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"Creator" implies the agency of intent ... demonstrate this "Agency;" use valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, please.

Demonstrate the necessity of this "intelligence;" use valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, please.

If you can't see the necessity of the things metioned you are hopeless.
If you can't demonstrate with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is required for the things mentioned, your assertion of the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is meaningless.

This is untrue, and you know it. It is another example of your pathological projection. I have consistently said I would be convinced by a demonstration using verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.

You just can't make such demonstration, and you lack the intellectual integrity to admit that the reason is that this "Creator" of yours and you creation "theory" is entirely imaginary.

But in case you're ready to prove me wrong I'll remind you of this exchange you've been pretending never happened:
The entire fossil record, the verifiable relationship between genotype and phenotype, and the observed instances of contemporary speciation--such as those evidenced by ring species.

The current expansion of the entire observable universe.

The self-evident fact that life IS a natural process. The verifiable evidence of natural processes bringing about all manner of organization and complexity (snowflakes, ripples on ponds, organic compounds, etc.). The verifiable evidence that life is maintained and promoted through natural processes, and that life is impossible without natural processes.

What you have is another mans opinions of the evidence.
Nope. That would be religion; and even if I had religion, I am possessed of sufficient intellectual integrity to NOT promote it's baseless preconceptions as intellectually valid conclusions. I actually have enough courage in my convictions to test them against objective reality, using VALID logic; and I have sufficient humility in my convictions to accept and declare the uncertainties in them, as well as the errors in them when they are discovered.

And, unlike you, what I certainly am NOT asserting is my own superstition and Tooth-Fairy in place of my ignorance and/or uncertainty.

So, now that I have once again made an intellectually ingenuous response to your requests, why don't you reciprocate? Why don't you provide the kind of response, in both detail and intellectual validity that you require from my responses?
What verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you have for asserting the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours?
The verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of doing so; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

For a change of pace, why don't you prove me wrong?
And I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

I already have and it went right over your head.
Methinks you are trapped in this:
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3-4

Hail Loki, May you and yours have the greatest Christmas ever!
"Creator" implies the agency of intent ... demonstrate this "Agency;" use valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, please.

Demonstrate the necessity of this "intelligence;" use valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic, please.

If you can't see the necessity of the things metioned you are hopeless.
If you can't demonstrate with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is required for the things mentioned, your assertion of the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is meaningless.

This is untrue, and you know it. It is another example of your pathological projection. I have consistently said I would be convinced by a demonstration using verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.

You just can't make such demonstration, and you lack the intellectual integrity to admit that the reason is that this "Creator" of yours and you creation "theory" is entirely imaginary.

But in case you're ready to prove me wrong I'll remind you of this exchange you've been pretending never happened:
The entire fossil record, the verifiable relationship between genotype and phenotype, and the observed instances of contemporary speciation--such as those evidenced by ring species.

The current expansion of the entire observable universe.

The self-evident fact that life IS a natural process. The verifiable evidence of natural processes bringing about all manner of organization and complexity (snowflakes, ripples on ponds, organic compounds, etc.). The verifiable evidence that life is maintained and promoted through natural processes, and that life is impossible without natural processes.

What you have is another mans opinions of the evidence.
Nope. That would be religion; and even if I had religion, I am possessed of sufficient intellectual integrity to NOT promote it's baseless preconceptions as intellectually valid conclusions. I actually have enough courage in my convictions to test them against objective reality, using VALID logic; and I have sufficient humility in my convictions to accept and declare the uncertainties in them, as well as the errors in them when they are discovered.

And, unlike you, what I certainly am NOT asserting is my own superstition and Tooth-Fairy in place of my ignorance and/or uncertainty.

So, now that I have once again made an intellectually ingenuous response to your requests, why don't you reciprocate? Why don't you provide the kind of response, in both detail and intellectual validity that you require from my responses?
What verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you have for asserting the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours?
The verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of doing so; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

For a change of pace, why don't you prove me wrong?
And I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

Here we go one more time.

If we didn't have matter we wouldn't have anything. If we didn't have the universe we wouldn't have the sun and moon.Without the sun and moon we wouldn't have heat and energy and our ocean tides controlled. If we didn't have gravity we wouldn't have an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere we wouldn't have oxygen and carbon dioxide and protection from deadly radiation. Without the atmoshere we wouldn't have flight of any kind nor protection from objects in space moving towards the earth. We also would not have needed storms.

Without water we have no life.Without life everything is meaningless. So if you want to believe this all happened by random chance and mistakes you hold on to that view but to me that is just foolish and a stretch of the imagination.

What would happen if there was no sun or moon ?

What would happen if there was no atmosphere ?

What would happen if there was no gravity ?

What would happen if there was no water ?

What would happen if there was no oxygen ?

What would happen if there was organs ?

What would happen if there was sex organs ?

