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Can a non-intelligent natural process create intelligence ?

Yes, it is called Evolution by natural selection.

Why not, if there are right conditions for a long time?

Because they occupy different ecological niches. Apes and modern humans occupy different niches, so the both survived. But Neanderthals and Homo Erectus got extinct because they occupied the same niche as the modern humans.

The bible say's 10 times in genesis that kinds bring forth after their own kind, Do you agree with this statement ?

No. The offspring is similar to its parents, but not identical. So the small changes can accumulate over time until we have completely different species.

Oh no natural selection created intelligence :lol:

Of course it did...

How do you know the conditions of the earth if supposedly by theory shortly before life the earth was bombarded by meteors ?

Define "shortly"? The earth might have been lifeless for several billion years, long after the intense meteor bombardment stopped, oceans had formed and so there was plenty of time.

How bout all tranitional organisms ?

Did I just explained about the different ecological niches? Transitional organisms went extinct when they ended up in a niche occupied by more advanced species -- like Neanderthals went extinct because they ended up competing directly with the modern humans. The apes remained in a different niche, so they survived.

Be honest now,what we see is dogs producing dogs ,humans producing humans,birds producing birds,plants producing plants. So you deny empirical evidence ?

Did you notice that puppies are never an exact copy of their parents? The difference can accumulate, that is how humans create new breeds. The natural selection does the same -- create new breeds, then new species.
If there is no air you have no condensation.
if by air you mean atmosphere, all of the planets in our solar system have one. any gas or mixture of gases will condense under the right condition of pressure and temperature.
ever here of liquid oxygen, co2?

again it's an amazingly stupid statement :cuckoo:

Stupid ?

There is not one planet that can sustain life like earth in our solar system . Many of those atmospheres you speak of contain gases that would be lethal to humans and many other life forms.

Nothing like earth.

Atmosphere of the Planets

Your point being....?
if by air you mean atmosphere, all of the planets in our solar system have one. any gas or mixture of gases will condense under the right condition of pressure and temperature.
ever here of liquid oxygen, co2?

again it's an amazingly stupid statement :cuckoo:

Stupid ?

There is not one planet that can sustain life like earth in our solar system . Many of those atmospheres you speak of contain gases that would be lethal to humans and many other life forms.

Nothing like earth.

Atmosphere of the Planets

Your point being....?

his "point" is on the top of his head.
You sure like that term.
I sure do; particularly when it's so manifestly applicable.

Because your retarded tribe gives me the opportunity to do so "... over and over and over."

Verifiability in objective reality is no trick.

The actual "trick" you are referencing was invented by religion to disseminate superstitions as facts of reality.

So you are saying your un-intellectual honesty is better than my intellectual dishonesty?
No. I am saying my intellectual honesty is superior--both intellectually and morally--than your intellectual dishonesty.

BTW: Prediction validated.

Intellectual honesty,let's test your intellectual honesty you have been given many chances to be honest and you failed.
Nonsense. In terms you will clearly understand Youwerecreated, you have just borne false witness against me ... again.

Can a non-intelligent natural process create intelligence ?
Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that intelligence is the result of the interactions of non-intelligent natural processes.

Can life come from non-life through a natural process ?
Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that life is the result of the interactions of non-living natural processes.

How come no transitional organisms are alive today but what these transitional organisms supposedly evolved from are alive,why ?
"How come no transitional organisms are alive today ..." ? What? ... Why what?
Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you premise your incoherent question upon the assertion that, "... no transitional organisms are alive today"?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a parent species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a daughter species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that transitional species, daughter species, and/or parent species can exist at the same time?​

The bible say's 10 times in genesis that kinds bring forth after their own kind, Do you agree with this statement ?
The term "kind" is meaningless--this has been unimpeachably demonstrated--I can't agree or disagree with a meaningless assertion made (10 times) in your creation myth.
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I revealed Loki's intellectual dishonesty and ignorance with simple logic.
This is a bold assertion ... one you'd think would be substantiated with a link or something if it were valid.
PREDICTION: As there is no such post where "[Youwerecreated] revealed [my] intellectual dishonesty and ignorance with simple logic", he will not produce ANY substantiation for this claim what-so-ever. He will require us to go find it for ourselves.
Yes, it is called Evolution by natural selection.

Why not, if there are right conditions for a long time?

Because they occupy different ecological niches. Apes and modern humans occupy different niches, so the both survived. But Neanderthals and Homo Erectus got extinct because they occupied the same niche as the modern humans.

No. The offspring is similar to its parents, but not identical. So the small changes can accumulate over time until we have completely different species.

Oh no natural selection created intelligence :lol:

Of course it did...

Define "shortly"? The earth might have been lifeless for several billion years, long after the intense meteor bombardment stopped, oceans had formed and so there was plenty of time.

How bout all tranitional organisms ?

Did I just explained about the different ecological niches? Transitional organisms went extinct when they ended up in a niche occupiedby more advanced species -- like Neanderthals went extinct because they ended up competing directly with the modern humans. The apes remained in a different niche, so they survived.

Be honest now,what we see is dogs producing dogs ,humans producing humans,birds producing birds,plants producing plants. So you deny empirical evidence ?

