Creationists suffer another legal defeat

Because if he forced you to know him then you wouldn't have a free will. .

oh, but if I don't follow him I'm damned in hell for all eternity? How's that free will?

Yes, there will come a time that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is lord, but at that point if you have not already sought to know him then you will only be bowing in acknowledgment of that which is undeniable.

Why does this all-powerful being need me to bow and scrape before it? Is its ego that out of control?

Helen Keller was completely deaf, blind, and could not speak at 19 months, yet when she was finally able to speak she told Phillips Brooks that she knew the God of the Bible existed all along, she just didn't know what his name was.

Wow! Irrefutable proof about the existence of a god...:cuckoo:
I have always wondered that about the Christian religion. Should I not believe I am afforded the worst punishment conceivable within the universe and it is to last for an eternity. In order to help us we are given A BOOK and...... THAT IS IT!!!! That seems like an awfully shaky start for the religion. If I had some better proof I would be willing to worship in a heartbeat but the fact remains all I have is a book that is filled with fantastical stories like virgin births. I read The Cat and the Hat to my child at bedtime also but that does not believe I am going to start believing in the grate world of Dr. Seuss. Why are we afforded the thirst for proof and then promptly denied any proof to assist in the grates decision that we must make throughout our lives? Perhaps because the book is just that, a book and nothing more.

It comes as no surprise that one of the first stories regarding man in the bible involves the discouragement of curiosity and seeking knowledge. It's a front runner for a reason.

As for Helen Keller: humankind has been making up fantastical ideas of the supernatural and deities for all of recorded history. Religion is generally the quickest and easiest answer for ignorance or lack of information, especially when something unexplainable befalls a person. Religion essentially exists to pacify people about all the bad things we fear in life, especially death. This is why there are thousands of religions and why they crop up so easily, even in a deaf and blind girl. You're just dumb enough to think yours is somehow more right than all the others.
I have always wondered that about the Christian religion. Should I not believe I am afforded the worst punishment conceivable within the universe and it is to last for an eternity. In order to help us we are given A BOOK and...... THAT IS IT!!!! That seems like an awfully shaky start for the religion. If I had some better proof I would be willing to worship in a heartbeat but the fact remains all I have is a book that is filled with fantastical stories like virgin births. I read The Cat and the Hat to my child at bedtime also but that does not believe I am going to start believing in the grate world of Dr. Seuss. Why are we afforded the thirst for proof and then promptly denied any proof to assist in the grates decision that we must make throughout our lives? Perhaps because the book is just that, a book and nothing more.

It comes as no surprise that one of the first stories regarding man in the bible involves the discouragement of curiosity and seeking knowledge. It's a front runner for a reason.

Which is why it comes as no surprise that man does exactly what that first story talks about and seeks to become gods. Your every actions are living proof that the Bible is true. Imagine that.

On the other hand. We are told by those opposed to a creator that intelligence came from non intelligence yet nowhere in our world today can we observe such a phenomenon.

As for Helen Keller: humankind has been making up fantastical ideas of the supernatural and deities for all of recorded history. Religion is generally the quickest and easiest answer for ignorance or lack of information, especially when something unexplainable befalls a person. Religion essentially exists to pacify people about all the bad things we fear in life, especially death. This is why there are thousands of religions and why they crop up so easily, even in a deaf and blind girl. You're just dumb enough to think yours is somehow more right than all the others.

So what we have is a society that continues to get more intelligent by having fewer and fewer people who believe in a god (you are still a very small minority btw ;) ). And if we follow this time line back that has been so brilliantly laid out by you non-creationists we would see that there was a point at which everyone believed in G-d. Thus, the first forms of intelligence seen in humans was god seeking. Therefore, the same evolutionary process that bestowed this god seeking intelligence into these individuals is that which you derive your intelligence from. So you mean to tell me that the intelligence which you reason with is better than mine? How so?
So what we have is a society that continues to get more intelligent by having fewer and fewer people who believe in a god (you are still a very small minority btw ;) ). And if we follow this time line back that has been so brilliantly laid out by you non-creationists we would see that there was a point at which everyone believed in G-d. Thus, the first forms of intelligence seen in humans was god seeking. Therefore, the same evolutionary process that bestowed this god seeking intelligence into these individuals is that which you derive your intelligence from. So you mean to tell me that the intelligence which you reason with is better than mine? How so?