What would happen if there were no genders ?

What would happen if there was no brain most importantly to man ?

What would happen if there was no intelligence ?

So whether you believe in a designer or a natural process whatever is responsible for all these things shows that intent was needed.
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Oh please don't be rediculous. Maybe i did quote you and this other poster.

By the way i did quote you at post #2332

Where i pointed out what you believe in my signature and because you were laughing at sayings in the bible that has been confirmed by evidence.

Post #2334. You did not quote me and some other poster to whom you were responding, you quoted only me (and yourself).

Your signature is a silly oversimplification, but I'm sure you know that.

You didn't just say some things in the bible can be confirmed by science, you said the bible can be confirmed by science. That is obviously ridiculous. Walking on water, a serpent talking, water into wine, living inside a whale, etc. etc. etc....there are many things in the bible that cannot be confirmed by science and often go against the observed rules of the natural world. You believe they are possible through god, and that is fine; when you claim they are confirmed by science, you are lying.

If I pull some quotes from other holy books of things that can be confirmed by science, does that make those books confirmed by science?

Of course, many of the scripture quotes you bring up as being confirmed by science are nothing of the sort, as has been pointed out to you by many posters. At best, your interpretation of those quotes conforms with scientific knowledge. That interpretation is neither universally held nor, in many cases, clear to anyone who does not already agree with you. Some of the connections you make strain the bonds of credulity to breaking.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to try and shoehorn this book of faith into modern scientific knowledge.

Things from the bible can be confirmed through science and the evidence.

I posted a few things that men would not have known at the time of the writing of the scriptures but is known today.

[ame=""]How Youwerecreated rationalizes these fatuous claims of his.[/ame]
If you can't see the necessity of the things metioned you are hopeless.
If you can't demonstrate with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is required for the things mentioned, your assertion of the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is meaningless.

This is untrue, and you know it. It is another example of your pathological projection. I have consistently said I would be convinced by a demonstration using verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.

You just can't make such demonstration, and you lack the intellectual integrity to admit that the reason is that this "Creator" of yours and you creation "theory" is entirely imaginary.

But in case you're ready to prove me wrong I'll remind you of this exchange you've been pretending never happened:
The entire fossil record, the verifiable relationship between genotype and phenotype, and the observed instances of contemporary speciation--such as those evidenced by ring species.

The current expansion of the entire observable universe.

The self-evident fact that life IS a natural process. The verifiable evidence of natural processes bringing about all manner of organization and complexity (snowflakes, ripples on ponds, organic compounds, etc.). The verifiable evidence that life is maintained and promoted through natural processes, and that life is impossible without natural processes.

Nope. That would be religion; and even if I had religion, I am possessed of sufficient intellectual integrity to NOT promote it's baseless preconceptions as intellectually valid conclusions. I actually have enough courage in my convictions to test them against objective reality, using VALID logic; and I have sufficient humility in my convictions to accept and declare the uncertainties in them, as well as the errors in them when they are discovered.

And, unlike you, what I certainly am NOT asserting is my own superstition and Tooth-Fairy in place of my ignorance and/or uncertainty.

So, now that I have once again made an intellectually ingenuous response to your requests, why don't you reciprocate? Why don't you provide the kind of response, in both detail and intellectual validity that you require from my responses?
What verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you have for asserting the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours?
The verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of doing so; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

For a change of pace, why don't you prove me wrong?
And I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

I already have and it went right over your head.
If you did, you could repeat it, or just link to it.

Without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.
If you can't see the necessity of the things metioned you are hopeless.
If you can't demonstrate with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is required for the things mentioned, your assertion of the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is meaningless.

This is untrue, and you know it. It is another example of your pathological projection. I have consistently said I would be convinced by a demonstration using verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.

You just can't make such demonstration, and you lack the intellectual integrity to admit that the reason is that this "Creator" of yours and you creation "theory" is entirely imaginary.

But in case you're ready to prove me wrong I'll remind you of this exchange you've been pretending never happened:
The entire fossil record, the verifiable relationship between genotype and phenotype, and the observed instances of contemporary speciation--such as those evidenced by ring species.

The current expansion of the entire observable universe.

The self-evident fact that life IS a natural process. The verifiable evidence of natural processes bringing about all manner of organization and complexity (snowflakes, ripples on ponds, organic compounds, etc.). The verifiable evidence that life is maintained and promoted through natural processes, and that life is impossible without natural processes.

Nope. That would be religion; and even if I had religion, I am possessed of sufficient intellectual integrity to NOT promote it's baseless preconceptions as intellectually valid conclusions. I actually have enough courage in my convictions to test them against objective reality, using VALID logic; and I have sufficient humility in my convictions to accept and declare the uncertainties in them, as well as the errors in them when they are discovered.