Did you notice that puppies are never an exact copy of their parents? The difference can accumulate, that is how humans create new breeds. The natural selection does the same -- create new breeds, then new species.

So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
Not too sure I understand you. If something is completely proven scientifically (as many things are), then that is fact, not faith.

For example. Planes only fly because the air going over the top of the wing causes lift. That is a scientific fact. No drag, no lift, no flight. Pure simple scientific fact. Not faith...

You also could not have flight of a bird or plane if we did not have an atmosphere , is that not another coincedence ?

Nothing coincidental about it at all....all planets have some sort of atmosphere due to their location to the Sun...No, sun, no atmosphere I'd suggest

The difference in our atmoshere and others is,it is such an atmosphere that it aids in the survival of life on this planet.
Not too sure I understand you. If something is completely proven scientifically (as many things are), then that is fact, not faith.

For example. Planes only fly because the air going over the top of the wing causes lift. That is a scientific fact. No drag, no lift, no flight. Pure simple scientific fact. Not faith...

You also could not have flight of a bird or plane if we did not have an atmosphere , is that not another coincedence ?
wrong again , if the pull of gravity was slightly less we could fly ,after all flying is just a very long jump.

Your missing the point it was designed such a way that birds can fly like most were designed to do.

If the pull of gravity was slightly less,i'm sorry but were we discussing gravity or the atmosphere ?

If gravity had less pull but it does not it would have an effect on other things thank you for making an argument that supports design. Not to mention less gravity would affect the planes that planets travel on.
Yes, it is called Evolution by natural selection.

Why not, if there are right conditions for a long time?

Because they occupy different ecological niches. Apes and modern humans occupy different niches, so the both survived. But Neanderthals and Homo Erectus got extinct because they occupied the same niche as the modern humans.

No. The offspring is similar to its parents, but not identical. So the small changes can accumulate over time until we have completely different species.

Oh no natural selection created intelligence :lol:

Of course it did...

Define "shortly"? The earth might have been lifeless for several billion years, long after the intense meteor bombardment stopped, oceans had formed and so there was plenty of time.

How bout all tranitional organisms ?

Did I just explained about the different ecological niches? Transitional organisms went extinct when they ended up in a niche occupied by more advanced species -- like Neanderthals went extinct because they ended up competing directly with the modern humans. The apes remained in a different niche, so they survived.

Be honest now,what we see is dogs producing dogs ,humans producing humans,birds producing birds,plants producing plants. So you deny empirical evidence ?

Did you notice that puppies are never an exact copy of their parents? The difference can accumulate, that is how humans create new breeds. The natural selection does the same -- create new breeds, then new species.

When this meteor event supposedly took place it would have affected the in such a way life would have not had time to evolve like evolutionist claim.
if by air you mean atmosphere, all of the planets in our solar system have one. any gas or mixture of gases will condense under the right condition of pressure and temperature.
ever here of liquid oxygen, co2?

again it's an amazingly stupid statement :cuckoo:

Stupid ?

There is not one planet that can sustain life like earth in our solar system . Many of those atmospheres you speak of contain gases that would be lethal to humans and many other life forms.

Nothing like earth.

Atmosphere of the Planets

Your point being....?

You can't see the importance of our atmosphere compared to others ?
So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.
No. This is not what was said, you intellectually dishonest retard.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
What Creator? You keep mentioning this "Creator," but you fail to bring any valid verifiable evidence or valid logic to advance the assertion of this "Creator" of yours.

Every "evidence" and every argument you present ONLY asserts that this "Creator" of yours is as objectively and verifiably real as beings that are well understood to be imaginary, ... like the Tooth Fairy. Why is that?
I sure do; particularly when it's so manifestly applicable.

Because your retarded tribe gives me the opportunity to do so "... over and over and over."

Verifiability in objective reality is no trick.

The actual "trick" you are referencing was invented by religion to disseminate superstitions as facts of reality.

No. I am saying my intellectual honesty is superior--both intellectually and morally--than your intellectual dishonesty.

BTW: Prediction validated.

Intellectual honesty,let's test your intellectual honesty you have been given many chances to be honest and you failed.
Nonsense. In terms you will clearly understand Youwerecreated, you have just borne false witness against me ... again.

Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that intelligence is the result of the interactions of non-intelligent natural processes.

Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that life is the result of the interactions of non-living natural processes.

How come no transitional organisms are alive today but what these transitional organisms supposedly evolved from are alive,why ?
"How come no transitional organisms are alive today ..." ? What? ... Why what?
Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you premise your incoherent question upon the assertion that, "... no transitional organisms are alive today"?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a parent species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a daughter species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that transitional species, daughter species, and/or parent species can exist at the same time?​

The bible say's 10 times in genesis that kinds bring forth after their own kind, Do you agree with this statement ?
The term "kind" is meaningless--this has been unimpeachably demonstrated--I can't agree or disagree with a meaningless assertion made (10 times) in your creation myth.