The first sentence - that is correct.

you make the mistake of somehow believing that intelligence and where it comes from has anything to do with a god. it doesn't....
So what we have is a society that continues to get more intelligent by having fewer and fewer people who believe in a god (you are still a very small minority btw ;) ). And if we follow this time line back that has been so brilliantly laid out by you non-creationists we would see that there was a point at which everyone believed in G-d. Thus, the first forms of intelligence seen in humans was god seeking. Therefore, the same evolutionary process that bestowed this god seeking intelligence into these individuals is that which you derive your intelligence from. So you mean to tell me that the intelligence which you reason with is better than mine? How so?

The first sentence - that is correct.

you make the mistake of somehow believing that intelligence and where it comes from has anything to do with a god. it doesn't....

I didn't say that it came from G-d in that statement. All I said is that the same evolutionary process that gave you the brain you have also gave me mine. Imagine that.
Thus, the first forms of intelligence seen in humans was god seeking.

Not if man came from apes, he was just seeking bananas.... and poossy.

Amazing why apes are still apes today and find no reason to be anythng but apes.

Because evolution works very slowly, and anyways, Jesus was a fudge packer and god kicked adam out of eden for fucking a chick. That the religion you following?
Amazing why apes are still apes today and find no reason to be anythng but apes.

Because evolution works very slowly, and anyways, Jesus was a fudge packer and god kicked adam out of eden for fucking a chick. That the religion you following?

No it just has a thing called boundaries.

The tallest fence is your refusal to to see. Have you never seen a documentary of tribes in Africa or New Zealand and seen their worship to whatever gods they worship? Do you think your "belief" is any stronger than theirs? Yet you probably disregard their religion because it is primitive. It is astounding you cannot see that you are the same.
Which is why it comes as no surprise that man does exactly what that first story talks about and seeks to become gods. Your every actions are living proof that the Bible is true. Imagine that.

No. No one seeks to become gods through curiosity. It is intelligent curiosity that has brought about the greatest events of our history. It is what double the average lifespan, and what allows us to communicate here. So if you'd prefer to forgo intelligence and mature responsible curiosity, feel free to go back to living like a caveman. Until then, you have little to say against intelligent curiosity.

On the other hand. We are told by those opposed to a creator that intelligence came from non intelligence yet nowhere in our world today can we observe such a phenomenon.
We cannot "observe" the year 1860 or 2009 for that matter, and yet I'm strongly convinced they occurred too. You see when we ignore all evidence to embrace ignorance, it's easy to claim we can't observe anything at all. Turn away from the light, and all you're left with is blindness. You should know that, given your name.

So what we have is a society that continues to get more intelligent by having fewer and fewer people who believe in a god (you are still a very small minority btw ;) ). And if we follow this time line back that has been so brilliantly laid out by you non-creationists we would see that there was a point at which everyone believed in G-d. Thus, the first forms of intelligence seen in humans was god seeking.
Well no. The first form of intelligence was organization, enhanced reasoning, and learned behaviors. Getting scared or impressed by random things in nature and building religions from it was a reaction, now seen as not quite getting things right. Yes, the sun is impressive. No, that does not make it divine. Nor lightning. Nor fire. These were the first religions, as best we know. Not Jesus. Not even Judaism.

As I said in my previous post: humans worldwide concoct stories and folklore to explain the unexplainable and the feared. That doesn't make those things holy, it just means those people didn't know better at the time. This is seen even in modern humans, in the form of defense mechanisms. Psychiatrists have studied these mechanisms extensively. But then again, I can't actually expect you to accept verified knowledge when you're so intent on shunning the "forbidden fruit".
No. No one seeks to become gods through curiosity. It is intelligent curiosity that has brought about the greatest events of our history. It is what double the average lifespan, and what allows us to communicate here. So if you'd prefer to forgo intelligence and mature responsible curiosity, feel free to go back to living like a caveman. Until then, you have little to say against intelligent curiosity.

King Solomon was the wisest man in documented history. The difference is, I seek my knowledge from G-d. You seek dark knowledge and pseudo science.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
-Proverbs 1:7

Not surprisingly, some of the greatest scientists and inventors throughout history have been Christians and Jews.

One such man was Matthew Maury who being inspired by Psalm 8:8 became the Father of Modern Oceanography.

We cannot "observe" the year 1860 or 2009 for that matter, and yet I'm strongly convinced they occurred too. You see when we ignore all evidence to embrace ignorance, it's easy to claim we can't observe anything at all. Turn away from the light, and all you're left with is blindness. You should know that, given your name.

We know they occurred because we have books to read from people that lived back in those times. Just like we have a Bible that tells us what happened 6000 years ago. And it wasn't a big bang by the way. ;) The irony of your post is that you use a date numbering system of which points to Jesus Christ at reference year 1.:eek:

But go ahead and continue in your blatant ignorance...