And, unlike you, what I certainly am NOT asserting is my own superstition and Tooth-Fairy in place of my ignorance and/or uncertainty.

So, now that I have once again made an intellectually ingenuous response to your requests, why don't you reciprocate? Why don't you provide the kind of response, in both detail and intellectual validity that you require from my responses?
What verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you have for asserting the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours?
The verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of doing so; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

For a change of pace, why don't you prove me wrong?
And I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

Here we go one more time.

If we didn't have matter we wouldn't have anything. If we didn't have the universe we wouldn't have the sun and moon.Without the sun and moon we wouldn't have heat and energy and our ocean tides controlled. If we didn't have gravity we wouldn't have an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere we wouldn't have oxygen and carbon dioxide and protection from deadly radiation. Without the atmoshere we wouldn't have flight of any kind nor protection from objects in space moving towards the earth. We also would not have needed storms.

Without water we have no life.Without life everything is meaningless. So if you want to believe this all happened by random chance and mistakes you hold on to that view but to me that is just foolish and a stretch of the imagination.

What would happen if there was no sun or moon ?

What would happen if there was no atmosphere ?

What would happen if there was no gravity ?

What would happen if there was no water ?

What would happen if there was no oxygen ?

What would happen if there was organs ?

What would happen if there was sex organs ?

What would happen if there were no genders ?

What would happen if there was no brain most importantly to man ?

What would happen if there was no intelligence ?

So whether you believe in a designer or a natural process whatever is responsible for all these things shows that intent was needed.
I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.
Post #2334. You did not quote me and some other poster to whom you were responding, you quoted only me (and yourself).

Your signature is a silly oversimplification, but I'm sure you know that.

You didn't just say some things in the bible can be confirmed by science, you said the bible can be confirmed by science. That is obviously ridiculous. Walking on water, a serpent talking, water into wine, living inside a whale, etc. etc. etc....there are many things in the bible that cannot be confirmed by science and often go against the observed rules of the natural world. You believe they are possible through god, and that is fine; when you claim they are confirmed by science, you are lying.

If I pull some quotes from other holy books of things that can be confirmed by science, does that make those books confirmed by science?

Of course, many of the scripture quotes you bring up as being confirmed by science are nothing of the sort, as has been pointed out to you by many posters. At best, your interpretation of those quotes conforms with scientific knowledge. That interpretation is neither universally held nor, in many cases, clear to anyone who does not already agree with you. Some of the connections you make strain the bonds of credulity to breaking.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to try and shoehorn this book of faith into modern scientific knowledge.

Things from the bible can be confirmed through science and the evidence.

I posted a few things that men would not have known at the time of the writing of the scriptures but is known today.

[ame=""]How Youwerecreated rationalizes these fatuous claims of his.[/ame]

Call it anything you like but it does not explain away evidence that supports a designer.
If you can't demonstrate with verifiable evidence and/or valid logic the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is required for the things mentioned, your assertion of the necessity of this "intelligence" you claim is meaningless.

This is untrue, and you know it. It is another example of your pathological projection. I have consistently said I would be convinced by a demonstration using verifiable evidence and/or valid logic.

You just can't make such demonstration, and you lack the intellectual integrity to admit that the reason is that this "Creator" of yours and you creation "theory" is entirely imaginary.

But in case you're ready to prove me wrong I'll remind you of this exchange you've been pretending never happened:
And I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

Here we go one more time.

If we didn't have matter we wouldn't have anything. If we didn't have the universe we wouldn't have the sun and moon.Without the sun and moon we wouldn't have heat and energy and our ocean tides controlled. If we didn't have gravity we wouldn't have an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere we wouldn't have oxygen and carbon dioxide and protection from deadly radiation. Without the atmoshere we wouldn't have flight of any kind nor protection from objects in space moving towards the earth. We also would not have needed storms.

Without water we have no life.Without life everything is meaningless. So if you want to believe this all happened by random chance and mistakes you hold on to that view but to me that is just foolish and a stretch of the imagination.

What would happen if there was no sun or moon ?

What would happen if there was no atmosphere ?

What would happen if there was no gravity ?

What would happen if there was no water ?

What would happen if there was no oxygen ?

What would happen if there was organs ?

What would happen if there was sex organs ?

What would happen if there were no genders ?

What would happen if there was no brain most importantly to man ?

What would happen if there was no intelligence ?

So whether you believe in a designer or a natural process whatever is responsible for all these things shows that intent was needed.
I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

Intellectually honest and valid attempt at making my point has been made many times. It don't take someone special to grasp how strong my verifiable evidences are.

Now would you like to do the same and give verifiable evidences my evidences were merely coincedence through random chance ? That my evidences were not products of intent.
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Come on Loki i have to get ready for church and then some football.

Psa 14:1 (A psalm by David for the music leader.) Only a fool would say, "There is no God!" People like that are worthless; they are heartless and cruel and never do right.