No we were spot on concerning your intellectual dishonesty. A simple yes to one of the answers would have shown you were an honest person. You are an Ideologue.
So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.
No. This is not what was said, you intellectually dishonest retard.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
What Creator? You keep mentioning this "Creator," but you fail to bring any valid verifiable evidence or valid logic to advance the assertion of this "Creator" of yours.

Every "evidence" and every argument you present ONLY asserts that this "Creator" of yours is as objectively and verifiably real as beings that are well understood to be imaginary, ... like the Tooth Fairy. Why is that?

Moron,the origional question was why are all the transitional organisms no longer in existence since the ones they supposedly evolved from are. Be careful about insulting someone that has a clue.
So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.
No. This is not what was said, you intellectually dishonest retard.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
What Creator? You keep mentioning this "Creator," but you fail to bring any valid verifiable evidence or valid logic to advance the assertion of this "Creator" of yours.

Every "evidence" and every argument you present ONLY asserts that this "Creator" of yours is as objectively and verifiably real as beings that are well understood to be imaginary, ... like the Tooth Fairy. Why is that?

I will not respond to a dishonest moron until said moron shows an ounce of honesty.
This was easy enough to accomplish:
Yes, evolution is based on faith and the flowery ability to make up stories that "sound" scientific. It is extrapolation gone wild.
Nope. This is just superstition claiming science is no more valid than itself.

Nope. This is just superstition again claiming science is no more valid than itself.


I mean out of the billions of random mutations, NS whittled them down to the traits we see now, right. Evolutionists are fond of pointing to negative mutations which occur at a single locus, but let's hear some examples of "positive" modern day mutations that occur at a single loki, I mean locus, in multi-cell species. There should be thousands of them... I'm waiting...
Youwerecreated asked, and was rewarded numerous times already. If you really think he wasn't, just ask for a link ... whereas you asshats can't be bothered, you'll discover that I can come through.
PREDICTION: The superstitious intellectually dishonest creationist retards--who are so rabidly certain they can stump me or any sensible person with their disingenuous challenges, are so much more interested in claiming that I didn't meet their dumb challenge than seeing links that describe "examples of "positive" modern day mutations"--won't ask for links, but instead claim I haven't met their dumbass challenge.


I revealed Loki's intellectual dishonesty and ignorance with simple logic.
This is a bold assertion ... one you'd think would be substantiated with a link or something if it were valid.
PREDICTION: As there is no such post where "[Youwerecreated] revealed [my] intellectual dishonesty and ignorance with simple logic", he will not produce ANY substantiation for this claim what-so-ever. He will require us to go find it for ourselves.
Which brings us to these two submissions:
Intellectual honesty,let's test your intellectual honesty you have been given many chances to be honest and you failed.
Nonsense. In terms you will clearly understand Youwerecreated, you have just borne false witness against me ... again.

Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that intelligence is the result of the interactions of non-intelligent natural processes.

Valid logic applied the verifiable evidence supports the conclusion that life is the result of the interactions of non-living natural processes.

"How come no transitional organisms are alive today ..." ? What? ... Why what?
Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you premise your incoherent question upon the assertion that, "... no transitional organisms are alive today"?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a parent species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that a transitional species can be a daughter species?

Upon what verifiable evidence and/or valid logic do you presume that it is impossible that transitional species, daughter species, and/or parent species can exist at the same time?​

The bible say's 10 times in genesis that kinds bring forth after their own kind, Do you agree with this statement ?
The term "kind" is meaningless--this has been unimpeachably demonstrated--I can't agree or disagree with a meaningless assertion made (10 times) in your creation myth.

No we were spot on concerning your intellectual dishonesty. A simple yes to one of the answers would have shown you were an honest person. You are an Ideologue.

So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.
No. This is not what was said, you intellectually dishonest retard.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
What Creator? You keep mentioning this "Creator," but you fail to bring any valid verifiable evidence or valid logic to advance the assertion of this "Creator" of yours.

Every "evidence" and every argument you present ONLY asserts that this "Creator" of yours is as objectively and verifiably real as beings that are well understood to be imaginary, ... like the Tooth Fairy. Why is that?

I will not respond to a dishonest moron until said moron shows an ounce of honesty.
Which can be accurately translated as:

Youwerecreated said:
Youwerecreated takes yet ANOTHER
Loki needs a reality check.
Oh, I've already cashed my reality check; the reality is right up there in bold red font, Pumpkin.

It looks like your reality check is drawn (as usual) from an account with insufficient funds.

So what you are saying is all transitional organisms happen tro live in enviornments they could not survive in,this is an absurd explanation.
No. This is not what was said, you intellectually dishonest retard.

Nothging is an exact match the creator likes diversity .
What Creator? You keep mentioning this "Creator," but you fail to bring any valid verifiable evidence or valid logic to advance the assertion of this "Creator" of yours.

Every "evidence" and every argument you present ONLY asserts that this "Creator" of yours is as objectively and verifiably real as beings that are well understood to be imaginary, ... like the Tooth Fairy. Why is that?

Moron,the origional question was why are all the transitional organisms no longer in existence since the ones they supposedly evolved from are. Be careful about insulting someone that has a clue.

Would these be living transitional organisms YWC? :
Living Transitional Species, page 1
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