Well no. The first form of intelligence was organization, enhanced reasoning, and learned behaviors. Getting scared or impressed by random things in nature and building religions from it was a reaction, now seen as not quite getting things right. Yes, the sun is impressive. No, that does not make it divine. Nor lightning. Nor fire. These were the first religions, as best we know. Not Jesus. Not even Judaism.

Getting impressed by things in nature called G-d. ;)

But setting that aside for a minute. What makes you so sure that you have it right? I mean after all, those people who worshiped the sun were following their brains and logic and it led them to worshiping the sun. I'm glad you think you are just soooo smart. They did too.

As I said in my previous post: humans worldwide concoct stories and folklore to explain the unexplainable and the feared.

They shorrr do. One of which is called Global Warming. We are still worshiping the sun, just with a different twist to it.

That doesn't make those things holy,

Nope it doesn't

it just means those people didn't know better at the time.

This is seen even in modern humans, in the form of defense mechanisms. Psychiatrists have studied these mechanisms extensively. But then again, I can't actually expect you to accept verified knowledge when you're so intent on shunning the "forbidden fruit".

It goes back to the unanswered question. Which scientists do you find to be valid: the ones that believe what you believe or the ones that don't?

"I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism." ~Lord Kelvin (British Physicist)
I'm mildly amused by how people seem to think that a court decision settles facts. Quite often, the courts make completely wrong decisions. Take Dred Scott for example.

Personally, I've never really cared about the Evolution/Creation debate. The Lord hasn't revealed information about the creation indepth to me. I don't know how things were done. I just think it's amusing that people seem to think that legal battles determine the strength of their position. If your position is really that strong, you wouldn't need the Courts to prove it. It would be obvious.
Because evolution works very slowly, and anyways, Jesus was a fudge packer and god kicked adam out of eden for fucking a chick. That the religion you following?

No it just has a thing called boundaries.

The tallest fence is your refusal to to see.

You couldn't win at the last topic so you switch to another. Nicely done.

Have you never seen a documentary of tribes in Africa or New Zealand and seen their worship to whatever gods they worship?

Whatever a documentary says is true right? O wait, that isn't brainwashing though. Or so I'm told.:lol:

Do you think your "belief" is any stronger than theirs?

Well, I don't know them personally, but from the sounds of it they must have been pretty strong believers in whatever it was they were believing in. Just as you are a strong believer in there being no god.

Yet you probably disregard their religion because it is primitive.

No, I disregard it because it isn't true.

It is astounding you cannot see that you are the same.

I know, you got to me too late. I cannot see the lies that atheists are so woefully deceived by.
Stop wasting your time arguing with the "light". He is so thoroughly brainwashed and yet he doesn't even have any proof that he's right. I always find that fascinating, people going through life in a conscious state of sleepwalking. Maybe that's why people go to church, for their weekly dose of hypnosis.
Doesn't even live up to his own code by always saying nasty shit. A total epic fail as a christian. Jesus would be so embarrassed to have the light explaining his teachings.
Stop wasting your time arguing with the "light". He is so thoroughly brainwashed and yet he doesn't even have any proof that he's right. I always find that fascinating, people going through life in a conscious state of sleepwalking. Maybe that's why people go to church, for their weekly dose of hypnosis.
Doesn't even live up to his own code by always saying nasty shit. A total epic fail as a christian. Jesus would be so embarrassed to have the light explaining his teachings.

Jake. Hit and run personal attacks is all you have. You can't even come up with a sensable reply to my post.
Stop wasting your time arguing with the "light". He is so thoroughly brainwashed and yet he doesn't even have any proof that he's right. I always find that fascinating, people going through life in a conscious state of sleepwalking. Maybe that's why people go to church, for their weekly dose of hypnosis.
Doesn't even live up to his own code by always saying nasty shit. A total epic fail as a christian. Jesus would be so embarrassed to have the light explaining his teachings.

Jake. Hit and run personal attacks is all you have. You can't even come up with a sensable reply to my post.

You believe in evolution and you think the first life forms were god searching. An amoeba is searching for god? :lol:
Stop wasting your time arguing with the "light". He is so thoroughly brainwashed and yet he doesn't even have any proof that he's right. I always find that fascinating, people going through life in a conscious state of sleepwalking. Maybe that's why people go to church, for their weekly dose of hypnosis.
Doesn't even live up to his own code by always saying nasty shit. A total epic fail as a christian. Jesus would be so embarrassed to have the light explaining his teachings.

Do you have proof of that?

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