Creation Science/Making Headway - Dallas News

Did you mean zero proof or zero evidence?

See, this is precisely the kind of ignorance I'm talking about. Proofs are mathematic or rational demonstrations. There's plenty of evidence for creationism proper and always has been.

What are the proofs for a common ancestry or metaphysical naturalism?

Good luck with that.

More information on the problems that most of you have never considered:

So what's your evidence for creationism?
So what's your evidence for creationism?


The fact of existence itself and the ramifications of the absolute and universal rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness.

We start with the fact of God's existence and the realization, which you have never come to grips with, that, once again, the entire edifice of evolutionary theory is bottomed on nothing more than the unfalsifiable presupposition of metaphysical naturalism, the unfalsifiable presupposition of a speciation of a common ancestry from the progressive nature of the fossil record and the recently falsified retroviral theory of genetics.

If biological history is in reality a progressive series of creative events and extinctions over time, the genetic and fossil records would look the same. The age of the universe and that of the Earth are not relevant to the central realities or to the central issue.

And by the way, the Bible doesn’t tell us how the universe or the Earth are at all, except as I said before in the minds of some.

Read! Think!

The fact of existence itself and the ramifications of the absolute and universal rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness.

We start with the fact of God's existence and the realization, which you have never come to grips with, that, once again, the entire edifice of evolutionary theory is bottomed on nothing more than the unfalsifiable presupposition of metaphysical naturalism, the unfalsifiable presupposition of a speciation of a common ancestry from the progressive nature of the fossil record and the recently falsified retroviral theory of genetics.

If biological history is in reality a progressive series of creative events and extinctions over time, the genetic and fossil records would look the same. The age of the universe and that of the Earth are not relevant to the central realities or to the central issue.

And by the way, the Bible doesn’t tell us how the universe or the Earth are at all, except as I said before in the minds of some.

Read! Think!

I'm sorry, if we're going to have to accept creation over evolution, then 6 days means 6 days, not millions of years and separate creations. If you want to go the millions of years, you really don't have any evidence that evolution is impossible, while there's all sorts of evidence that shows it IS possible.
I have a problem with the Biblical creation story, because it says that on the 7th day, god rested. He should have been at church worshiping himself.
I'm sorry, if we're going to have to accept creation over evolution, then 6 days means 6 days, not millions of years and separate creations. If you want to go the millions of years, you really don't have any evidence that evolution is impossible, while there's all sorts of evidence that shows it IS possible.

Said the literarily, hermeneutically, historically and theologically ignorant one who won't face the fundamental scientific, philosophical and theological problems of evolutionary theory.

The fact of existence itself and the ramifications of the absolute and universal rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness.

We start with the fact of God's existence and the realization, which you have never come to grips with, that, once again, the entire edifice of evolutionary theory is bottomed on nothing more than the unfalsifiable presupposition of metaphysical naturalism, the unfalsifiable presupposition of a speciation of a common ancestry from the progressive nature of the fossil record and the recently falsified retroviral theory of genetics.

If biological history is in reality a progressive series of creative events and extinctions over time, the genetic and fossil records would look the same. The age of the universe and that of the Earth are not relevant to the central realities or to the central issue.

And by the way, the Bible doesn’t tell us how the universe or the Earth are at all, except as I said before in the minds of some.

Read! Think!
How is our existence proof of the creation story? That doesn't follow.
The fact of god's existence? That's for sure not a fact.
So basically you have nothing. Got it.

The fact of existence itself and the ramifications of the absolute and universal rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness.

We start with the fact of God's existence and the realization, which you have never come to grips with, that, once again, the entire edifice of evolutionary theory is bottomed on nothing more than the unfalsifiable presupposition of metaphysical naturalism, the unfalsifiable presupposition of a speciation of a common ancestry from the progressive nature of the fossil record and the recently falsified retroviral theory of genetics.

If biological history is in reality a progressive series of creative events and extinctions over time, the genetic and fossil records would look the same. The age of the universe and that of the Earth are not relevant to the central realities or to the central issue.

And by the way, the Bible doesn’t tell us how the universe or the Earth are at all, except as I said before in the minds of some.

Read! Think!

Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. All of science is some vast conspiracy, at least according to the more excitable of the thumpers.

Your post above is hysterical nonsense. Fundie Christian Creationists state their case -- which is simply reiterating Genesis. As for evidence, there is none. Not a little, not some, not a whisper... but none.

