Creationists suffer another legal defeat

The Light continues to fail.

All know this.

The Light is shallowly and merely engaged in the immorality of stubbornness: he won't admit he's wrong. That's OK. That stands as a testimony against him.

You offer some of the best proof that the Bible is true.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
-Revelation 12:10
The Light continues to fail.

All know this.

The Light is shallowly and merely engaged in the immorality of stubbornness: he won't admit he's wrong. That's OK. That stands as a testimony against him.

You offer some of the best proof that the Bible is true.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
-Revelation 12:10

But you are an enemy of the brethren, not one of them.
Froggy, if the Bible said God did not create the earth would you believe that?

It doesn't so why bother with stupid questions.

Must have not been too stupid because you answered.


Fact is the Bible dictates what you believe, not science.

Yes, I believe the bible because he is who he says he is not because I have observed the ultimate heat death of the universe or the structure of an atom or anything like that. Although he does say that his creation is clearly shown to us that we should have no excuse not to believe.
The Light continues to fail. His testimony to the Bible does not constitute evidence, merely opinion.

You, Light, are entitled to your testimony, but no man or woman will be held accountable for what you believe.
"It is no longer adequate to adopt the view that our responsibility as a society is to simply further scientific knowledge and enhance technological power and that the choice of what to do with this knowledge and power should be left in the hands of the individual," he said.

"By invoking fundamental ethical principles, I am not advocating a fusion of religious ethics and scientific inquiry. Rather, I am speaking of what I call 'secular ethics' that embrace the key ethical principles, such as compassion, tolerance, a sense of caring, consideration of others, and the responsible use of knowledge and power -- principles that transcend the barriers between religious believers and nonbelievers, and followers of this religion or that religion," he said.

Dalai Lama Gives Talk On Science
You, Light, are entitled to your testimony, but no man or woman will be held accountable for what you believe.

Yep, exactly right! We will all be held accountable for what we believe. What matters is if what you believe lines up with the Truth.

I believe G-d has lead you Jake, here for a purpose, and that is to plant the seed of truth in your heart. Satan keeps attempting to stamp out any growth of that seed through mockery and a defensive mind set, but some day (hopefully soon) you will acknowledge the price G-d's son Jesus paid for you. He is as close to you as your mouth and heart. All you have to do is accept him. :)
The Light, you are projecting your inner angst against Satan's doings in your heart. You suspect you are wrong but cannot stop that power that is forcing you down the bad road. I will pray for you that the evilness in your spirt departs from you. Throw yourself on the Christ, my friend, do it now!
"It is no longer adequate to adopt the view that our responsibility as a society is to simply further scientific knowledge and enhance technological power and that the choice of what to do with this knowledge and power should be left in the hands of the individual," he said.

"By invoking fundamental ethical principles, I am not advocating a fusion of religious ethics and scientific inquiry. Rather, I am speaking of what I call 'secular ethics' that embrace the key ethical principles, such as compassion, tolerance, a sense of caring, consideration of others, and the responsible use of knowledge and power -- principles that transcend the barriers between religious believers and nonbelievers, and followers of this religion or that religion," he said.

Dalai Lama Gives Talk On Science

In other words, we can't trust the dalai on observable phenomenon like science so why should we trust him on things we cannot readily observe?
Although he does say that his creation is clearly shown to us that we should have no excuse not to believe.

I disagree. Nothing has been clearly shown at all....

Just because they will be without excuse doesn't mean that those who don't want to see it won't make up excuses in the mean time.


no one can MAKE you see it.
Just because they will be without excuse doesn't mean that those who don't want to see it won't make up excuses in the mean time. no one can MAKE you see it.

An all-encompassing god could, if he or she really wanted to...why wouldn't he or she?

God is all these thing if you are worthy. You don't see him? is because you don't have "faith". Christians are lazy.. they don't mind brain fucking children..children like to please adults. but have to prove you have brainwashed your self by announcing you have "faith".
Just because they will be without excuse doesn't mean that those who don't want to see it won't make up excuses in the mean time. no one can MAKE you see it.

An all-encompassing god could, if he or she really wanted to...why wouldn't he or she?

God is all these thing if you are worthy. You don't see him? is because you don't have "faith". Christians are lazy.. they don't mind brain fucking children..children like to please adults. but have to prove you have brainwashed your self by announcing you have "faith".

You sound mentally ill.
An all-encompassing god could, if he or she really wanted to...why wouldn't he or she?

God is all these thing if you are worthy. You don't see him? is because you don't have "faith". Christians are lazy.. they don't mind brain fucking children..children like to please adults. but have to prove you have brainwashed your self by announcing you have "faith".

You sound mentally ill.

Don't get pissy with me cupcake...I'm not the one that convinced you to believe all that nonsense.
That's not pissy.
And you have the persuasive powers of a slug, so you're've never convinced me of anything. Except your own small nature, of course.

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