Psa 53:1 To the Chief Musician on Mahalath. A contemplation. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They acted corruptly, and have worked out abominable wickedness; there is not one doing good.

Pro 14:16 A wise one fears and departs from evil, but the fool rages and is sure.

Isa 32:6 For the fool will speak folly, and his heart work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and to speak error against Jehovah, to make the soul of the hungry empty, and he will take away the drink of the thirsty.

Isa 32:7 Also the weapons of the fool are evil; he thinks of wicked ways to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks right.

Job 37:16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wonderful works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?

Psa 9:1 To the Chief Musician. To die for the Son. A Psalm of David. I will praise You, O Jehovah, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

Psa 28:5 Because they do not pay attention to the works of Jehovah and to the work of His hands, He shall destroy them and never build them up.

God don't think too highly of the ones who deny him and his works
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Things from the bible can be confirmed through science and the evidence.

I posted a few things that men would not have known at the time of the writing of the scriptures but is known today.

[ame=""]How Youwerecreated rationalizes these fatuous claims of his.[/ame]

Call it anything you like but it does not explain away evidence that supports a designer.
It explains WHY what you have presented only APPEARS to be evidence that supports a designer; the question-begging nature of your "evidence" THOROUGHLY invalidates its support for the assertion of this "Designer" of yours.
Got ANY verifiable evidence and/or valid logic backing up this thought?

Named many verifiable evidences.
Link to it, retard!

Enough of the foolishness,i edited the post before this post some scriptures that apply to you. I sure don't want to be in your shoes.

Oh by the way are you gonna demonstrate what was asked of you ? or is it you expect me to do as you ask only ?
Here we go one more time.

If we didn't have matter we wouldn't have anything. If we didn't have the universe we wouldn't have the sun and moon.Without the sun and moon we wouldn't have heat and energy and our ocean tides controlled. If we didn't have gravity we wouldn't have an atmosphere. Without an atmosphere we wouldn't have oxygen and carbon dioxide and protection from deadly radiation. Without the atmoshere we wouldn't have flight of any kind nor protection from objects in space moving towards the earth. We also would not have needed storms.

Without water we have no life.Without life everything is meaningless. So if you want to believe this all happened by random chance and mistakes you hold on to that view but to me that is just foolish and a stretch of the imagination.

What would happen if there was no sun or moon ?

What would happen if there was no atmosphere ?

What would happen if there was no gravity ?

What would happen if there was no water ?

What would happen if there was no oxygen ?

What would happen if there was organs ?

What would happen if there was sex organs ?

What would happen if there were no genders ?

What would happen if there was no brain most importantly to man ?

What would happen if there was no intelligence ?

So whether you believe in a designer or a natural process whatever is responsible for all these things shows that intent was needed.
I'll reiterate without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.

Intellectually honest and valid attempt at making my point has been made many times.
Not even once. Proven over and over.

It don't take someone special to grasp how strong my verifiable evidences are.
The UNAMBIGUOUS invalidity of your EVERY evidence you've presented has been THOROUGHLY demonstrated.

Now would you like to do the same and give verifiable evidences my evidences were merely coincedence through random chance ?
They're NOT evidences for your point. It has been demonstrated THOROUGHLY.

That my evidences were not products of intent.
I have no such obligation. I don't have to refute your point that is baseless in valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic; the burden of proof still rests upon you to bring valid verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to support your assertions.

Without fear you'll actually make an intellectually honest and valid attempt at making your point; the verifiable evidence of your paucity of intellectual integrity very strongly suggests that you are simply incapable of bringing verifiable evidence and/or valid logic to demonstrate the objective reality of this "Creator" or "Designer" or "God" of yours; I'll take it as certain that you just won't.
Come on Loki i have to get ready for church and then some football.

Psa 14:1 (A psalm by David for the music leader.) Only a fool would say, "There is no God!" People like that are worthless; they are heartless and cruel and never do right.

Psa 53:1 To the Chief Musician on Mahalath. A contemplation. A Psalm of David. The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They acted corruptly, and have worked out abominable wickedness; there is not one doing good.

Pro 14:16 A wise one fears and departs from evil, but the fool rages and is sure.

Isa 32:6 For the fool will speak folly, and his heart work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy and to speak error against Jehovah, to make the soul of the hungry empty, and he will take away the drink of the thirsty.

Isa 32:7 Also the weapons of the fool are evil; he thinks of wicked ways to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaks right.

Job 37:16 Do you know the balancing of the clouds, the wonderful works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?

Psa 9:1 To the Chief Musician. To die for the Son. A Psalm of David. I will praise You, O Jehovah, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.

Psa 28:5 Because they do not pay attention to the works of Jehovah and to the work of His hands, He shall destroy them and never build them up.

God don't think too highly of the ones who deny him and his works
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