Obama voted to keep the Bush tax cuts to help the economy while he was President. You never hear about that, do you? You also never hear how the Reagan tax cuts helped bring the US out of a bigger economic catastrophe than what Obama faced when he came into power. The misery index, including unemployment and inflation, were no where near the levels for Obama that it was for Reagan. Reagan fought stagflation, something Obama never had to face.

At least we have someone in office that is grounded enough in reality to be able to utter the words, "Islamic terrorists' rather than taking the position that uttering those words increases hate towards Muslims, while at the same time, continually implying that the police are racists as they are assassinated in the streets every day for their presumed bigotry.
Democrats / Fascists / Snowflakes think those things are 'crazy', that anyone who opposes the Left's liberal/fascist intolerant agendas / policies are 'insane'.

When you can't find any 'evidence' against your opponent, just make shit up like, 'He's crazy'. :p
NYC, YOU, your little snowflake buddies, Schumer, Pelosi - the Democrats who swore 100% commitment to obstruction to prevent any success in this country under the GOP and Trump since Hillary lost, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Holder, Strzok...the whole lot of you are and have proven to be 'THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY' ...according to your Felon 2016 Presidential Candidate:

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Hillary lost, therefore Trump is crazy. These folks have lost their minds.

Maybe you could link us to your past posts where you said that because Obama won,

that lifted him above any criticism.
After Obamas election, we didn't attack Obama, but his followers thinking he was gonna lower sea levels and just solve problems by being know like getting the Nobel Peace Prize before even taking guys crack me up.

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