Evolutionists state the scientific data, which is borne out by evidence such as geological and biological mechanisms seen today, the fossil record, age-dating, stratification, tectonic plate theory, astronomy, physics, paleontology, paleonzoology, etc. etc. (by the way, all of these sciences crumble into nonsense if the Genesis account is true.)

Creationists say, "No." And then begin a litany of special pleadings to explain why all the evidence seen today was actually different some 6,000 years ago, or they cite special cases where there is some minor inconsistency and use that as a canopy to disassemble everything.

But none of this is not being done to force the evidence to fit into their particular world-view, which apparently they believe breaks apart and dissipates into the void if the fundamental overview of creation isn't upheld (you know what, they're right-- if any part of the Koran, the various bibles, etc.,is not literally true, then the whole thing is suspect, so they have every right to be concerned); no, this is being done because it's a reasonable interpretation of the data. Well, it's not.
The master of sloganeering spouted.

Tell us how creationism is false?

The essence of creationism is this: God exists; He created the universe; biological history is a series of creative events and extinctions over time entailing micro-evolutionary processes. The age of the universe and the Earth are, in truth, not relevant except in the minds of those who hold to the prescientific hermeneutics of Ussher's chronology: Prufrock's Lair: Elementary, My Dear Watson: A Rebuttal of Ken Ham's "Days of Decline in the Church"

Tells us how abiogenesis is true, and tells us how evolutionary theory is in any real sense a falsifiable scientific theory. Indeed, tell us how your religion of metaphysical naturalism is scientifically falsifiable.

Here, let David Berlinski help you understand what the real problems, which you’ve never thought about, are:

Here. Let Berlinski rattle on about the Disco'tute.
because we all know, if a lot of people agree with you, you win!.......
Said the literarily, hermeneutically, historically and theologically ignorant one who won't face the fundamental scientific, philosophical and theological problems of evolutionary theory.

..Embarrassingly, in the 21st century, in the most scientifically advanced nation the world has ever known, creationists can still persuade politicians, judges and ordinary citizens that evolution is a flawed, poorly supported fantasy...

15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense - Scientific American
/ mean I doubt anyone will answer the question I've asked every day since I got here?.....
You've been given answers, you just refuse to accept them, because then you'd have to accept that science is based on observable evidence, and then it wouldn't be a "faith" as you mistakenly call it. And then you wouldn't be able to hoist your faith up to the level of science, which would justify your belief in the absurd popped into being theory.
none that have passed the requirements of the scientific method.....just more confessions of faith.....
All the leading scientists think that it's passed the requirements of the scientific method based on supporting evidence. Like i said, you just refuse to accept that, because you're a cartoon kind of guy who likes his peeps poofed into existence.
How is our existence proof of the creation story? That doesn't follow.
The fact of god's existence? That's for sure not a fact.
So basically you have nothing. Got it.

So you're a liar, eh?

I just corrected you're unlearned confusion concerning the difference between proofs and evidence, and you repeat your error again as you ascribe an assertion to me that I clearly did not and would not express.

I did not say that existence is a proof (mathematical/rational demonstrations) of the creation story. I said existence coupled with the ramifications of the absolute rational forms and logical categories of human consciousness provide ample evidence for God's existence and creationism. Those are not the same assertions at all nor do they contain the same terms.

I gave you links to posts containing information pertinent to this assertion for you to read and think about, but you obviously didn't bother to process that information.

Hence, you're a liar. You're an ignoramus confounding proofs with evidence, thus, an ignoramus who really doesn't understand the methodology of science at all, as opposed to the concerns of mathematics and the logistics of rational arguments. LOL! Finally, you're a closed-minded ignoramus who obviously has never bothered to think about the information provided in the links regarding the ontological ramifications of existence or human consciousness, let alone the implications of the fact that, once again, the entire edifice of evolutionary theory is bottomed on nothing more than the unfalsifiable presupposition of metaphysical naturalism, the unfalsifiable presupposition of a speciation of a common ancestry from the progressive nature of the fossil record and the recently falsified retroviral theory of genetics.

You're dismissed.
Because we all know, the hacks at the ICR do no peer reviewed research. Your sidestepping doesn't mitigate that fraud.

Shut up, Hollie. Recall? We both know that I ripped you a new one a few months ago. We both know that you have no real firsthand knowledge about evolutionary theory. You just believe it . . . because that's what "they" say.

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